编程珠玑单词中,需要统计《圣经》一书中,出现频率最高的单词,这是典型的TOP K问题,采用经典的Hash + 堆方法解决,代码如下:
#include <stdio.h> #include <string.h> #include <malloc.h> #include <assert.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <ctime> #define HASHLEN 101 #define WORDLEN 30 #define MAX 100000 #define DOMAIN 300 #define K 10 //Hash链表的节点定义 typedef struct node { char *word; int count; struct node *next; } node, *node_ptr; static node_ptr head[HASHLEN]; static node array[K]; //Hash函数 int hash_function(char *p) { unsigned int value = 0; while (*p != '\0') { value = value * 31 + *p++; if (value > HASHLEN) value = value % HASHLEN; } return value; } //加入节点到HASH链表 void append_word(char *str) { int index = hash_function(str); node_ptr p = head[index]; while (p != NULL) { if (strcmp(str, p->word) == 0) { (p->count)++; return; } p = p->next; } // 新建一个结点 node_ptr q = (node_ptr) malloc(sizeof(node)); q->count = 1; q->word = (char *) malloc(sizeof(str) + 1); strcpy(q->word, str); //insert into the list head q->next = head[index]; head[index] = q; } //产生0~DOMAIN - 1范围内的MAX个整数 void gen_data() { FILE *fp = fopen("c://data1.txt", "w"); assert(fp); int i = 0; srand((int) (time(0))); for (i = 0; i < MAX; i++) fprintf(fp, "%d ", rand() % DOMAIN); fclose(fp); } //堆调整:调整为最小堆 void heapAdjust(node array[], int beginIndex, int endIndex, int index) { int length = endIndex - beginIndex + 1; int largestIndex = index; int leftIndex = 2 * index + 1; //下标从0开始,可以自己做实验 int rightIndex = 2 * index + 2; if (leftIndex <= length - 1 && array[leftIndex].count <= array[largestIndex].count) { largestIndex = leftIndex; } if (rightIndex <= length - 1 && array[rightIndex].count <= array[largestIndex].count) { largestIndex = rightIndex; } if (largestIndex != index) { node temp = array[largestIndex]; array[largestIndex] = array[index]; array[index] = temp; heapAdjust(array, beginIndex, endIndex, largestIndex); } } //建堆 void heapBuild(node array[], int len) { int i = 0; for (i = len / 2 - 1; i >= 0; i--) { heapAdjust(array, 0, len - 1, i); } return ; } int main() { gen_data(); char str[WORDLEN]; int i; int cnt1 = 0; //init for (i = 0; i < HASHLEN; i++) head[i] = NULL; FILE *fp_passage = fopen("c://data1.txt", "r"); assert(fp_passage); while (fscanf(fp_passage, "%s", str) != EOF) { cnt1++; append_word(str); } printf("the cnt1 is %d\n", cnt1); fclose(fp_passage); //寻找Top K for (i = 0; i < HASHLEN; i++) { if (i < K - 1) array[i] = *head[i]; else if (i == K - 1) { array[i] = *head[i]; heapBuild(array, K); } else { if (array[0].count < head[i]->count) { array[0] = *head[i]; heapAdjust(array, 0, K - 1, 0); } } } printf("the top %d is as follows\n", K); for (i = 0; i < K; i++) printf("%s , and its count is %d\n", array[i].word, array[i].count); // printf("the total number of word is %d",cnt); return 0; }