首先在自己的工程中添加AudioToolbox.framework库,在.m文件中添加头文件:#import <AudioToolbox/AudioToolbox.h>
There are some predefined system sounds, for the system sound ID in the range 1000 to 2000 (decimal), as shown below (from 2.0 to 5.0 beta). The system sounds are all stored in/System/Library/Audio/UISounds/.
Sound ID | File name (iPhone) | File name (iPod Touch) | Category | Note |
1000 | new-mail.caf | new-mail.caf | MailReceived | |
1001 | mail-sent.caf | mail-sent.caf | MailSent | |
1002 | Voicemail.caf | Voicemail.caf | VoicemailReceived | |
1003 | ReceivedMessage.caf | ReceivedMessage.caf | SMSReceived | |
1004 | SentMessage.caf | SentMessage.caf | SMSSent | |
1005 | alarm.caf | sq_alarm.caf | CalendarAlert | |
1006 | low_power.caf | low_power.caf | LowPower | |
1007 | sms-received1.caf | sms-received1.caf | SMSReceived_Alert | |
1008 | sms-received2.caf | sms-received2.caf | SMSReceived_Alert | |
1009 | sms-received3.caf | sms-received3.caf | SMSReceived_Alert | |
1010 | sms-received4.caf | sms-received4.caf | SMSReceived_Alert | |
1011 | - | - | SMSReceived_Vibrate | |
1012 | sms-received1.caf | sms-received1.caf | SMSReceived_Alert | |
1013 | sms-received5.caf | sms-received5.caf | SMSReceived_Alert | |
1014 | sms-received6.caf | sms-received6.caf | SMSReceived_Alert | |
1015 | Voicemail.caf | Voicemail.caf | - | Available since 2.1 |
1016 | tweet_sent.caf | tweet_sent.caf | SMSSent | Available since 5.0 |
1020 | Anticipate.caf | Anticipate.caf | SMSReceived_Alert | Available since 4.2 |
1021 | Bloom.caf | Bloom.caf | SMSReceived_Alert | Available since 4.2 |
1022 | Calypso.caf | Calypso.caf | SMSReceived_Alert | Available since 4.2 |
1023 | Choo_Choo.caf | Choo_Choo.caf | SMSReceived_Alert | Available since 4.2 |
1024 | Descent.caf | Descent.caf | SMSReceived_Alert | Available since 4.2 |
1025 | Fanfare.caf | Fanfare.caf | SMSReceived_Alert | Available since 4.2 |
1026 | Ladder.caf | Ladder.caf | SMSReceived_Alert | Available since 4.2 |
1027 | Minuet.caf | Minuet.caf | SMSReceived_Alert | Available since 4.2 |
1028 | News_Flash.caf | News_Flash.caf | SMSReceived_Alert | Available since 4.2 |
1029 | Noir.caf | Noir.caf | SMSReceived_Alert | Available since 4.2 |
1030 | Sherwood_Forest.caf | Sherwood_Forest.caf | SMSReceived_Alert | Available since 4.2 |
1031 | Spell.caf | Spell.caf | SMSReceived_Alert | Available since 4.2 |
1032 | Suspense.caf | Suspense.caf | SMSReceived_Alert | Available since 4.2 |
1033 | Telegraph.caf | Telegraph.caf | SMSReceived_Alert | Available since 4.2 |
1034 | Tiptoes.caf | Tiptoes.caf | SMSReceived_Alert | Available since 4.2 |
1035 | Typewriters.caf | Typewriters.caf | SMSReceived_Alert | Available since 4.2 |
1036 | Update.caf | Update.caf | SMSReceived_Alert | Available since 4.2 |
1050 | ussd.caf | ussd.caf | USSDAlert | |
1051 | SIMToolkitCallDropped.caf | SIMToolkitCallDropped.caf | SIMToolkitTone | |
1052 | SIMToolkitGeneralBeep.caf | SIMToolkitGeneralBeep.caf | SIMToolkitTone | |
1053 | SIMToolkitNegativeACK.caf | SIMToolkitNegativeACK.caf | SIMToolkitTone | |
1054 | SIMToolkitPositiveACK.caf | SIMToolkitPositiveACK.caf | SIMToolkitTone | |
1055 | SIMToolkitSMS.caf | SIMToolkitSMS.caf | SIMToolkitTone | |
1057 | Tink.caf | Tink.caf | PINKeyPressed | |
1070 | ct-busy.caf | ct-busy.caf | AudioToneBusy | There was no category for this sound before 4.0. |
1071 | ct-congestion.caf | ct-congestion.caf | AudioToneCongestion | There was no category for this sound before 4.0. |
1072 | ct-path-ack.caf | ct-path-ack.caf | AudioTonePathAcknowledge | There was no category for this sound before 4.0. |
1073 | ct-error.caf | ct-error.caf | AudioToneError | There was no category for this sound before 4.0. |
1074 | ct-call-waiting.caf | ct-call-waiting.caf | AudioToneCallWaiting | There was no category for this sound before 4.0. |
1075 | ct-keytone2.caf | ct-keytone2.caf | AudioToneKey2 | There was no category for this sound before 4.0. |
