- www-cs-students.stanford.edu
我喜欢由简单的部分进行延伸。这个页面包含了我在从事游戏开发过程中收集的内容,这里的内容并不是全部,而是代表了我需要了解的一些内容:几个主题(并不是全部与游戏开发有关),一般概念而不是特定平台的信息(图形、音频、编译),思路或者设计模式而不是源代码(我发现从思想到代码比从代码到思想要容易),像Gamedev Tuts+、Gamedev和Gamasutra覆盖的主题范围比我的更广。
- Amit’s Introduction to A*, Breadth-First Search, Dijkstra’s Algorithm, and Greedy Best-First Search — with interactive diagrams and sample code(NEW!)
- Overview of Motion Planning covers both movement and pathfinding algorithms
- Amit’s Notes about Path-Finding
- Overview of the main issues that come up when choosing a pathfinder
- Choosing a graph representation for pathfinding
- Vehicle Pathfinding (long)
- Game pathfinding and AI resources
- Technical papers about navigation and paths
- Finding the “best” path is hard
- Using Regions for Shortest Path
- Shortest Path vs. Maze Solving Algorithms
- Applet showing obstacle avoidance (also see more steering behaviors)
- Steering Behaviors
- Pathfinding for Tower Defense — with interactive diagrams and sample code(NEW!)
- Design flaws with steering behaviors
- Collision Avoidance Behavior of Pedestrians
- Terrain Analysis used in Age of Empires
- Motion using Potential Fields
- Pathfinding: the basics covers different types of graphs (grids, waypoints, navmeshes) used for graph search algorithms like A*
- Fringe Search [PDF] - possibly faster than A* for games (download the code here)
- Cooperative Pathfinding [PDF] - useful when you have many units moving in narrow spaces, and need the units to be aware of each other
- Introduction to Pathfinding Algorithms
- More Pathfinding algorithms (minimum spanning tree, Dijkstra’s algorithm, Johnson’s Algorithm, Bellman-Ford, Floyd-Warshall, …)
- Terrain recognition and obstacle avoidance
- Movement in space, with spaceship acceleration. Also see part 2 and part 3.
- Flanking algorithms using pathfinding
- A* Demystified
- Intro to A*
- Using Navigation Meshes for pathfinding
- Multi-resolution A*
- Lists vs. Binary Heaps for A*
- Choosing a heuristic for A* (and other performance notes)
- An analysis of heuristics for A* [PDF]
- Speeding up A* by dropping admissibility
- Path Finding [150+ message newsgroup discussion] [290k]
- A* references
- A* for Beginners (with Basic code)
- A Java Applet demonstrating A* (mirror site) (be sure to use the Fudge method for best results)
- A* Explorer [Windows application] Lets you step through the A* algorithm.
- Flash pathfinding demo, includes source code.
- Python code for A* and other search algorithms — note that the
function is only four lines long!
A*代码的链接是第二版本,修复的一些bug,做了一些优化,对不同的启发法和代价函数进行参数化处理。第一个版本的代码可以在Steve Woodcock的页面获得,这个版本可能更易读和理解。
- Overview of Game AI
- An introduction to AI in Games
- Guide to AI architectures: ad-hoc, state machines, behavior trees, utility functions, planners, neural networks
- AI Wisdom [book]
- Geoff Howland’s Practical Guide to AI and part 2
- A different Overview of Game AI [PDF]
- Great Expectation-Formations — AI shouldn’t just react to the world, but it should form expectations about the world, and react to deviations from that.
- Terrain Reasoning for 3D Action Games [PDF]
- Planning in Games: an Overview - STRIPS, HTN, Behavior Trees, Utility systems
- Using Potential Fields in RTSes
- The AI of F.E.A.R [PDF] - Jeff Orkin’s planner AI
- Need-driven AI
- The Procedural AI in Killzone [PDF] Includes line of sight, firing range, pathfinding, and tactical evaluation at run-time
- Making AI more challenging, in particular, by making it less predictable
- Strategy and Tactics by DreamWeaver [62k]
- Behavior trees
- AI in Empire-Based Games
- Hierarchical AI
- Monster AI in Unangband
- Grenade handling AI [PDF]
- The Current State of Human-Level Artificial Intelligence in Computer Simulations and Wargames: A list of references for game AI
- Getting more Behavior out of Numbers - alternatives to using hard thresholds
- Secrets of Enemy AI in Uncharted 2
- AI Beyond Computer Games
- Under the Hood of The Sims [slides] (also see these design docuemnts)
- S.T.A.L.K.E.R. uses the terrain to assign goals to the NPCs nearby
- Subsumption Architecture for AI (Rodney Brooks)
- AI in Black & White
- Introduction to Reinforcement Learning (if you find this topic interesting, be sure to see the book by Sutton and Barto)
- How to Prototype a Game in Under 7 Days — some good advice for getting something put together quickly to see if it’ll make a good game
- Tight Systems of Cause and Effect
- Too Many Clicks! Design the UI around the things the player wants to do, not around the objects in the game.
