传送门 ☞ 轮子的专栏 ☞ 转载请注明 ☞ http://blog.csdn.net/leverage_1229
public class YourActivity extends PLView在onCreate()方法中加载全景图像
@Override public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) { super.onCreate(savedInstanceState); PLSphericalPanorama panorama = new PLSphericalPanorama(); panorama.setImage(this.getCurrentGL(), PLImage.imageWithBitmap(PLUtils.getBitmap(this, R.raw.pano_sphere))); this.setPanorama(panorama); }注意:如果有必要的话,你也可以从其他方法中加载全景图像或事件。
this.load(new PLJSONLoader(this, "res://raw/json_spherical"));注意:在我的应用程序的“res/raw”文件夹中有一个名为“json_spherical.data”的文件,可以使用这段代码加载。或
this.load(new PLJSONLoader(this, "file:///sdcard/files/json_spherical.data"));注意:在Android设备的“/sdcard/files”文件夹中有一个名为“json_spherical.data”的文件,可以使用这段代码加载。
{ "urlBase": "file:///sdcard/files", //URL base where the files are //The options are res:// for application resources and file:// for file system (this feature will be improved to support the http protocol) "type": "spherical", //Panorama type: [spherical, spherical2, cubic, cylindrical] "sensorialRotation": false, //Automatic rotation using sensors [true, false] <Optional> "scrolling": //Scrolling section <Optional> { "enabled": false //Enable scrolling feature [true, false] <Optional> }, "inertia": //Inertia section <Optional> { "enabled": false, //Enable inertia feature [true, false] <Optional> "interval": 3 //Inertia's interval in seconds <Optional> }, "accelerometer": //Accelerometer section <Optional> { "enabled": false, //Enable the accelerometer feature [true, false] <Optional> "interval": 0.033, //Update interval of accelerometer (this value must be calculated as 1/frequency) <Optional> "sensitivity": 10.0, //Sensitivity of the accelerometer <Optional> "leftRightEnabled": true, //Enable the direction of movement with the accelerometer (left/right) <Optional> "upDownEnabled": false //Enable the direction of movement with the accelerometer (up/down) <Optional> }, "images": //Panoramic images section //A property can be a name e.g. preview.jpg, preview or URL e.g. file:///sdcard/files/preview.jpg, res://raw/preview //if a property only have a name, the real path will be the urlBase + image name { "preview": "preview.jpg", //Preview image name or URL (this option will be used with http protocol) <Optional> "image": "pano.jpg" //Panoramic image name or URL for spherical, spherical2 and cylindrical panoramas "front": "front.jpg", //Front image name or URL for cubic panorama (only use with cubic panorama) "back": "back.jpg", //Back image name or URL for cubic panorama (only use with cubic panorama) "left": "left.jpg", //Left image name or URL for cubic panorama (only use with cubic panorama) "right": "right.jpg", //Right image name or URL for cubic panorama (only use with cubic panorama) "up": "up.jpg", //Up image name or URL for cubic panorama (only use with cubic panorama) "down": "down.jpg" //Down image name or URL for cubic panorama (only use with cubic panorama) }, "camera": //Camera settings section <Optional> { "vlookat": 0, //Initial vertical position [-90, 90] "hlookat": 0, //Initial horizontal position [-180, 180] "atvmin": -90, //Min vertical position [-90, 90] "atvmax": 90, //Max vertical position [-90, 90] "athmin": -180, //Min horizontal position [-180, 180] "athmax": 180 //Max horizontal position [-180, 180] }, "hotspots": [ //Hotspots section (this section is an array of hotspots) <Optional> { "id": 1, //Hotspot identifier (long) "atv": 0, //Vertical position [-90, 90] "ath": 0, //Horizontal position [-180, 180] "width": 0.08, //Width "height": 0.08, //Height "image": "hotspot.png" //Image name or URL } ] }