Linux PC使用技巧 (ubuntu)

1. 如何在Linux上使用光驱 (试验机:ubuntu 9.04/9.10)

sudo eject (open)
sudo eject -t (close)
sudo mount -t iso9660 -o ro /dev/cdrw /media/tmp_disk/ (mount)




sudo dpkg -i *.deb


sudo dpkg --get-selections > pkg.list



  1. build-essential
  2. subversion
  3. smbfs, samba, system-config-samba
  4. flex
  5. libncurses5-dev
  6. lrzsz
  7. vim
  8. vim-gnome
  9. cscope
  10. meld
  11. ssh (client and server)
  12. help2man
  13. diffstat
  14. texi2html
  15. cvs
  16. gawk
  17. libtool
  18. fakeroot
  19. bison
  20. quilt
  21. genext2fs
  22. tofrodos
  23. intltool
  24. texinfo
  25. libdb4.2(other verions??)
  26. libglib2.0-dev(other verions??)
  27. gparted
  28. minicom
  29. manpages-dev
  30. glibc-doc

4. Disable automount

gconftool-2 --type bool --set /apps/nautilus/preferences/media_automount false


5. 删除dash,使用bash

sudo rm -rf /bin/sh

sudo ln -s /bin/bash /bin/sh


6. 添加windows的域名解析功能

add wins to /etc/nsswitch.conf file hosts line (hosts: files mdns4_minimal [NOTFOUND=return] dns mdns4 wins ) and install the winbind .

sudo vi /etc/nsswitch.conf
sudo apt-get install winbind

7. How to install realview ICE at ubuntu 8.04?
0. Get RVDS4.0
1. Make sure some of the files at RVDS4.0 having write/execution attribute(If the attribute is differ with CD's)
2. execute setuplinux.bin, it will begin to install
3. After install successfully, do export ARMLMD_LICENSE_FILE=LICENSE_ADDRESS, and let RVDS get license
4. source RVDS40env.posh which at your install folder
5. apt-get install libmotif3
6. run rvdebug

8. 我的.bashrc文件
export PATH=$PATH:$HOME/toolchain_path/bin
export ARCH=arm
export CROSS_COMPILE=arm-none-linux-gnueabi-
export CSCOPE_DB=$KER/cscope.out

# some more ls aliases
alias ll='ls -l'
alias la='ls -A'
alias vi='vim'
alias mount='sudo mount'
alias umount='sudo umount'
alias fdisk='sudo fdisk'
alias apt-get='sudo apt-get'
alias minicom='minicom -w'
alias di='meld'

#Correct small typing mistakes of cd
shopt -s cdspell
#iDefining this will cause multi-line commands to be appended to your bash history as a single line command. This makes for easy command editing.
shopt -s cmdhist
#not list some useless commands for history command
export HISTIGNORE="&:ls:ls *:[bf]g:exit"
#disable Ctrl-D to exit the shell
set -o ignoreeof

#for fast compile
export USE_CCACHE=1

Vimperator (add set guioptions+=mT at ~/.vimperatorrc to enable old web browse at firefox)

10. gconf-editor: edit system configrature
11. 如何安装/卸载ati/nvidia显卡
sudo apt-get install envyng-qt
sudo envyng -t