- The Chemistry of Game Design
- Game Balance
- Ramblings about RPG Design includes topics such as balance, food, economy, time, death, weapons, storyline, and magic.
- Confessions of a horrible game player - why you shouldn’t punish game players for playing your game
- Resources, currencies, and meters
- The Design of Online Economies: Part 1 (Currency), Part 2 (NPC Merchants), Part 3 (Items), and Part 4 (Skills)
- The Essence of Computer Games
- Evolutionary Design - why you should get something up and running before designing everything about your game
- Medieval town size: how many peasants are needed to feed towns and armies
- Persistent Myths about Game Design
- Urban modeling - models used in SimCity
- Sims, BattleBots, Cellular Automata, God and Go - an interview with Will Wright
- Designing simulation games - they’re games, not necessarily realistic models
- Game Economies and self-balancing designs
- The 36 plots for games
- One Billion Buttons: how to gradually teach complex concepts
- Positive and Negative Feedback
- Believability in games (read the comments too)
- Progressive vs. Experience games
- Realism in games: how much is too much?
- An example of why you don’t want too much realism in a game
- The use of physics in games
- Loops and Arcs - structures for game design
- The Future of Game Design (2005)
- Addictive Games
- Designing controls for a game, including how to combine controls to build more complex ones
- Design notes for my game, SimBlob
- Design notes for my game, Solar Realms Elite
- Understanding randomness in terms of mastery
- Design documents for Ultima 7 part 2
- SimCity Essay
- Why you should share your game designs
- The Focus of Gameplay
- UI for games: displaying information vs. immersion
- Bad Twinkie, a database of game design mistakes
- Random numbers for damage rolls and other RPG stats
- Building tight game systems of cause and effect(NEW!)
- Tile-Based Games FAQ
- Amit’s Thoughts on Grids includes squares, hexagons, and triangles
- Data structures for tile based games
- A file format to handle linked lists of objects
- Placing multiple objects on each tile [newsgroup discussion]
- Streaming Data: how to choose tiles to load, if your entire map doesn’t fit into memory
- Tile-based games techniques
- Guide to projections in games
- Creating Isometric worlds
- Isometric, Dimetric, Axonometric projections
- Isometric Engines - are they for you?
- Overview of Isometric Engine Development
- Isometric math - converting back and forth
- Implementing isometric tile systems
- Isometric Coordinates using basis vectors
- Sorting objects in isometric view
- Why 2D is Better than 3D (not specifically about games)
- Offsetting background tiles, drawing tiles from corners instead of centers to improve terrain transitions
- Marching squares goes into details about implementing tile drawing from corners
- Creating tile seams for textures.
- Map representations for 2d platformers
- Line Of Sight Algorithms
- Computing Line of Sight for Large Areas
- Tutorial for making a Roguelike, including map representation, dungeon generation, field of view, fog of war
- Line tracing on a grid — determining all tiles that are touched by a line
- Collision, visibility, and grid representation in tile based games, including using edge information
- 2d visibility on a grid, using polygons for computation, and part 2, which improves the algorithm
- Visibility algorithm for top-down 2d polygon map which can also be used with tiles
- Precise angle shadowcasting in a 2d grid
- Determining the range that a unit can move to
- Using tiles for flows [video and paper] The idea is to put motion/flow information into the tiles instead of in the objects; it reminds me of the reversal of roles in The Sims objects
- Influence maps
- Occupancy grids, using influence maps to let NPCs track possible locations of players
- Also read about pathfinding algorithms, which are often used on grids.
