2,编译的时候,由于我天生弱智,所以在开始make的时候,应该打make -j2,结果我打了个make j2,然后编译总是停下来,然后说找不到一些DOC目录,如find: `frameworks/base/frameworks/base/docs/html': 没有那个文件或目录
find: `out/target/common/docs/gen': 没有那个文件或目录
find: `frameworks/base/frameworks/base/docs/html': 没有那个文件或目录
find: `out/target/common/docs/gen': 没有那个文件或目录
我编译停止是因为找不到以上目录而停下的呢,所以找了很久解决这个问题的办法,其实,这个问题完全不用管,是因为我的make命令敲错了。大概2天以后我才意识到这个问题,不过已经相当焦头烂额了。然后这回make -j2敲正确了以后,虽然还是说找不到目录,但是已经顺利继续编译下去了。
host C: libneo_cgi <= external/clearsilver/cgi/cgi.c
external/clearsilver/cgi/cgi.c:22:18: error: zlib.h: No such file or directory
sudo apt-get install zlib1g-dev
然后到网上去查官网的文档到底在哪,有人说,You can still find the documentation in the source code here android-gingerbread/development/pdk it contains a README telling how to generate the documentation.
The kandroid site also has a copy
5, 不知什么原因,还是找不到最新的PDK文档。以上提到的文档链接全都过时了,没有最新的。所以只好搜中文的资料,按照一些有经验的人的方法来继续做。
有两个网址,看似很像官网:http://code.google.com/p/androidteam/ 这个说可能又要转移了,转移到:
7,(20110603)因为已经编译完成,因此在android根目录里面有一个out目录里会包含已经生成好的文件系统。我的输出在out/target/product/passion下面。里面生成了root,system,data等目录,以及这些目录的img文件。我具体的用法是,将system目录和data目录拷贝到root目录下,root目录里面本来就有system目录和data目录,但是都是空的,需要用上层的system目录和data目录来替换和覆盖。这样,就制作好了root目录了,这个目录就是android文件系统的根目录。可以用mkyaffs工具打包然后烧写flash,但是我是用的nfs来载入android文件系统的,因此,在挂载nfs以后,只要使用chroot来将根切换到我的android的root目录内就可以了。命令是:chroot /mnt/android/root/ /system/bin/sh然后回车,就可以了。回车以后,命令行提示“segmentation fault”错误,我理解是由于我的开发板是s3c2440的,cpu是armv4t的,因此不能运行android文件系统,必须找到支持armv4t的文件系统才可以。因此到网上查到了“android-on-freerunner”这个项目,这个项目是将android运行到armv4t上的一个项目,里面也有直接编译好的包可以下载,下面将里面的内容摘录一下。
android for armv4t原代码的获取和编译:http://code.google.com/p/android-on-freerunner/wiki/BuildIt
Neo Freerunner的硬件参数介绍:http://wiki.openmoko.org/wiki/Neo_FreeRunner_Hardware
You need:
If required, you can find very comprehensive additional information on most of the points covered below at the Openmoko Wiki site .
Update GSM firmware
Some of the issues with reading SIM card contacts, wakeup interrupts, etc. can be fixed by updating the GSM firmware on your phone to the latest version - currently Moko11. See the relevant OpenMoko wiki page for full instructions on checking your version and how to update.
Be warned! Loading a new build means clearing everything from your SD card and your telephone's memory, including the bootloader. Backup any personal files or modified config files you want to keep from your Freerunner now!
To back up your contacts and SMS data, create a local directory to store the data and pull the data from your Android phone using ADB.
$ mkdir backup
$ mkdir backup / data
$ adb pull / data / data / com . android . providers . contacts / databases / contacts . db backup / data / contacts . db
$ adb pull / data / data / com . android . providers . telephony / databases / mmssms . db backup / data / mmssms . db
$ adb pull / data / data / com . android . alarmclock / databases / alarms . db backup / data / alarms . db
$ adb pull / data / data / com . android . providers . settings / databases / settings . db backup / data / settings . db
$ adb pull / data / data / com . android . providers . calendar / databases / calendar . db backup / data / calendar . db
$ adb pull / data / data / com . android . settings / backup / data / com . android . settings /
$ adb pull / data / data / com . android . settings / shared_prefs / com . android . settings_preferences . xml backup / data / com . android . settings_preferences . xml
$ adb pull / data / data / org . andnav2 / backup / data / org . andnav2 /
We've adapted the script by Teodor Robas who created the initial script to automatically backup contacts, sms, preferences, wallpaper, calendar and so on. It creates a restore script for pushing these back to the Freerunner after flashing a new image. This restore script will also install busybox, a file explorer, and sets the date and time correctly.
You can check out the adapted script here.
For Android to work properly the Micro SD Card in your FreeRunner needs to have 2 primary partitions. The first needs to be a VFAT/MSDOS (16 or 32) partition which is used is mounted as '/sdcard', this is used as a storage area (for pictures, movies, music, etc). The second is an ext3 partition which Android mounts as '/data', this is where it stores settings, caches, etc.
Experience has shown that sizing these at a ratio of 3 to 1 works best. So if you have a 4GB card make a 3GB vfat partition and a 1GB ext3 partion.
