常用的排版伪代码包有clrscode, algorithm, algorithmic, algorithmicx, algorithm2e
clrscode 是著名的算法教材 Introduction to Algorithms, 2nd ed. 的作者排版该书时自己制定的。由于我非常喜欢其排版,及写伪代码的风格是跟着这本书学的,所以摒弃了常用的算法排版宏包,而用这个。c l r s 分别是该书四个作者的姓的第一个字母,因此人们常以 clrs 指称该书。该包支持显示行号,加入注释,能够每行 label 及引用。
以下是 Insertion-Sort 算法的 code
1 \begin{codebox} 2 \Procname{$\proc{Insertion-Sort(A)}$} 3 \li \For $j \gets 2$ \To $\id{length}[A]$ \label{li:for} 4 \li \Do $\id{key} \gets A[j]$ \label{li:for-begin} 5 \li \Comment Insert $A[j]$ into the sorted sequence $A[1 \twodots j-1]$. 6 \li $i \gets j-1$ 7 \li \While $i>0$ and $A[i]>\id{key}$ \label{li:while} 8 \li \Do $A[i+1] \gets A[i]$ \label{li:while-begin} 9 \li $i \gets i-1$ \label{li:while-end} 10 \End 11 \li $A[i+1] \gets \id{key}$ \label{li:for-end} 12 \End 13 \end{codebox}
1 \begin{algorithmic} 2 \REQUIRE $n \geq 0$ 3 \ENSURE $y = x^n$ 4 \STATE $y \Leftarrow 1$ 5 \STATE $X \Leftarrow x$ 6 \STATE $N \Leftarrow n$ 7 \WHILE{$N \neq 0$} 8 \IF{$N$ is even} 9 \STATE $X \Leftarrow X \times X$ 10 \STATE $N \Leftarrow N / 2$ 11 \ELSE[$N$ is odd] 12 \STATE $y \Leftarrow y \times X$ 13 \STATE $N \Leftarrow N - 1$ 14 \ENDIF 15 \ENDWHILE 16 \end{algorithmic}
[转] http://blog.sina.com.cn/s/blog_6a4b2dea0100m7gf.html
1 \ usepackage { algorithm } 2 \ usepackage { algorithmic } 3 4 5 6 \begin { algorithm } 7 \ caption { Calculate$y = x^n$ } 8 \begin { algorithmic } 9 \REQUIRE $n\geq 0\vee x\neq 0$ 10 \ENSURE $y = x^n$ 11 \STATE $y\leftarrow 1$ 12 \IF { $n < 0$ } 13 \STATE $X\leftarrow 1 / x$ 14 \STATE $N\leftarrow -n$ 15 \ELSE 16 \STATE $X\leftarrow x$ 17 \STATE $N\leftarrow n$ 18 \ENDIF 19 \WHILE { $N\neq 0$ } 20 \IF { $N$ is even } 21 \STATE $X\leftarrow X\times X$ 22 \STATE $N\leftarrow N / 2$ 23 \ELSE [ $N$ is odd ] 24 \STATE $y\leftarrow y\times X$ 25 \STATE $N\leftarrow N - 1$ 26 \ENDIF 27 \ENDWHILE 28 \end { algorithmic } 29 \end { algorithm } Upload
Here are useful commands:
Single line statements
\STATE <text>
\IF {<condition> } <text> \ENDIF
\IF { <condition> } <text> \ELSE <text> \ENDIF
\IF { <condition> } <text> \ELSIF { <condition> } <text> \ELSE<text> \ENDIF
There are two forms
\FOR { <condition> } <text> \ENDFOR
\FORALL { <condition> } <text> \ENDFOR
\WHILE {<condition> } <text> \ENDWHILE
Repeat until condition
\REPEAT<text> \UNTIL { <condition> }
Infinite loops
\REQUIRE <text>
Returning variables
\RETURN <text>
Printing variables
Note: Due to a bug, the algorithmic package is not compatible with hyperref.