java.sql.SQLException: 违反协议 Clearing pending acquires. While trying to acquire

Acquisition Attempt Failed!!! Clearing pending acquires. While trying to acquire a needed new resource, we failed to succeed more than the maximum number of allowed acquisition attempts (10). Last acquisition attempt exception:

  如果运行后台使用Oracle数据库的java程序提示java.sql.SQLException: 违反协议错误,就要立即检查连接数据库的JDBC驱动是否正确。

     Oracle 11G的JDBC驱动并不能用于Oracle 10G Release 2的数据库,因此必须使用Oracle 10G Release2的JDBC驱动,这个驱动可以在Oracle安装目录下找到。在Oracle安装目录下找一个JDBC的目录,其下有一个LIB目录,拷贝其中ojdbc14.jar文件就可以了。


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