Sys.Webforms. PageRequestManag erServerErrorExc eption: An uknown error occurred while processing the request on the server. Th

asp.net2.0 + + Ajax,点击按钮,出现一个痛苦的问题:
Sys.Webforms. PageRequestManag erServerErrorExc eption: An uknown error occurred while processing the request on the server.  The status code returned from the server was: 500
< asp:UpdatePanel ID = " UpdatePanel1 "  runat = " server "  UpdateMode = " conditional " >
< ContentTemplate >
< asp:Table ID = " Table1 "  runat = " server "  CellPadding = " 2 "  CellSpacing = " 0 "  CssClass = " table " >                         
< asp:TableRow >
< asp:TableCell CssClass = " tableCell "  Width = " 8% " >
</ asp:TableCell >
< asp:TableCell CssClass = " tableCell " >
< asp:Label ID = " lblSubject "  runat = " server "  Text = "" ></ asp:Label >    
</ asp:TableCell >
</ asp:TableRow >                         
< asp:TableRow >
< asp:TableCell CssClass = " tableCell "  VerticalAlign = " top " >
</ asp:TableCell >
< asp:TableCell CssClass = " tableCell " >
< FCKeditorV2:FCKeditor ID = " FCKeditor1 "  runat = " server "  BasePath = " ~/Editor/Back/FCKeditor/ "  Height = " 300 " >
</ FCKeditorV2:FCKeditor >
</ asp:TableCell >
</ asp:TableRow >
</ asp:Table >
& nbsp; & nbsp; < asp:Button ID = " btnAdd "  runat = " server "  OnClick = " btnAdd_Click "
= " button "   />& nbsp; & nbsp; < asp:Button ID = " btnFinish "  runat = " server "  Text = " 完成 "  OnClick = " btnFinish_Click "  CssClass = " button "  CausesValidation = " false "   />  
</ ContentTemplate >
</ asp:UpdatePanel >


<%@ Page Language="VB" AutoEventWireup="false" CodeFile="xxx.aspx.vb" Inherits="xxx" %>里加上一个属性:ValidateRequest="false" 即可。

你可能感兴趣的:(Sys.Webforms. PageRequestManag erServerErrorExc eption: An uknown error occurred while processing the request on the server. Th)