


后来一个师弟让我查查程序里面是不是有clear all语句,去掉all 试试。试了一下,果真是这个问题。


clear语句用来从工作区中清除一些iterm,释放系统内存(Remove items from workspace, freeing up system memory),除了清除变量之外clear语句还可以清除code file or MEX-file function等。


而clear all命令的功能是Removes all functions and MEX-files, and variables and global variables from your base workspace, as soon as possible. If called from a function, clear all also clears the function workspace, leaving both workspaces empty. clear all removes debugging breakpoints in code files and reinitializes persistent variables. When issued from the Command Window prompt, also removes the Sun Microsystems Java packages import list.

