开发Android应用程序,如果使用到GoogleMaps,须先向Google申请一组经过验证的Android Maps API Key,这组Key可以在多个应用程序中使用。
1,申请Android Maps API Key前,需先从开发环境中取得keystore的MD5编码,然后通过Google网站的签署,便可获得
debug.keystore文件路径可由Eclipse IDE中“Window - Preferences - Android - Build”中找到
$ keytool -list -alias androiddebugkey -keystore /home/cat/.android/debug.keystore -storepass android -keypass android
androiddebugkey, 2012-9-1, PrivateKeyEntry,
认证指纹 (MD5): 97:33:40:5E:FD:XX:XX:XX:YY:YY:YY:ZZ:ZZ:ZZ:19:11
Keytool Option | Description |
-list |
Print an MD5 fingerprint of a certificate. |
-keystore <keystore-name>.keystore |
The name of the keystore containing the target key. |
-storepass <password> |
A password for the keystore. As a security precaution, do not include this option in your command line unless you are working at a secure computer. If not supplied, Keytool prompts you to enter the password. In this way, your password is not stored in your shell history. |
-alias <alias_name> |
The alias for the key for which to generate the MD5 certificate fingerprint. |
-keypass <password> |
The password for the key. As a security precaution, do not include this option in your command line unless you are working at a secure computer. If not supplied, Keytool prompts you to enter the password. In this way, your password is not stored in your shell history. |
如果下次需要再查看这个MD5值,可以通过$ keytool -list -keystore /home/cat/.android/debug.keystore命令,输入keystore密码:android得到
Keystore 类型: JKS
Keystore 提供者: SUN
您的 keystore 包含 1 输入
androiddebugkey, 2012-9-1, PrivateKeyEntry,
认证指纹 (MD5): 97:33:40:5E:FD:XX:XX:XX:YY:YY:YY:ZZ:ZZ:ZZ:19:11
2,访问https://developers.google.com/android/maps-api-signup?hl=zh-CN,输入取得的MD5编码,申请Android Maps API Key
<com.google.android.maps.MapView android:layout_width="fill_parent" android:layout_height="fill_parent" android:apiKey="0mP5XXn2YY7wzy_2ZZc4OObP_WCQQX9hPPpLMMQ" />
3,将获得的Android Maps API Key放入工程的layout文件中使用
android:enabled="true" >