2012-04-26 16:08 Director installer fails with error "Unable to run run-cds-tool script“



After installing JDK 6 and WebLogic Server 10.3.1, I started the GG Director v2.0 server installation. The installation started off but did not complete successfully. The error I get is -"Unable to run run-cds-tool script" .


The error "Unable to run run-cds-tool script file" can be caused by a couple of different reasons.  When you get to this point, before you click OK, check the cds-tool-error.log which should be in the <weblogic install>\wlserver_10.3\server\bin directory. If you click OK, this file will be dropped and you won't be able to see what the root cause of the problem is.


You don't need to create a Weblogic domain prior to running the Director install. The Director installer expects the default Weblogic admin password to be available and it will display this error if it is not available. If the Weblogic admin password has been changed from the default, change it back to the default or uninstalling Weblogic and reinstalling without any configuration of Weblogic. The Director installer will create the domain it needs.

The error can also be caused when the installer cannot access the database to install the Director database repository. Make sure that the database connection credentials supplied in the install are correct and that the database is up and available for logon.





SQL> create user gg_director identified by password123 default tablespace users;

SQL> grant resource,connect,create view to gg_director;
