作为整个工程的第一步,记录整个安装流程和配置文件的修改,尤其是配置文件的管理,这在后面是非常重要的环境。 -------------START--------------- 到官网http://www.zmanda.com/ 下载所需版本的服务器端与客户端。 软件版本 2.6.0p2 本次应用环境为: 主机名 IP 代号 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 服务器端 :red hat 企业版5.1 32位 | localhost155.AmSer | | SER Linux客户端 :red hat 企业版5.1 32位 | Amanda11 | | CLT Windows客户端 :Windows xp SP3 | HUST-VINDA | | WIN ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 一、主机SER安装与配置 第一步 安装xinetd与服务器端 [root@localhost155 ~]# rpm -ivh xinetd-2.3.14-11.i386.rpm [root@localhost155 ~]# rpm -ivh amanda-backup_server-2.6.0p2-1.rhel5.i386.rpm (省略...) Amanda installation log can be found in '/var/log/amanda/install.log' and errors (if any) in '/var/log/amanda/install.err'. 第二步 修改用户amandabackup的密码 [root@localhost155 ~]# passwd amandabackup Changing password for user amandabackup. New UNIX password: BAD PASSWORD: it is too simplistic/systematic Retype new UNIX password: passwd: all authentication tokens updated successfully. 第三步 创建vtapes @1@ 创建vtape目录和解决方案目录。并修改所有者与权限 [root@localhost155 ~]# mkdir -p /data/amanda/vtape/DailySet1 [root@localhost155 ~]# chown -R amandabackup:disk /data/amanda/vtape/DailySet1/ [root@localhost155 ~]# chmod -R 750 /data/amanda/vtape/DailySet1/ @2@配置命令(并没有修改文件/etc/amanda/amanda-client.conf) [root@localhost155 ~]# mkdir /var/log/amanda/gnuter-lists(需要么? --不需要) 切换到用户amandabackup [root@localhost155 ~]# su - amandabackup 可以查看amserverconfig的选项如下 -sh-3.1$ amserverconfig Option tapedev requires an argument /usr/sbin/amserverconfig <config> [--template <template>] [--no-vtape] (do not create virtual tapes) [--tapetype <tapetype>] [--tpchanger <tpchanger>] [--tapedev <tapedev>] [--changerfile <changerfile>] [--changerdev <changerdev>] [--labelstr <labelstr>] [--mailto <mailto>] [--dumpcycle <dumpcycle> (ex: 5days, 1week or 2weeks)] [--runspercycle <runspercycle>] [--runtapes <runtapes>] [--tapecycle <tapecycle>] [--help] 使用命令进行配置 -sh-3.1$ amserverconfig DailySet1 --template harddisk --tpchanger chg-disk --tapedev /data/amanda/vtape/DailySet1 --mailto amandabackup@localhost --dumpcycle 1week --runspercycle 5 --tapecycle 12 --runtapes 1 Logging to /var/log/amanda/amserverconfig.20090709151648.debug /etc/amanda/template.d directory created /var/lib/amanda/gnutar-lists directory exists /etc/amanda/DailySet1/advanced.conf created and updated curinfo and index directory created tapelist file created disklist file created Creating custom configuration using templates custom amanda.conf created creating vtape directory amlabel vtapes WARNING: Not enough space for vtapes. Creation of vtapes failed /var/lib/amanda/example/xinetd.amandaserver contains the latest Amanda server daemon configuration. Please merge it to /etc/xinetd.d/amandaserver. /var/lib/amanda/.ssh/client_authorized_keys created. Please append to /var/lib/amanda/.ssh/authorized_keys file on Amanda clients Error in creating virtual tape, please check log and create virtual tape manually.