BMVC 2009 Papers

这里是今年BMVC录取的文章,感觉有意思的是两篇RANSAC的文章,还有两篇Bundle Adjustment的文章,有时间仔细看看。

List of Accepted Papers

8 3D Extended Histogram of Oriented Gradients (3DHOG) for Classification of Road Users in Urban Scenes

9 Category-Specific Object Recognition and Segmentation Using a Skeletal Shape Model

31 Efficient Disparity Computation without Maximum Disparity for Real-Time Stereo Vision

35 Head Pose Classification in Crowded Scenes

36 Multi-View Geometry of the Refractive Plane

38 Backing Off: Hierarchical Decomposition of Activity for 3D Novel Pose Recovery

41 Clustering Videos by Location

43 An implicit non-linear numerical scheme for illumination-robust variational optical flow

55 Better appearance models for pictorial structures.   Better appearance/motion models for pictorial structures

56 A Constant-Time Efficient Stereo SLAM System

57 Minimal Solutions for Panoramic Stitching with Radial Distortion

59 Multi-view synchronization of human actions and dynamic scenes

60 On-line Learning of Shape Information for Object Segmentation and Tracking

65 Semi-Supervised Discriminant Analysis via Spectral Transduction

66 Semantic Image Classification using Consistent Regions and Individual Context

77 Multi-object Activity Modelling Using Gaussian Processes

80 Stochastic Image Denoising

81 Object Recognition with 3D Models

83 HMM based Archive Film Defect Detection with Spatial and Temporal Constraints

85 3D Human Body-Part Tracking and Action Classification Using A Hierarchical Body Model

