Matcher log

Trinity listens to BAC's BUS and delivers every sample to the Matcher.

The Matcher uses the CIs/KPIs selectors to determine which element accepts that sample.


Tracking the samples handled by Matcher requires turning on the DEBUG mode in:

<Processing machine>\HPBAC\conf\core\Tools\log4j\mercury_online_engine\

Change-$loglevel, trinity.file.appender

To-, trinity.file.appender


In order to realize what sample in mapped to a sample number turn on the TrinitySample DEBUG mode in the same file

Change-$loglevel, trinity.file.appender

To-, trinity.file.appender

Follow this log file:

<Processing machine>\HPBAC\log\mercury_online_engine\Trinity.log


<Processing machine>\HPBAC\log\mercury_online_engine\TrinitySamples.log
Note: Do not forget to turn off the DEBUG mode when done; The Matcher log appender in commented in default.





Monitor KPI is not calculating


Check for matching samples in TrinitySamples.log on MercuryAM\log\mercury_online_engine :
In file on MercuryAM\conf\core\Tools\log4j\mercury_online_engine
1. Change BLE_SAMPLES to debug
2. Add this line to the properties file, trinity.samples.appender

a. In case you find your sample and there is a match-

Context DASHBOARD for 1 received sample (#6867):
...sample details...
For sample #6867 of type trans_t in context DASHBOARD for 1 the matching is [59c6a274e0a8761eb89bff7bfd3df0d0]

There could be a problem with the timestamp, check if the BAC machine time is synchronize with the DB machine time.

b. In case you find your sample and there is no match-

Context DASHBOARD for 1 received sample (#7203):
...sample details...
No match for sample #7203 of type event in context DASHBOARD for 1

There could be a problem with the selector, check for the selector definition on Dashboard Admin.

c. In case the sample is not in the file, although you have send it, then look at dispatcher_log.txt on MerucyrAM\log\core there you can see the samples as they were received from the BUS- and the error that prevents them from getting to TrinitySamples.log and to the DB.

d. If none of those solutions work - look at, rulesfwk.log and Trinity.log for errors.

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