Windows 7 adb 驱动安装方法:

[Tutorial] Adb Driver Android 1.0 Install
I thought i'd do this for all those (like me) who had issues installing the Adb driver on their system, causing them to have issues using the UnrEVOked progam to root their phones.  These steps worked for me, if they are not strictly correct ill edit this post when someone corrects me, but, like I said, they worked for me after 2 weeks of trying!

Once you have booted into your HBOOT screen your system will try to install the Android 1.0 driver [Image 1] . This is the Adb Driver. If, like me, you have followed all the instructions elsewhere, downloading the SDK and installing that driver does not always work.

Right click on the Android 1.0 and go to  Properties then  Details

In the Drop Down list select  Hardware Ids [Image 2]

you will see something along the lines of:
Download the file attached below

Unzip and open the file called  android_winusb.inf 

You are looking for any lines that say
; HTC Desire
The file is split into sections for various drivers.

The sections you need are: 

; HTC Dream
%SingleAdbInterface% = USB_Install, USB\VID_0BB4&PID_0C01
%CompositeAdbInterface% = USB_Install, USB\VID_0BB4&PID_0C02&MI_01
%SingleBootLoaderInterface% = USB_Install, USB\VID_0BB4&PID_0FFF
; HTC Magic
%CompositeAdbInterface% = USB_Install, USB\VID_0BB4&PID_0C03&MI_01
; HTC Desire
%CompositeAdbInterface% = USB_Install, USB\VID_0bb4&Pid_0c94

;Moto Sholes
%SingleAdbInterface% = USB_Install, USB\VID_22B8&PID_41DB
%CompositeAdbInterface% = USB_Install, USB\VID_22B8&PID_41DB&MI_01
;Google NexusOne
%SingleAdbInterface% = USB_Install, USB\VID_18D1&PID_0D02
%CompositeAdbInterface% = USB_Install, USB\VID_18D1&PID_0D02&MI_01
%SingleAdbInterface% = USB_Install, USB\VID_18D1&PID_4E11
%CompositeAdbInterface% = USB_Install, USB\VID_18D1&PID_4E12&MI_01

; HTC Dream
%SingleAdbInterface% = USB_Install, USB\VID_0BB4&PID_0C01
%CompositeAdbInterface% = USB_Install, USB\VID_0BB4&PID_0C02&MI_01
%SingleBootLoaderInterface% = USB_Install, USB\VID_0BB4&PID_0FFF
; HTC Magic
%CompositeAdbInterface% = USB_Install, USB\VID_0BB4&PID_0C03&MI_01
; HTC Desire
%CompositeAdbInterface% = USB_Install, USB\VID_0bb4&Pid_0c94

;Moto Sholes
%SingleAdbInterface% = USB_Install, USB\VID_22B8&PID_41DB
%CompositeAdbInterface% = USB_Install, USB\VID_22B8&PID_41DB&MI_01
;Google NexusOne
%SingleAdbInterface% = USB_Install, USB\VID_18D1&PID_0D02
%CompositeAdbInterface% = USB_Install, USB\VID_18D1&PID_0D02&MI_01
%SingleAdbInterface% = USB_Install, USB\VID_18D1&PID_4E11
%CompositeAdbInterface% = USB_Install, USB\VID_18D1&PID_4E12&MI_01
Change the lines 

; HTC Desire
%CompositeAdbInterface% = USB_Install, USB\VID_0bb4&Pid_0c94

so that the  USB\VID_0bb4&Pid_0c94 part of the line matches the Hardware Ids part that we saw in [ Image 2 ]

Now.. I put this at the end of the file just for completeness. I'm not 100% sure if it is needed or not. 

; HTC Desire
%SingleAdbInterface% = USB_Install, USB\VID_0bb4&Pid_0c94&Rev_0100
%CompositeAdbInterface% = USB_Install, USB\VID_0bb4&Pid_0c94
%SingleBootLoaderInterface% = USB_Install, USB\VID_0BB4&Pid_0c94
Once you have done this you can now install the working driver.

Right Click again on the Android 1.0 Driver and click  Update Driver...
Browse to the directory that you unzipped the drivers too, which also contains your edited .inf file. Device manager should now recognize your driver file and install it.

The  Android 1.0 should now change to be  Android Composite ADB Interface

If you see this...then it worked!   [ Image 4 ]

The Attached zip file is my Edited file that works for me. so please change to suit your Hardware Ids.

Any questions let me know. I'll help where I can
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ATTACHED FILES - [Click for QR Code] (6.09 MB, 125584 views)