(无论如何都是这样的,所以下一步要手动创建vtape) 注意:最重要的配置文件 /etc/amanda/DailySet1/amanda.conf 是在这个时候生成的,我们可以查看其内容如下 -sh-3.1$ vim /etc/amanda/DailySet1/amanda.conf org "DailySet1" # your organization name for reports mailto "amandabackup@localhost" # space separated list of operators at your site dumpcycle 1week # the number of days in the normal dump cycle runspercycle 5 # the number of amdump runs in dumpcycle days tapecycle 12 # the number of tapes in rotation runtapes 1 # number of tapes to be used in a single run of amdump tpchanger "chg-disk" # the tape-changer glue script tapedev "file://data/amanda/vtape/DailySet1" # the no-rewind tape device changerfile "/etc/amanda/DailySet1/changer.conf" # tape changer configuration parameter file changerdev "/dev/null" # tape changer configuration parameter device tapetype HARDDISK # what kind of tape it is labelstr "DailySet1" # label constraint regex: all tapes must match dtimeout 1800 # number of idle seconds before a dump is aborted ctimeout 30 # max number of secconds amcheck waits for each client etimeout 300 # number of seconds per filesystem for estimates define dumptype global { comment "Global {efinitions" auth "bsdtcp" } }efine dumptype gui-base { global { program "GNUTAR" comment "gui base dumptype dumped with tar" compress none index yes } }efine tapetype HARDDISK { comment "Virtual T{pes" length 5000 mbytes } }ncludefile "advanced.conf" includefile "/etc/amanda/template.d/dumptypes" includefile "/etc/amanda/template.d/tapetypes" @3@手动创建虚拟磁带库vtape 创建12(前面参数tapecycle确定)个目录 ,并链接 -sh-3.1$ cd /data/amanda/vtape/DailySet1/ -sh-3.1$ mkdir slot{1..12} -sh-3.1$ ln -s slot1 data -sh-3.1$ ls data slot1 slot10 slot11 slot12 slot2 slot3 slot4 slot5 slot6 slot7 slot8 slot9 为磁带打上标签标签规则由labelstr确定 。 -sh-3.1$ for i in 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 ;do amlabel DailySet1 DailySet1-0$i slot $i;done labeling tape in slot 1 (file://data/amanda/vtape/DailySet1): Reading label... Found an unlabeled tape. Writing label DailySet1-01.. Checking label... Success! labeling tape in slot 2 (file://data/amanda/vtape/DailySet1): Reading label... Found an unlabeled tape. Writing label DailySet1-02.. Checking label... Success! labeling tape in slot 3 (file://data/amanda/vtape/DailySet1): Reading label... Found an unlabeled tape. Writing label DailySet1-03.. Checking label... Success! labeling tape in slot 4 (file://data/amanda/vtape/DailySet1): Reading label... Found an unlabeled tape. Writing label DailySet1-04.. Checking label... Success! labeling tape in slot 5 (file://data/amanda/vtape/DailySet1): Reading label... Found an unlabeled tape. Writing label DailySet1-05.. Checking label... Success! labeling tape in slot 6 (file://data/amanda/vtape/DailySet1): Reading label... Found an unlabeled tape. Writing label DailySet1-06.. Checking label... Success! labeling tape in slot 7 (file://data/amanda/vtape/DailySet1): Reading label... Found an unlabeled tape. Writing label DailySet1-07.. Checking label... Success! labeling tape in slot 8 (file://data/amanda/vtape/DailySet1): Reading label... Found an unlabeled tape. Writing label DailySet1-08.. Checking label... Success! labeling tape in slot 9 (file://data/amanda/vtape/DailySet1): Reading label... Found an unlabeled tape. Writing label DailySet1-09.. Checking label... Success! -sh-3.1$ for i in 10 11 12 ;do amlabel DailySet1 DailySet1-$i slot $i;done labeling tape in slot 10 (file://data/amanda/vtape/DailySet1): Reading label... Found an unlabeled tape. Writing label DailySet1-10.. Checking label... Success! labeling tape in slot 11 (file://data/amanda/vtape/DailySet1): Reading label... Found an unlabeled tape. Writing label DailySet1-11.. Checking label... Success! labeling tape in slot 12 (file://data/amanda/vtape/DailySet1): Reading label... Found an unlabeled tape. Writing label DailySet1-12.. Checking label... Success! 