High Dimensional Pattern Recognition via Sparse Representation




Copyright Notice: It is important that you read and understand the copyright of the following software packages as specified in the individual items. The copyright varies with each package due to its contributor(s). The packages should NOT be used for any commercial purposes without direct consent of their author(s).

Sparse PCA via Augmented Lagrangian Methods
Copyright (c) UC Berkeley, 2011.


Fast l-1 Minimization Algorithms and a Performance BenchmarkCopyright (c) UC Berkeley, 2010.



  • High Dimensional Pattern Recognition via Sparse Representation. Talk at HP Labs, 2012.
  • High Dimensional Pattern Recognition via Sparse Representation. Talk at Berkeley Graphics/Vision Seminar and LBL Seminar, 2011
  • Distributed Sensing, Perception, and Applications on Mobile Devices. Seminar at Texas Instruments and UCB TRUST Center, 2011.
  • Distributed Sensing and Perception via Sparse Representation. Seminar atCMU, JHU,LLNL, UC Berkeley, UC Merced,and UT Austin, 2011.
  • DARPA Geometric Representation Integrated Dataspace (GRID) Workshop II. Washington DC, 2010.
  • Distributed Sensing and Perception via Sparse Representation.Qualcomm Research Center Seminar, 2010.
  • Multiple-View Object Recognition via Sparse Representation.DSP Seminar, University of Illinois, 2009.
  • Multiple-View Object Recognition in Band-Limited Distributed Camera Networks,ICDSC, 2009.
  • Multiple-View Object Recognition via Sparse Representation.Microsoft Research Asia, 2009.
  • High-Dimensional Multi-Model Estimation: Its Algebra, Statistics, and Sparse Representation.UT Austin, 2009.
  • Workshop on Developing Shared Home Behavior Datasets, 2009.
  • High-Dimensional Multi-Model Estimation: Its Algebra, Statistics, and Sparse Representation.UC San Diego, 2009.
  • High-Dimensional Multi-Model Estimation: Its Algebra, Statistics, and Sparse Representation.Maryland, JHU, UC Merced, and UCLA, 2008.
  • High-Dimensional Multi-Model Estimation: Its Algebra, Statistics, and Sparse Representation.IMA Workshop on Multi-Manifold Data Modeling and Applications, 2008
  • Q&A about recent advances in face recognition and how to protect your facial identity. [PDF][website]
  • Distributed Segmentation and Classification of Human Actions Using a Wearable Motion Sensor Network.CVPR Workshop on Human Communicative Behavior Analysis, 2008.
  • Symmetry-based 3-D Reconstruction from Perspective Images.CVPR Tutorial, 2008.
  • Robust Face Recognition via Sparse Representation.NIST MBGC 2008 Kickoff Workshop, 2008.
  • Estimation of Mixture Subspace Models -- Its Algebra, Statistics, and Compressed Sensing.UPenn Department of Radiology, 2008.
  • Compressed Sensing Meets Machine Learning.UC Berkeley TRUST Center Seminar, 2008.
  • Estimation of Mixture Subspace Models -- Its Algebra, Statistics, and Compressed Sensing.UC Berkeley DSP Seminar, 2007.
  • Workshop on GPCA.CDC, New Orleans, Dec 2007.
  • Robust statistical estimation and segmentation of multiple subspaces.CVPR Workshop on 25 Years of RANSAC, 2006.
  • Robust estimation and segmentation of multiple subspaces.Berkeley Computer Vision Seminar. April, 2006.
  • RoboTalk: controlling arms, bases and androids through a single motion interface.ICAR, July, 2005.
