channel splitting把媒体分成多个description,每个description都可以单独的播放,但是多个description就可以提高回放的质量,在p2p系统中可以把每个description从多个peer上下载。
However, the peer replication problem, which addresses how to select optimal multiple peers to replicate different descriptions of one stream to reduce response time and network traffic, has not been resolved.
MDC codes a media stream into two (or more) complementary descriptions.If eachdescription alone is received it can be used to decode baseline quality video, and every additional description can further improve video quality. This is different from the conventional layered coding, where the enhancement layers serve only to refine the base layer quality and can not be used alone. MDC combines particularly well with path diversity, in which different descriptions are explicitly sent over different route to a client.
HLEV类似于MDC,但是HLEV把媒体分成一个base layer和多个enhancement layer,每一层必须建立在下面层次的基础上,会对下面的层起到增强的作用,在分布式的环境下,最恶劣的情况,提供base layer的那个节点leave,会导致所有的client都会停滞。所以HLEV不适合在p2p环境下使用。