修改服务器hosts和权限文件 (把Linux和Windows客户端也改了。。。。。windows .am~拒绝访问) [root@localhost155 ~]# vi /var/lib/amanda/.amandahosts localhost root amindexd amidxtaped localhost amandabackup amdump localhost.localdomain root amindexd amidxtaped localhost.localdomain amandabackup amdump Amanda11 amandabackup amindexd amidxtaped Amanda11 root amindexd amidxtaped hust-vinda amandaroot amindexd amidxtaped hust-vinda Administrator amindexd amidxtaped [root@localhost155 ~]# vi /etc/hosts # Do not remove the following line, or various programs # that require network functionality will fail. ::1 localhost6.localdomain6 localhost6 localhost.localdomain localhost localhost155 Amanda11 #linux client hust-vinda #windows client 修改disklist 内容 [root@localhost155 ~]# vi /etc/amanda/DailySet1/disklist Amanda11 /mydata comp-user-tar ##hust-vinda c:/data zwc-compress (由于这个没有,因此先按照手册上的 改配置文件)这个不必添加 Windows配置时会自动添加 @4@添加Linux客户端配置 [root@localhost155 ~]# su - amandabackup -sh-3.1$ amaddclient --config DailySet1 --client Amanda11 --diskdev /mydata --dumptype comp-user-tar Logging to /var/log/amanda/amaddclient.20090709195118.debug /etc/amanda/DailySet1/disklist updated updating /var/lib/amanda/.amandahosts on localhost155.AmSer /var/lib/amanda/.amandahosts contains Amanda11 root, file not updated Attempting to update /var/lib/amanda/.amandahosts on Amanda11 The authenticity of host 'amanda11 (' can't be established. RSA key fingerprint is 7b:2a:00:58:ad:df:9b:eb:b1:2b:86:27:97:88:7b:67. Are you sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no)? y Please type 'yes' or 'no': yes Warning: Permanently added 'amanda11,' (RSA) to the list of known hosts. amandabackup@amanda11's password: .amandahosts 100% 120 0.1KB/s 00:00 /var/lib/amanda/.amandahosts contains localhost155.AmSer amandabackup, file not updated Amanda11:/var/lib/amanda/.amandahosts updated successfully Creating amanda-client.conf for Amanda11 Creating /etc/amanda/DailySet1 on Amanda11 (不要提前创建这个目录) amandabackup@amanda11's password: amandabackup@amanda11's password: amanda-client.conf-Amanda11 100% 388 0.4KB/s 00:00 Copy /var/lib/amanda/amanda-client.conf-Amanda11 to Amanda11 successfully File /var/lib/amanda/example/xinetd.amandaclient contains the latest Amanda client daemon configuration. Please merge it to /etc/xinetd.d/amandaclient. @5@添加Windows客户端配置 -sh-3.1$ amaddclient --config DailySet1 --client hust-vinda --diskdev c:/ data -dumptype zwc-compress Logging to /var/log/amanda/amaddclient.20090709200806.debug /etc/amanda/DailySet1/disklist updated updating /var/lib/amanda/.amandahosts on localhost155.AmSer Attempting to update /var/lib/amanda/.amandahosts on hust-vinda ssh: connect to host hust-vinda port 22: Connection refused WARNING: scp from hust-vinda not successful. Check hust-vinda:/var/lib/amanda/.amandahosts file. If entry 'localhost155.AmSer amandabackup' is not present, append the entry to the file manually. Creating amanda-client.conf for hust-vinda Creating /etc/amanda/DailySet1 on hust-vinda ssh: connect to host hust-vinda port 22: Connection refused WARNING: Cannot create /etc/amanda/DailySet1 on hust-vinda Please copy /var/lib/amanda/amanda-client.conf-hust-vinda to hust-vinda manually File /var/lib/amanda/example/xinetd.amandaclient contains the latest Amanda client daemon configuration. Please merge it to /etc/xinetd.d/amandaclient. |