Obfuscate4e - Obfuscate your java code

Obfuscate4e integrates obfuscation into the Eclipse PDE build process. It enables obfuscation of your plugins, features and RCP applications during the regular build.

Obfuscate4e comes with the ProGuard obfuscator, but can easily be adapted for other obfuscators.

You’re welcome to join the development team, if you want to improve obfuscate4e or want to integrate additional obfuscators.


官方网站是: http://obfuscate4e.org/

1. Installation of the obfuscate4e feature

To install this feature you simply have to use the update site facilities built into the Eclipse IDE.

  1. Inside Eclipse go to Help > Software Updates > Find and Install ... and define a remote site pointing tohttp://obfuscate4e.org/updates/



2. Configure the obfuscation

Now it's time to configure how obfuscate4e and its embedded obfuscator should work. We use the ProGuard obfuscator in this sectin. The configuration of other obfuscators will differ.

Execute the action Create Proguard obfuscation configuration from the context menu of the pluginMANIFEST.MF.

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In the project folder appear two new files: customBuildCallbacks.xml andproguard.cfg. These files are managed inside your project (and also version controlled).

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ProGuard allows to highly customize the obfuscation process. You can add cunfiguration statements to theproguard.cfg file. See http://proguard.sourceforge.net/manual/usage.html for valid configuration parameters.


3. Obfuscate your code

It's time to use your obfuscator. As it is embedded into the built process Eclipse runs the obfuscator when exporting a plugin, a project or a complete product.

Export a plugin with File > Export ...

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The plugin will be obfuscated and exported.








