SharePoint 2013 app ---SharePoint hosted 实战(1)

本文介绍如何创建一个SharePoint hosted app.还会具体介绍如何在SharePointhosted app中创建和使用 page, client web part.

前面我写了三篇文章介绍SharePoint app的概念 

从这篇文章起,笔者会写一些SharePoint hosted app的开发入门,不然成了光说(说概念)不练假把式了。

创建一个SharePoint hosted app首先要做些准备工作,这里我就不祥述这些准备工作了:


2.然后你需要安装VS2012,Microsoft Office Developer Tools forVisual Studio 2012



1.      启动VS2012创建SharePointhosted app

SharePoint 2013 app ---SharePoint hosted 实战(1)_第1张图片


宿主方式选择 “SharePoint-hosted”后点击Finish 

2.      修改Default.aspx

注意:  <WebPartPages:AllowFramingID="AllowFraming"runat="server"/>

加了上面这句代码的意思表示该页面允许被IFrame加载,Clientweb part可以用来在宿主站点中(HostWeb)使用IFrame加载 app中的页面,如果用Client web part加载不含上面这句的页面会出现找不到页面的错误(Thiscontent cannot be displayed in a frame)


这里可以使用HTML JavaScript做任意你想做(当然要HTMLJavaScript可以做到的事情),外加可以使用JavaScriptObjectModel访问SharePoint的资源,但整个app中不允许有Server端代码(C#) App中所有的逻辑都是在浏览器中执行的,简单实例如下:

var context;
var web;
var user;

// This code runs when the DOM is ready and creates a context object which is needed to use the SharePoint object model
$(document).ready(function () {
    SP.SOD.executeFunc('sp.js', 'SP.ClientContext', retriveUserInfo);

function retriveUserInfo() {
    context = SP.ClientContext.get_current();
    web = context.get_web();


// This function prepares, loads, and then executes a SharePoint query to get the current users information
function getUserName() {
    user = web.get_currentUser();
    context.executeQueryAsync(onGetUserNameSuccess, onGetUserNameFail);

// This function is executed if the above OM call is successful
// It replaces the contents of the 'helloString' element with the user name
function onGetUserNameSuccess() {
    $('#message').text('Hello ' + user.get_title());

// This function is executed if the above call fails
function onGetUserNameFail(sender, args) {
    alert('Failed to get user name. Error:' + args.get_message());

3.  新建page (右击pages节点,选择”NewItem”)

SharePoint 2013 app ---SharePoint hosted 实战(1)_第2张图片


4.新建ClientWebPart(可以用来在宿主站点中(Host Web)使用IFrame加载 app中的页面)

·        选中项目节点,右击=>选择 New Item

·        在可选的新建项中选择”Client Web part ”

SharePoint 2013 app ---SharePoint hosted 实战(1)_第3张图片

 ·        VS会自动在page节点下新建SayHelloClientWebPart.aspx

·        打开SayHelloClientWebPart.aspx</head>前加

   <script type="text/javascript" src="../Scripts/jquery-1.7.1.min.js"></script>   
    <script type="text/javascript" src="//"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="../Scripts/SayHelloClientWebPart.js"></script>

·        Script节点下添加  SayHelloClientWebPart.js,内容为(注意:Client Web part中引入SP对象和在page里面是不一样的,细心的博友可以自己对比下)

function execOperation() {
    // get context and then username
    context = new SP.ClientContext.get_current();
    web = context.get_web(); 
// We then use the same getUserName() and other functions from App.js.
function getUserName() {
    user = web.get_currentUser();
    context.executeQueryAsync(onGetUserNameSuccess, onGetUserNameFail);
// This function is executed if the above OM call is successful
// It replaces the content of the 'welcome' element with the user name
function onGetUserNameSuccess() {
    $('#message').text('Hello ' + user.get_title());

// This function is executed if the above OM call fails
function onGetUserNameFail(sender, args) {
    alert('Failed to get user name. Error:' + args.get_message());
// Putting the entire script together, here is what it looks like.
var context;
var web;
var user; 

//Wait for the page to load
    function () {
        //Get the URI decoded SharePoint site url from the SPHostUrl parameter.
        var spHostUrl = decodeURIComponent(getQueryStringParameter('SPHostUrl'));
        //Build absolute path to the layouts root with the spHostUrl
        var layoutsRoot = spHostUrl + '/_layouts/15/';
        $.getScript(layoutsRoot + "SP.Runtime.js", function () {
            $.getScript(layoutsRoot + "SP.js", execOperation);

        // Function to execute basic operations.
        function execOperation() {
            // get context and then username
            context = new SP.ClientContext.get_current();
            web = context.get_web();


function getQueryStringParameter(urlParameterKey) {
    var params = document.URL.split('?')[1].split('&');
    var strParams = '';
    for (var i = 0; i < params.length; i = i + 1) {
        var singleParam = params[i].split('=');
        if (singleParam[0] == urlParameterKey)
                        return decodeURIComponent(singleParam[1]);

// This function prepares, loads, and then executes a SharePoint query to get the current users information
function getUserName() {
    user = web.get_currentUser();
    context.executeQueryAsync(onGetUserNameSuccess, onGetUserNameFail);

// This function is executed if the above OM call is successful
// It replaces the content of the 'welcome' element with the user name
function onGetUserNameSuccess() {
    $('#message').text('Hello ' + user.get_title());

// This function is executed if the above OM call fails
function onGetUserNameFail(sender, args) {
    alert('Failed to get user name. Error:' + args.get_message());

5.      发布 App

·        在发布之前需要先新建app catalog


·        IEProxy Setting 中设置 Exception( 为你在准备阶段设置的域名)  

·        右击项目文件,选择”Deploy” ,等待发布成功6.      添加 App并查看app

·        登陆SharePoint 2013网站

SharePoint 2013 app ---SharePoint hosted 实战(1)_第4张图片

·        点击"From Your Organization(因为我已经装过了,所以是灰色的)

SharePoint 2013 app ---SharePoint hosted 实战(1)_第5张图片

 ·        点击app进行安装 

·        点击Site contents =>点击刚刚安装的app

 SharePoint 2013 app ---SharePoint hosted 实战(1)_第6张图片

7.    使用client web part

·        在任意SitePages中的页面中,编辑页面

SharePoint 2013 app ---SharePoint hosted 实战(1)_第7张图片

·        点击插入选项卡(Inset tab),点击apppart

·        选择SayHelloClientWebPart

·        保存页面并查看页面    

 SharePoint 2013 app ---SharePoint hosted 实战(1)_第8张图片

