
^ How do I join an existing project? ? | doc feedback | support
To locate an existing project which would be of interest to you, consider making use of the search feature of the SourceForge.net site, the
要参加一个你感兴趣的已经存在的项目,先考虑适用sourceforge.net站点的搜索功能,Software Map,和项目帮助需求页面(正在寻找帮手的项目可能会在这里贴"help wanted"消息,使用在SourceForge.net站点左边的导航条"Project Help Wanted"访问)。一旦你决定想要加入的项目:
Software Map, and the Project Help Wanted page (where projects who are looking for help may post "help wanted" messages; accessible using the 'Project Help Wanted' link in the left navbar of the SourceForge.net site). Once you have determined which project you wish to join:
Go to the project page for the project in question and examine the information they provide there, particularly:
Mailing Lists          邮件列表
Discussion Forums      论坛
Project Home Page      项目主页

Project Help Wanted (Job postings), which will be shown in bold on the project summary page if present
One of the above may list information useful for joining the project.
If the project has not provided specific information about joining their team, please contact the project administrator(s) for the project (shown in the upper right-hand corner of the Project Summary page) directly and volunteer your services. 
