AI Planning

AI Planning

  Theworld is:

     1) dynamic

     2) stochastic

     3) partially observable


   1) take time

   2) continuous effect

1 classical planning: 

 1.1 Assume: none of the above.

 1.2 Modeling:

- States described by propositions currentlytrue

• Actions: general statetransformations described by

sets of pre- and post-conditions

• Represents a state-transitionsystem (but more


1.3planning:  planning is searching

regression : from goal state to initialsate

forwarding: from initial sate to goal state

search method: BFS and DFS

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1.4 STRIPS( s, g ) algorithm.

returns: a sequence of actions thattransforms s into g

1. Calculate the difference setd=g-s.

1. If d is empty, return an emptyplan

2. Choose action a whose add-listhas most formulas contained in g

3. p’ = STRIPS( s, precondition of a)

4. Compute the new state s’ byapplying p’ and a to s.

5. p = STRIPS( s’, g )

6. return p’;a;p

1.5 Refinement planning template

Refineplan( P : Plan set)

1. If P is empty, Fail.

2. If a minimal candidate of P is asolution, return it. End

3. Select a refinement strategy R

4. Apply R to P to get a new planset P’

5. Call Refineplan(P’ )

Termination ensured if R complete andmonotonic.

Existing Refinement Strategies

• State space refinement: e.g.STRIPS

• Plan space refinement: e.g. Leastcommitment


• Task refinement: e.g. HTN

2 Stochastic environment

  Ina stochastic environment, we use MDP to model and plan.

2.1 The issue using conventional planning in stochasticenvironment:

   1)The branch factor is too large.

         2)The tree is very deep.

         3)Many states visited more than once

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2.2 The MDP in stochastic environment

usage: robot navigation. Planning from x toy in a stochastic environments

         sin {states,};

    ain {actions(s)};  State Transition: T(S,a, S');


Fully observable: S, A

Stochastic in state transition:  T(S,a, S') = Pr(S'|S,a)

Reward in state S: R(S)- This is a short term and primitive value onpolicy.

2.2 find planning

         Howto find a planning in MDP? or how to solve MDP?

Here we introduce some other value to solveMDP.

policy in state S: π(s)->the actiontaken in state s.

Value of state (node): Vπ(s):expected total reward in state s after policy π. This is a long term evaluate function of the policy. Reinforcementlearning is to get best V(s), not R(s).

the objective:

Find a policy π(S) that max thefunction: E[ ]->max

            Discount factor

Value function: (s)

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Planning = calculate value functions

Howto compute this functions max?

  Use value iteration to get optimal policies.

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         Everystate s, Vk(s) is finding an action that max the value of Vk(s)using the above function.




