1) 将filter2D函数的ddepth参数值改为CV_64, 因为输入图像的类型是CV_8U, 而gabor kernel的类型是CV_64, 如果ddepth为默认值-1,计算的结果会有误差(为什么?)。
2) 修改了garbor kernel的参数,包括kernel_size 和 v的范围,都是为了适应不同图像的大小。v 越小,Gabor函数的宽度越小,越能刻画细节信息,适应于较小的图像。按照Mian Zhou的学位论文里的推荐,v的范围选择为-1到3,而kernel_size的确定公式为:
,对应v的kernel_size大小分别为19x19, 25x25, 35x35, 49x49, 69x69.
我将所有kenel_size统一选为69x69。构建出的gabor bank如下图:
#include <opencv2/core/core.hpp> #include <opencv2/imgproc/imgproc.hpp> #include <opencv2/highgui/highgui.hpp> #include <cmath> #include <iostream> using namespace cv; using namespace std; const double PI = 3.14159265; // ref: http://blog.csdn.net/watkinsong/article/details/7876361 Mat getMyGabor(int width, int height, int U, int V, double Kmax, double f, double sigma, int ktype, const string kernel_name) { //CV_ASSERT(width % 2 == 0 && height % 2 == 0); //CV_ASSERT(ktype == CV_32F || ktype == CV_64F); int half_width = width / 2; int half_height = height / 2; double Qu = PI*U/8; double sqsigma = sigma*sigma; double Kv = Kmax/pow(f,V); double postmean = exp(-sqsigma/2); Mat kernel_re(width, height, ktype); Mat kernel_im(width, height, ktype); Mat kernel_mag(width, height, ktype); double tmp1, tmp2, tmp3; for(int j = -half_height; j <= half_height; j++){ for(int i = -half_width; i <= half_width; i++){ tmp1 = exp(-(Kv*Kv*(j*j+i*i))/(2*sqsigma)); tmp2 = cos(Kv*cos(Qu)*i + Kv*sin(Qu)*j) - postmean; tmp3 = sin(Kv*cos(Qu)*i + Kv*sin(Qu)*j); if(ktype == CV_32F) kernel_re.at<float>(j+half_height, i+half_width) = (float)(Kv*Kv*tmp1*tmp2/sqsigma); else kernel_re.at<double>(j+half_height, i+half_width) = (double)(Kv*Kv*tmp1*tmp2/sqsigma); if(ktype == CV_32F) kernel_im.at<float>(j+half_height, i+half_width) = (float)(Kv*Kv*tmp1*tmp3/sqsigma); else kernel_im.at<double>(j+half_height, i+half_width) = (double)(Kv*Kv*tmp1*tmp3/sqsigma); } } magnitude(kernel_re, kernel_im, kernel_mag); if(kernel_name.compare("real") == 0) return kernel_re; else if(kernel_name.compare("imag") == 0) return kernel_im; else{ printf("Invalid kernel name!\n"); return kernel_mag; } } void construct_gabor_bank() { const int kernel_size = 69; double Kmax = PI/2; double f = sqrt(2.0); double sigma = 2*PI; int U = 0; int V = 0; int GaborH = kernel_size; int GaborW = kernel_size; int UStart = 0, UEnd = 8; int VStart = -1, VEnd = 4; Mat kernel; Mat totalMat; for(U = UStart; U < UEnd; U++){ Mat colMat; for(V = VStart; V < VEnd; V++){ kernel = getMyGabor(GaborW, GaborH, U, V, Kmax, f, sigma, CV_64F, "real"); //show gabor kernel normalize(kernel, kernel, 0, 1, CV_MINMAX); printf("U%dV%d\n", U, V); if(V == VStart) colMat = kernel; else vconcat(colMat, kernel, colMat); } if(U == UStart) totalMat = colMat; else hconcat(totalMat, colMat, totalMat); } imshow("gabor bank", totalMat); //normalize(totalMat, totalMat, 0, 255, CV_MINMAX); //totalMat.convertTo(totalMat, CV_8U); //imwrite("gabor_bank.jpg",totalMat); waitKey(0); } Mat gabor_filter(Mat& img, int