1, 手动为每一个UIViewController添加navigationItem的leftButton的设置代码
+ (void) navigationItem:(UINavigationItem*)navigationItem setTitle:(NSString*)title; + (void) navigationItem:(UINavigationItem*)navigationItem setBackButton:(NSString*)title addTarget:(id)target action:(SEL)action; + (void) navigationItem:(UINavigationItem*)navigationItem setImage:(NSString*)imageString;
无奈之下,只好研读UINavigationController Class Reference去,在“Updating the Navigation Bar”小节,有这么一段话:
The bar button item on the left side of the navigation bar allows for navigation back to the previous view controller on the navigation stack. The navigation controller updates the left side of the navigation bar as follows:
If the new top-level view controller has a custom left bar button item, that item is displayed. To specify a custom left bar button item, set the leftBarButtonItem property of the view controller’s navigation item.
If the top-level view controller does not have a custom left bar button item, butthe navigation item of theprevious view controller has a valid item in its backBarButtonItemproperty, the navigation bar displays that item.
If a custom bar button item is not specified by either of the view controllers, a default back button is used and its title is set to the value of the title property of the previous view controller—that is, the view controller one level down on the stack. (If there is only one view controller on the navigation stack, no back button is displayed.)
我大致解释一下,使用pushViewController切换到下一个视图时,navigation controller按照以下3条顺序更改导航栏的左侧按钮。
按照这个解释,我把UIBarButtonItem *backItem……这段代码放在A视图的pushViewController语句之前。
UIBarButtonItem*backItem=[[UIBarButtonItemalloc]init]; backItem.title=@"back"; [backItem setBackButtonBackgroundImage:[UIImage imageNamed:@"navigationBarImgBg"] forState:UIControlStateNormal barMetrics:UIBarMetricsDefault];//更改背景图片 self.navigationItem.backBarButtonItem=backItem; [backItem release]
self.navigationController.navigationBar.topItem.title=self.message; self.navigationController.navigationBar.tintColor=[UIColorblackColor]; UIBarButtonItem*backButton = [[UIBarButtonItemalloc] initWithTitle:@" fan hui "style:UIBarButtonItemStyleBorderedtarget:selfaction:@selector(PopViewController)]; self.navigationItem.leftBarButtonItem= backButton;