Experience has also shown that it is best to delete all existing partitions and create new when installing a new build. (This greatly helps the testing and bug fixing process). Comprehensive information on partitioning and formatting your SD card can be found on the Openmoko Wiki.
Note Users have reported that it is also possible to install Android by making a single partition formatted as VFAT/MSDOS.
First step is to decide which version of Android you want to install.
One of the big plus points with Android is that Google push regular updates. The downside is that this project doesn't have the capacity to maintain several branches.
The current maintained options are Cupcake (Android 1.5) - as stable as it gets on the Freerunner with most functions working or Froyo (Android 2.2) - so bleeding edge as it hurts.
There is also a Master branch which is following the "Android Open Source Project" and will form the basis for future development. Allowing us to piggy-back on code releases from Google without going back to the start every time.
Next decide if you will create your own build: See detailed instructions here
or if you want to use one of the prepared builds available:
NB: To install the SD builds on the Download tab see here for details.
We are grateful to Ran and Cley Faye for providing the prepared builds.
Start by opening a terminal and change to the directory you downloaded the build file to. Next you need to attach your squeaky clean, newly formatted SD card to your system.
To mount it you need to know what device name your system has allocated to it. This can vary due to your distribution's rules and your hardware setup. If you are not sure then plug in your card then try running -
$ dmesg | tail
You should see something like -
scsi 5 : 0 : 0 : 0 : Direct - Access Multi Flash Reader 1.00 PQ : 0 ANSI : 0
sd 5 : 0 : 0 : 0 : Attached scsi generic sg2 type 0
usb - storage : device scan complete
sd 5 : 0 : 0 : 0 : [ sdb ] Attached SCSI removable disk
sd 5 : 0 : 0 : 0 : [ sdb ] 3862528 512 - byte logical blocks : ( 1.97 GB / 1.84 GiB )
sd 5 : 0 : 0 : 0 : [ sdb ] Assuming drive cache : write through
sd 5 : 0 : 0 : 0 : [ sdb ] Assuming drive cache : write through
sdb : sdb1 sdb2
If your system doesn't automatically mount the new partitions then you need to mount the vfat (first) partition as root. Create a directory under /mnt or use an existing one there. In this case /tmp1 -
# mount /dev/sdb1 /mnt/tmp1
Now you need to unpack the files from the build tar that you downloaded. First change to the directory you just mounted -
$ cd / mnt / tmp1
Now run the unpack commend as root -
# tar -xvzf /path/to/build/file/build.tar.gz
Don't worry if you see some messages about not being able to change the ownership of files.
First move out of the mounted directory -
$ cd ~
Now unmount the SD card as root -
# umount /mnt/tmp1
Note: Failing to unmount or sync the SD card before using it can lead to problems with the boot process below.
Remove the SD card from your system and insert it into the Micro SD card in the Freerunner. This is located below the SIM card.
When you have reassembled your Freerunner, hold the 'Aux button' (top left) in while you push the 'Power button' (bottom right). You should now see a menu with several choices, keep pushing the Aux button until you highlight the Option to "Boot from microSD card (FAT+ext2)". While this option is highlighted push the 'Power button' again.
Now sit back and watch the fun! Here's a short listing of what you should see during a normal installation:
Now you can use it! Go to Use it page to find out how.
Note The first boot takes much longer than subsequent ones, so don't worry.
To restore your contacts and SMS data, push your backup to your Android phone using ADB.
$ cd backup
$ adb push backup / data / contacts . db / data / data / com . android . providers . contacts / databases / contacts . db
$ adb push backup / data / mmssms . db / data / data / com . android . providers . telephony / databases / mmssms . db
$ adb push backup / data / alarms . db / data / data / com . android . alarmclock / databases / alarms . db
$ adb push backup / data / settings . db / data / data / com . android . providers . settings / databases / settings . db
$ adb push backup / data / calendar . db / data / data / com . android . providers . calendar / databases / calendar . db
$ adb push backup / data / com . android . settings / / data / data / com . android . settings /
$ adb push backup / data / com . android . settings_preferences . xml / data / data / com . android . settings / shared_prefs / com . android . settings_preferences . xml
$ adb push backup / data / org . andnav2 / / data / data / org . andnav2 /
$ adb shell sync
$ adb shell reboot
To restore your data, run the restore script generated by the backup script. This restore script will also install busybox, a file explorer, and sets the date and time correctly.
Send your comments to the mailing list
In general the setup necessary to build Android-on-Freerunner is the same as for the main Android project. See the Get Android Source page there for instructions on downloading source code and setting up your machine's build environment. One important difference: The AoF-specific source code is hosted at our Gitorious repository, so to checkout AoF code use the following command (not the one on the source.android.com page):
$ repo init - u git : //gitorious.org/android-on-freerunner/freerunner_platform_manifest.git -b froyo
The -b parameter on the repo command specifies the branch to check out, currently either cupcake or froyo .
In general, for either Mac OS/X or Linux build machines, follow the instructions at the source.android.com page . Notes on specific situations are below.