type) { // Ref: Mian Zhou. Thesis. Gabor-Boosting Face Recognition. // https://code.google.com/p/gaborboosting/ const int kernel_size = 69; // should be odd // variables for gabor filter double Kmax = PI/2; double f = sqrt(2.0); double sigma = 2*PI; int U = 7; int V = 4; int GaborH = kernel_size; int GaborW = kernel_size; int UStart = 0, UEnd = 8; int VStart = -1, VEnd = 4; // Mat kernel_re, kernel_im; Mat dst_re, dst_im, dst_mag; // variables for filter2D Point archor(-1,-1); int ddepth = CV_64F;//CV_64F double delta = 0; // filter image with gabor bank Mat totalMat, totalMat_re, totalMat_im; for(U = UStart; U < UEnd; U++){ Mat colMat, colMat_re, colMat_im; for(V = VStart; V < VEnd; V++){ kernel_re = getMyGabor(GaborW, GaborH, U, V, Kmax, f, sigma, CV_64F, "real"); kernel_im = getMyGabor(GaborW, GaborH, U, V, Kmax, f, sigma, CV_64F, "imag"); // normalize kernel ???? //normalize(kernel_re, kernel_re, 0, 255, CV_MINMAX); //normalize(kernel_im, kernel_im, 0, 255, CV_MINMAX); // flip kernel // Gabor kernel is symmetric, so do not need flip //flip(kernel_re, kernel_re, -1); //flip(kernel_im, kernel_im, -1); filter2D(img, dst_re, ddepth, kernel_re); filter2D(img, dst_im, ddepth, kernel_im); dst_mag.create(img.rows, img.cols, CV_64FC1); magnitude(Mat_<float>(dst_re),Mat_<float>(dst_im), dst_mag); //show gabor kernel normalize(dst_mag, dst_mag, 0, 1, CV_MINMAX); normalize(dst_re, dst_re, 0, 1, CV_MINMAX); normalize(dst_im, dst_im, 0, 1, CV_MINMAX); if(V == VStart){ colMat = dst_mag; colMat_re = dst_re; colMat_im = dst_im; } else{ vconcat(colMat, dst_mag, colMat); vconcat(colMat_re, dst_re, colMat_re); vconcat(colMat_im, dst_im, colMat_im); } } if(U == UStart){ totalMat = colMat; totalMat_re = colMat_re; totalMat_im = colMat_im; } else{ hconcat(totalMat, colMat, totalMat); hconcat(totalMat_re, colMat_re, totalMat_re); hconcat(totalMat_im, colMat_im, totalMat_im); } } // return switch(type){ case 0: return totalMat; case 1: return totalMat_re; case 2: return totalMat_im; default: return totalMat; } } int main( int argc, char** argv ) { //construct_gabor_bank(); //return 0; if(3 != argc){ printf("Usage: %s <image_path> <type>", argv[0]); exit(1); } string image_name(argv[1]); int type = atoi(argv[2]); Mat image; image = imread(image_name, 0); // Read the file if(! image.data ) // Check for invalid input { cout << "Could not open or find the image" << std::endl ; return -1; } Mat filterd_image = gabor_filter(image, type); imshow("origin image", image); imshow("filtered image", filterd_image); //normalize(filterd_image, filterd_image, 0, 255, CV_MINMAX); //filterd_image.convertTo(filterd_image, CV_8U); //imwrite("filterd_image.jpg",filterd_image); waitKey(0); return 0; }
可以与上一篇OpenCV实现Gabor滤波 的结果做对比
参考:Mian Zhou. Thesis. Gabor-Boosting Face Recognition. 从https://code.google.com/p/gaborboosting/source/checkout 可以下载到论文及代码。CSDN上大部分Gabor滤波代码都出自这位仁兄。