- Amit’s Island Map Generator and demo (Flash)
- Procedural Content Generation: generating terrain, cities, buildings
- Dungeon generation in Unangband
- Generating game worlds with a lock-and-key structure so that certain rooms require objects from other rooms
- Algorithm for building rivers
- Adding rivers to randomly generated terrain
- The original Rogue algorithm for generating dungeons
- 11 Maze Generating Algorithms with demos and code
- Using noise functions to generate caverns such as those in Terraria and Minecraft
- Irregular shaped rooms, simple algorithm
- Tunneler algorithm for digging dungeons in DungeonMaker
- Guide to random Terrain Generation techniques
- Wiki guide to procedural content generation
- Simulating Large Virtual Worlds
- Amit’s guide to hexagonal grids - with interactive diagrams
- Amit’s Thoughts on Grids includes squares, hexagons, and triangles
- Overview of hex grid coordinates
- Hexagonal coordinates explained, including hex/pixel coordinate conversion
- Numbering Systems; Distances; Angles
- Isometric Cube Coordinates
- The HexPart numbering system with algorithms for range, bearing, offset, and line of sight
- Comparison of Hexagonal coordinate systems, including pixel to hex coordinates, and hex distances
- Hexagonal Coordinates and Distance function
- Hexagonal Grid Math, including mouse position to hex coordinate, and source code in Java and Actionscript
- Pixel Location to Hex Coordinates
- Converting mouse location to hex coordinates
- Line of Sight and Distance, plus a Java applet demonstrating field of view (includes Java source)
- Identifying directions in a hex grid [PDF]
- Grids used in Cellular Automata
- Data-oriented instead of object-oriented, and part 2
- Why data layout matters for performance
- Understanding Component-Entity Systems
- Entity systems instead of Objects, especially for MMOs. I found parts 2, 3, and 5 most useful; also see how to apply entities to Bomberman
- What is an entity framework? - step by step, how to move from traditional OOP to entities
- Components for game entities
- Entity systems in terms of nouns and verbs
- How to represent hierarchical data in a data-oriented way
- Multiple Inheritance and RPGs
冒险游戏通常有很好的谜团和故事结构。当我创建这个页面的时候,我对MUDS和交互小说很感兴趣。TADS是使用的工具。从那时起,有了很多的工具,比如Curveship, Hugo, Inklewriter, Twine, Quest, 和ADRIFT。我从没有参与过交互小说项目,所以我并没有很丰富的资源。你可以从互动小说的Wiki获得更多。
- Interactive Fiction design patterns
- The structure of puzzles in Ocarina of Time (Zelda)
- Modeling Opinions in the NPC Social Graph
- NPC Conversation Techniques
- Narrative Flow Graphs [PDF] based on Petri Nets, for representing story elements
- Big List of Plots
- Laws of MUDs
- Non-linearity in games
- Object Oriented Adventure Games
- Text vs. Graphical MUD thread [newsgroup posts]
- Text vs. Graphical MUDs (Raph Koster’s view)
- Modeling Opinion Flow in Humans: use the Boids algorithm to model human opinions in social groups
- Prose in Games
- I Have No Words & I Must Design
- The Secret Life of Game Scripting
- Intro to writing an interpreter: in only 90 lines of code, he implements variables, execution, higher-order functions, recursion, branching, lists, trees, and procedure calls. (Not specific to games but a good introduction)
- Rule-Based Programming and a comparison to Object-Oriented programming for game scripting
- Properties Pattern, useful to know before you design your own language
- Bytecode Interpreter pattern and implementation
- Game scripting with Stackless Python
- Building a scripting engine parts 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9
- NPC Scripting
- Discussion about what language to use, how to implement [newsgroup discussion]
- Scripting languages in MUDs [newsgroup discussion]
- Implementation strategies for scripting languages [newsgroup discussion]
- Writing modifiable games
- Scripting languages used in Interactive Fiction
- Using Stackless Python and microthreads for games
- Is it a game or a world?
- Economies in a virtual world
- AI Economics Agents
- Medieval Demographics Made Easy
- Economies of Virtual Worlds (more about macroeconomics than microeconomics)
- Medieval Price List
- Transport system in Widelands
- Economic model of Pirates of The Burning Sea: labor, prices, markets, upkeep, taxes, and world events
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