nop 2.6



2。把文件上传的东西,修改了,不依赖adobe flash了

3。code first EF还在使用中:Code-First allows a developer to define entities in the source code (all core entities are defined in the Nop.Core project), and then use EF to generate the database from the C# classes


nop 2.6_第1张图片

nop 2.6_第2张图片




The Nop.Core project contains a set of core classes for nopCommerce, such as caching, events, helpers, and business objects (for example, Order and Customer entities).



数据访问类的集合,基本上根据Nop.core中的商业对象类,试用EF产生了对应的代码。其中:nopCommerces use a fluent code API to fully customize the persistence mapping。



        public PriceFormatter(IWorkContext workContext,
            ICurrencyService currencyService,
            ILocalizationService localizationService,
            TaxSettings taxSettings)
            this._workContext = workContext;
            this._currencyService = currencyService;
            this._localizationService = localizationService;
            this._taxSettings = taxSettings;


\Plugins\ 解决方案目录,有用,但设计的方面很多,比如支付插件


presentation layer for admin area. Physically this project is located under \Presentation\Nop.Web\Administration directory. This project cannot be run.



Nop.Web.Framework is a class library project containing some common presentation things for both Nop.Admin and Nop.Web projects.



现在test目录也加入了,如果自己有修改,可以参考现有测试项目,代码进行Unit test。


  • Supported operation systems:   
    • Windows 7
    • Windows Vista
    • Windows XP
    • Windows Server 2003
    • Windows Server 2008
  • Supported web servers:   
    • Internet Information Service (IIS) 6.0 or above
  • ASP.NET 4.0 (MVC 3.0)
  • Supported databases:   
    • MS SQL Server 2005 or above
    • MS SQL Server Compact 4.0 or above
  • Supported browsers:   
    • Microsoft Internet Explorer 6 and above
    • Mozilla Firefox 2.0 and above
    • Google Chrome 1.x
    • Apple Safari 2.x
  • Can be run in medium trust (except Excel related features)
  • Adobe Flash (required for picture and file uploading in admin area). Not required sincenopCommerce 2.60
  • MS Visual Studio 2010 or above (with MVC 3.0 installed). Required for developers who want to edit source code

    ==== ====

    Inversion of Control Containers and the Dependency Injection pattern


    // //  //  //autofac go and replace structMap.

    I have no idea what your requirements are, but I bet that Simple Injector can serve you for the lifetime of your project. If you're having trouble with it, just ask here at or contact me directly. I or some of the other users will gladly help you. And don't forget that there are a bunch of users that can help you with general DI problems.

    Of course I would like everybody to use Simple Injector, so please do :-P, but if you ask me which of the other containers I like most, it is Autofac. So it’s a pity, but no shame, if you go for Autofac :-)


    Now we will look into the steps to configure Structure Map into our application.


    1. Add Reference to Structure Map
    2. Add Structure Map configuration
    3. Register with the Structure Map Registry
    4. Controller Factory for Structure Map.
    5. Call Structure Map in Global.ascx.

    这些将要或可以被注入的对象/class实例 如何保存,有以下方法:

    Types of Instance Scoping Provided by Structure Map:

    1. PerRequest - The default operation.  A new instance will be created for each request.
    2. Singleton - A single instance will be shared across all requests
    3. ThreadLocal - A single instance will be created for each requesting thread.  Caches the instances with ThreadLocalStorage.
    4. HttpContext - A single instance will be created for each HttpContext.  Caches the instances in the HttpContext.Items collection.
    5. Hybrid - Uses HttpContext storage if it exists, otherwise uses ThreadLocal storage

    使用方式:(从某种意义来说,.net web开发,入伍好多年了)

    Modify Global.asax 
    protected void Application_Start() {
       //Configure StructureMapConfiguration
        //Set current Controller factory as StructureMapControllerFactory
        ControllerBuilder.Current.SetControllerFactory( new myFinance.Web.Controllers.StructureMapControllerFactory()
    The above code will set our controller factory and configure StructureMap configuration when our ASP.NET MVC application is started.


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