Code::blocks C++宏,const,指针


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Code::blocks C++宏,const,指针_第1张图片


#include <iostream>
#include <cmath>

#define MIN(A,B) ((A) <= (B) ? (A) : (B))
#define SECONDS_PER_YEAR (60 * 60 * 24 * 365)

using namespace std;

int main()
	// Hello world
    cout << "Hello world!" << endl;
    int minv = MIN(8,10);
    cout << "min value: " << minv << endl;
    cout << "Seconds per year is : "<< SECONDS_PER_YEAR << endl;

    //const 与 指针
    int b = 500, b4 = 400;
    const int* a1 = &b; // case1
    int const* a2 = &b; // case2
    int* const a3 = &b; // case3
    const int* const a4 = &b4; // case4

    //case 1 and case 2 : const 在 * 左侧 const 修饰变量 b, 即 b 为常量
    //*a1 = 250; //wrong! G:\codeblock\llvm_cpp\test\main.cpp|27|error: assignment of read-only location '* a1'
	//*a2 = 250; //G:\codeblock\llvm_cpp\test\main.cpp|28|error: assignment of read-only location '* a2'
    b = 250;
    int c = 251;
    a2 = &c;
    cout << "*a1 = " << *a1 << " , " << "*a2 = " << *a2 <<endl;

    //case 3 : const 在 * 右侧 const 修饰指针 a3, 即 a3 为const 指针
    // 定义的时候必须初始化
    *a3 = 600;
    cout << "*a3 = " << *a3 << endl;

    //case 4 : 第1个const 修饰 b, 即 b 为常量; 第2个const 修饰 a4, 即a4 为const 指针
    cout << "*a4 = " << *a4 << endl;

    return 0;

Code::blocks C++宏,const,指针_第2张图片
