有关 Fabonacci 和 Fabonacci质数 数列的的一个问题


Fibonacci数列中,一个Fibonacci数如果与它之前的Fibonacci数均互质,则称为Fibonacci质数。第0个 Fibonacci质数为2,第1个为3,第2个为5。。。(Fibonacci数列为1, 1, 2, 3, 5, ...)。输入一个数K,则第K个Fibonacci质数所对应的序数是多少?(自0开始)




发信人: wfzyl2007 (520YD工作室||北半球的企鹅), 信区: ACM_ICPC
发信站: 北邮人论坛 (Sat Jun 27 17:01:42 2009), 站内







见bool isPrime_forFibonacciArray(int index )函数


还有一个可以减少比较次数的方法,就是用已经得出的Fibonacci质数数列,进行比较计算,但是这个貌似还需要求证与证明,但根据得出的几组测试用来来看,目前尚未找出反例,当然数据不能超过数据类型的范围。有待证明吧。bool isPrime_forFibonacciArray(int index, int indexPrime ) 方法



/* * main.cpp * * Created on: 2009-6-28 * Author: NeeSky */ #define MAXSIZE 100 #include <iostream> using namespace std; long long FabonacciPrimeIndex[MAXSIZE]; //Global Variables for store the index of Fabonacci Prime Number long long FabonacciNumber[MAXSIZE]; //For storing the global Fabonacci Number int upboundaryIndexNumer; int upboundaryIndexPrime; /*** *Normal Method * @param index * @return */ bool isPrime_forFibonacciArray(int index ) { long long num = FabonacciNumber[index]; for (int i = 0; i < index - 1; ++i) //index-1 is better { if (num % FabonacciNumber[i] == 0 && FabonacciNumber[i] != 1) return false; } return true; } /*** * Not be proved,right now! Right? Effecience is better * @param index * @param indexPrime * @return */ bool isPrime_forFibonacciArray(int index, int indexPrime ) { long long num = FabonacciNumber[index]; for (int i = 0; i < indexPrime; ++i) { if (num % FabonacciNumber[FabonacciPrimeIndex[i]] == 0 && FabonacciNumber[FabonacciPrimeIndex[i]] != 1) return false; } return true; } /*** * Just show Array */ void show_FabonacciAndPrimeFabonacci() { cout<<"Fabonacci :"<<endl; for (int i = 0; i <= upboundaryIndexNumer; ++i) { cout << FabonacciNumber[i] << " "; if(i%10==0&&i!=0)cout<<endl; } cout << endl; cout<<"Prime Fabonacci :"<<endl; for (int i = 0; i <= upboundaryIndexPrime; ++i) { cout << FabonacciNumber[FabonacciPrimeIndex[i]] << " "; if(i%10==0&&i!=0)cout<<endl; } cout << endl; return; } /*** * Fill the FabonacciNumber and FabonacciPrimeIndex * @param k */ int FindFabonacciPrimeIndex(int indexPrime) { FabonacciNumber[0] = FabonacciNumber[1] = 1;int i = 2;int j = 0; while (true) { upboundaryIndexNumer = i; upboundaryIndexPrime = j; FabonacciNumber[i] = FabonacciNumber[i - 1] + FabonacciNumber[i - 2]; if (isPrime_forFibonacciArray(i/*, j*/)) //Use PrimeFabonacci judge? { FabonacciPrimeIndex[j] = i; if (j == indexPrime) { indexPrime = i;show_FabonacciAndPrimeFabonacci(); return i; } ++j; } ++i; } } /*** * Just for Show * @param indexPrime */ void FindIndexOfFabonicci_withFabonicciPrimeIndex(int indexPrime) { cout<<"PrimeFabonacci["<<indexPrime<<"] is Fabonacci["<<FindFabonacciPrimeIndex(indexPrime)<<"]"<<endl<<endl; return; } /*** * THE MAIN PROGRAMMING * @return */ int main() { FindIndexOfFabonicci_withFabonicciPrimeIndex(10); return 0; }




Fabonacci :
1 1 2 3 5 8 13 21 34 55 89
144 233 377 610 987 1597 2584 4181 6765 10946
17711 28657 46368 75025 121393 196418 317811 514229 832040 1346269

Prime Fabonacci :
2 3 5 13 89 233 1597 4181 28657 514229 1346269

PrimeFabonacci[10]  is Fabonacci[30]