To build, do:
$ make - j 4 TARGET_PRODUCT = freerunner
The -j parameter will try to optimise the compilation process. The number should represent the double the number of cores on your system. In this example, the source is compiled on a dual core system. If you are trying to diagnose a build error, not using the -j parameter may make the diagnostics easier to read.
NOTE: If you are building the Cupcake branch then you need to specify 'freerunner' as the TARGET_PRODUCT, if you are using a newer branch then use 'fr'
Install the packages recommended on the Android page for Ubuntu (32 or 64 bit). Ubuntu 9.10 (Karmic Koala) and later no longer have Java 5 (which is required) in the repositories. You can either manually download and install it from the Oracle page , or you can add the old repository lines to your sources.list. See this page for instructions on the two approaches.
Also in 9.10 and later, the default GCC version has changed, so gcc-4.3, g++-4.3, liblzo2-dev and uboot-mkimage must be installed:
# sudo aptitude install gcc-4.3 g++-4.3 liblzo2-dev uboot-mkimage sun-java5-jdk
Whichever of the methods above you've used to install Java 5, you need to point the Android Java variables to the correct location. Something like:
$ export JAVA_HOME =< path - to - jdk1 . 5.0 _22 >
Additionally you must set the proper GCC version with environment variables:
$ export CC = gcc - 4.3
$ export CXX = g ++- 4.3
In case you have multiple JREs installed, make sure to set the default to the version required for your build. To find out what JREs you have installed run the following:
$ sudo java - update - alternatives -- list
To set the corect JRE, type:
$ sudo java - update - alternatives -- set [ the correct 1.5 JRE ]
Building with 64-bit OS seems to be more problematic. See the list of packages at the Android site, keeping in mind that you need GCC 4.3 versions of some of the listed packages (cc-4.3-multilib and g++-4.3-multilib). If you come up with a configuration that works, please post it to the mailing list. On the other hand, if you are having problems fell free to ask for help!
The installer branch is important in case you want to build your own installer package like the daily builds or releases. The installer branch includes the qi bootloader and a kernel with busybox and mtd-utils.
Prepare your system by downloading and installing the OpenMoko toolchain as described in this paragraph . This you will need for compiling Buysybox.
Install the xutils-dev package since you will be needing lndir as part of the make process
$ sudo apt - get install xutils - dev
Create a separate dir and get the source code on your system:
$ repo init - u git : //gitorious.org/android-on-freerunner/freerunner_platform_manifest.git -b installer
Compile the source by simply typing:
$ make
Now look for the files called qi.img and uImage.img.
For those who wish to build their own AoF installation package from the local repository, we have created a little script that will do this for you. Pre-requisite is that you've successfully compiled your AoF branch (e.g. Cupcake or Froyo) and the installer branch.
The script, called PackageInstaller.sh, is part of the installer branch and can be found in the installer directory.
The script requires two parameters: the path to your local installer branch and the path to your AoF branch.
An example of how to use the script:
$ ./ aof_installer / installer / PackageInstaller . sh ./ aof_installer ./ aof_cupcake
The script will create the a file called aof-installpackage-YYYYMMDD.tar.gz in your current directory.
Copy your tar.gz to your SD card and you're ready to install your own AoF distro ;-)
Send your comments to the mailing list
Filename ▼ | Summary + Labels ▼ | Uploaded ▼ | Size ▼ | DownloadCount ▼ | AndroidVersion ▼ | BuildVersion ▼ | ... | |
android-on-freerunner-froyo-sd-201104.tar.gz | Froyo developers SD build from Apr 2011 Featured | Apr 17 | 57.2 MB | 327 | Froyo | ---- | ||
android-on-freerunner-froyo-201104.tar.gz | Froyo developers build from Apr 2011 Featured | Apr 17 | 66.8 MB | 272 | Froyo | ---- | ||
backup-android.sh | AoF backup script Featured | Mar 15 | 6.5 KB | 144 | ---- | ---- | ||
android-on-freerunner-cupcake-sd-stable-201101.tar.gz | Cupcake stable SD build from Jan 2011 Featured | Feb 1 | 38.5 MB | 454 | Cupcake | ---- | ||
android-on-freerunner-cupcake-stable-201101.tar.gz | Cupcake stable build from Jan 2011 Featured | Feb 1 | 46.5 MB | 514 | Cupcake | ---- | ||
FOSDEM2010 Openmoko Devroom Android on Freerunner 2010-02-07.pdf | FOSDEM 2010 AoF Presentation Featured | Feb 2010 | 988 KB | 2541 | ---- | ---- | ||
freerunner_emulator_theme2.zip | Theme for Freerunner emulation in SDK | Nov 2009 | 703 KB | 713 | ---- | ---- | ||
Android-on-Feerunner Test List 20091020 v0.2.xls | Android-on-Freerunner Test List Featured | Oct 2009 | 43.5 KB | 2392 | ---- | ---- |
The Neo FreeRunner phone is the second hardware platform to take advantage of the Openmoko software stack. You can find specifications of the hardware by reviewing this introduction page and the pages in the category as shown at the bottom of this page.
For basic details please see the Customer-oriented specifications.
Full schematics are available.