87 Real-time Stable Texture Regions Extraction for Motion-based Object Segmentation

93 Hierarchical Image-Region Labeling via Structured Learning

94 Algebraic Line Search for Bundle Adjustment

96 Bundle Adjustment using Conjugate Gradients with Multiscale Preconditioning

97 Shape-from-shading driven 3D Morphable Models for Illumination Insensitive Face Recognition

101 Particle Filter Approach Adapted to Catadioptric Images for Target Tracking Application

106 Learning Recognition of Fine-Grain Object Categories from Natural Language Descriptions

109 Bag of Optical Flow Volumes for Image Sequence Recognition

111 Attribute Multiset Grammars for Global Explanations of Activities

118 PRISM: PRincipled Implicit Shape Model

121 Haar Local Binary Pattern Feature for Fast Illumination Invariant Face Detection

126 Latent Semantics Local Distribution for CRF-based Image Semantic Segmentation

130 Combining meshes and geometric primitives for accurate and semantic modeling

137 Ranking user-annotated images for multiple query terms

138 Get Out of my Picture! Internet-based Inpainting

140 Segmentation Based Interest Points and Evaluation of Unsupervised Image Segmentation Methods.

142 Specularity and Shadow Interpolation via Robust Polynomial Texture Maps

143 Evaluation of local spatio-temporal features for action recognition

144 PWP3D: Real-time segmentation and tracking of 3D objects

145 Guiding Visual Surveillance by Tracking Human Attention

146 Obtaining the Shape of a Moving Object with a Specular Surface

149 Unified Stereo-Based 3D Head Tracking Using Online Illumination Modeling

153 Semantic Scene Segmentation using Random Multinomial Logit

155 A Comparative Analysis of Radial-Tchebichef Moments and Zernike Moments

164 Mining visual actions from movies

167 Associating Groups of People

171 Efficiently Increasing Map Density in Visual SLAM Using Planar Features with Adaptive Measurements

172 3D head pose estimation from multiple distant views

174 Multiframe Motion Segmentation via Penalized MAP Estimation and Linear Programming

175 Shape From Motion of Nonrigid Objects: The Case of Isometrically Deformable Flat Surfaces

179 Fast Segmentation via Randomized Hashing

180 3D-assisted Facial Texture Super-Resolution

182 Real-time texture boundary detection from ridges in the standard deviation space

189 Robust Density Comparison  for Visual Tracking

195 A Unified Approach for Adaptive Multiple Feature Tracking for Surveillance Applications

196 Log-Linear Mixtures for Object Recognition

198 Incremental Visual Hull Reconstruction

199 Neighborhood Preserving Nonnegative Matrix Factorization

208 Learning generative texture models with extended Fields-of-Experts

209 SURF-Face: Face Recognition Under Viewpoint Consistency Constraints

216 Combining Appearance and Structure from Motion Features for Object Category Segmentation

222 Edge-Directed Interpolation in a Bayesian Framework

223 New Conditional Sampling Strategies for Speeded-Up RANSAC

224 Contour Segment Matching by Integrating Intra and Inter Shape Cues of Objects

228 Object Localization with Global and Local Context Kernels#

230 Detecting local audio-visual synchrony in monologues utilizing vocal pitch and facial landmark trajectories

233 Depth estimation with a practical camera

243 Stereo-based Pedestrian Detection using Multiple Patterns 244 Channel Features for Pedestrian Detection

247 Hierarchical Image Matching for Pose-invariant Face Recognition

248 Inpainting in Shape from Focus: Taking a Cue from Motion Parallax

253 Learning Local Patch Orientation with a Cascade of Sparse Regressors

256 Face Pose Estimation in Uncontrolled Environments

260 Anisotropic Huber-L1 Optical Flow

261 Multi-person tracking with overlapping cameras in complex, dynamic environments

268 NURBS Warps

273 Subtitle-free Movie to Script Alignment

275 Semantic Shape Context for the Registration of Multiple  Partial 3{D} Views

276 Estimation of Location Uncertainty for Scale Invariant Features Points

277 Disparity estimation in stereo sequences using scene flow

283 Hough transform-based mouth localization for audio-visual speech recognition

286 Bilateral Symmetry Detection and Segmentation via Symmetry-Growing

289 Incorporating Higher-Order Cues in Image Colorization

297 ProFORMA: Probabilistic Feature-based On-line Rapid Model Acquisition

300 Interactive Texture Segmentation

302 The effect of pose on Facial Expression Recognition

305 Non-parametric patch based video matting

306 Reconstruction from Uncalibrated Affine Silhouettes

307 Vistas: Hierarchial boundary priors using multiscale conditional random fields.

312 Non-rigid structure from motion using quadratic deformation models

314 Disparity from stereo-segment silhouettes of weakly-textured images

315 On the completeness of coding with image features

322 Multiple Target Localisation at over 100 FPS

323 Selecting surface features for accurate multi-camera surface reconstruction

324 Learning-based Face Synthesis for Pose-Robust Recognition from Single Image

336 A shape-from-shading framework for satisfying data-closeness and structure-preserving smoothness constraints


350 Segmentation-Based Urban Traffic Scene Understanding

353 The more you know, the less you learn: from knowledge transfer to one-shot learning of object categories

355 Performance Evaluation of RANSAC Family

357 Gait Representation Using Flow Fields

359 Dynamic Partitioned Sampling For Tracking With Discriminative Features

360 Exemplar-based action recognition in video

364 An Empirical Camera Model for Internet Color Vision

379 Palmprint based verification System Robust to Occlusion using Low-order Zernike Moments of Sub-images

380 Time based Activity Inference using Latent Dirichlet Allocation

391 Multiple One-Shots for Utilizing Class Label Information

396 A Framework For Evaluating Visual SLAM

397 Clustering using a Decision Forest and Application to Video Segmentation

406 Object Pose Classification from Short Video Sequences

411 Combining Pixel and Location Information for Grammar-Guided Object Detection

424 Parametric Trajectory Representations for Behaviour Classification

428 VillageFinder: Segmentation of Nucleated Villages in Satellite Imagery

429 Cancer cell detection and invasion depth estimation in brightfield images

431 Two View Geometry from Uncertain Correspondences

432 Unsupervised Learning of Stereo Vision with Monocular Depth Cues

436 Next best view planning for active model improvement

443 Optimization framework for learning a hierarchical shape vocabulary for object class detection

444 Combining Local and Global Shape Models for Deformable Object Matching

450 Geometric Potential Force for the Deformable Model#

451 Incremental learning of dynamical models of faces

454 From Rank-N to Rank-1 Face Recognition Based on Motion Similarity

456 Variance Ranklets: orientation-selective rank features for contrast modulations

461 Automatic Calibration of Medical Endoscopes using a Single Image of a Planar Grid

466 A Latent Model for Visual Disambiguation of Keyword-based Image Search

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