1100 | lock.caf | sq_lock.caf | ScreenLocked | |
1101 | unlock.caf | sq_lock.caf | ScreenUnlocked | |
1102 | - | - | FailedUnlock | |
1103 | Tink.caf | sq_tock.caf | KeyPressed | |
1104 | Tock.caf | sq_tock.caf | KeyPressed | |
1105 | Tock.caf | sq_tock.caf | KeyPressed | |
1106 | beep-beep.caf | sq_beep-beep.caf | ConnectedToPower | |
1107 | RingerChanged.caf | RingerChanged.caf | RingerSwitchIndication | |
1108 | photoShutter.caf | photoShutter.caf | CameraShutter | |
1109 | shake.caf | shake.caf | ShakeToShuffle | Available since 3.0 |
1110 | jbl_begin.caf | jbl_begin.caf | JBL_Begin | Available since 3.0 |
1111 | jbl_confirm.caf | jbl_confirm.caf | JBL_Confirm | Available since 3.0 |
1112 | jbl_cancel.caf | jbl_cancel.caf | JBL_Cancel | Available since 3.0 |
1113 | begin_record.caf | begin_record.caf | BeginRecording | Available since 3.0 |
1114 | end_record.caf | end_record.caf | EndRecording | Available since 3.0 |
1115 | jbl_ambiguous.caf | jbl_ambiguous.caf | JBL_Ambiguous | Available since 3.0 |
1116 | jbl_no_match.caf | jbl_no_match.caf | JBL_NoMatch | Available since 3.0 |
1117 | begin_video_record.caf | begin_video_record.caf | BeginVideoRecording | Available since 3.0 |
1118 | end_video_record.caf | end_video_record.caf | EndVideoRecording | Available since 3.0 |
1150 | vc~invitation-accepted.caf | vc~invitation-accepted.caf | VCInvitationAccepted | Available since 4.0 |
1151 | vc~ringing.caf | vc~ringing.caf | VCRinging | Available since 4.0 |
1152 | vc~ended.caf | vc~ended.caf | VCEnded | Available since 4.0 |
1153 | ct-call-waiting.caf | ct-call-waiting.caf | VCCallWaiting | Available since 4.1 |
1154 | vc~ringing.caf | vc~ringing.caf | VCCallUpgrade | Available since 4.1 |
1200 | dtmf-0.caf | dtmf-0.caf | TouchTone | |
1201 | dtmf-1.caf | dtmf-1.caf | TouchTone | |
1202 | dtmf-2.caf | dtmf-2.caf | TouchTone | |
1203 | dtmf-3.caf | dtmf-3.caf | TouchTone | |
1204 | dtmf-4.caf | dtmf-4.caf | TouchTone | |
1205 | dtmf-5.caf | dtmf-5.caf | TouchTone | |
1206 | dtmf-6.caf | dtmf-6.caf | TouchTone | |
1207 | dtmf-7.caf | dtmf-7.caf | TouchTone | |
1208 | dtmf-8.caf | dtmf-8.caf | TouchTone | |
1209 | dtmf-9.caf | dtmf-9.caf | TouchTone | |
1210 | dtmf-star.caf | dtmf-star.caf | TouchTone | |
1211 | dtmf-pound.caf | dtmf-pound.caf | TouchTone | |
1254 | long_low_short_high.caf | long_low_short_high.caf | Headset_StartCall | |
1255 | short_double_high.caf | short_double_high.caf | Headset_Redial | |
1256 | short_low_high.caf | short_low_high.caf | Headset_AnswerCall | |
1257 | short_double_low.caf | short_double_low.caf | Headset_EndCall | |
1258 | short_double_low.caf | short_double_low.caf | Headset_CallWaitingActions | |
1259 | middle_9_short_double_low.caf | middle_9_short_double_low.caf | Headset_TransitionEnd | |
1300 | Voicemail.caf | Voicemail.caf | SystemSoundPreview | |
1301 | ReceivedMessage.caf | ReceivedMessage.caf | SystemSoundPreview | |
1302 | new-mail.caf | new-mail.caf | SystemSoundPreview | |
1303 | mail-sent.caf | mail-sent.caf | SystemSoundPreview | |
1304 | alarm.caf | sq_alarm.caf | SystemSoundPreview | |
1305 | lock.caf | sq_lock.caf | SystemSoundPreview | |
1306 | Tock.caf | sq_tock.caf | KeyPressClickPreview | The category was SystemSoundPreview before 3.2. |
1307 | sms-received1.caf | sms-received1.caf | SMSReceived_Selection | |
1308 | sms-received2.caf | sms-received2.caf | SMSReceived_Selection | |
1309 | sms-received3.caf | sms-received3.caf | SMSReceived_Selection | |
1310 | sms-received4.caf | sms-received4.caf | SMSReceived_Selection | |
1311 | - | - | SMSReceived_Vibrate | |
1312 | sms-received1.caf | sms-received1.caf | SMSReceived_Selection | |
1313 | sms-received5.caf | sms-received5.caf | SMSReceived_Selection | |
1314 | sms-received6.caf | sms-received6.caf | SMSReceived_Selection | |
1315 | Voicemail.caf | Voicemail.caf | SystemSoundPreview | Available since 2.1 |
1320 | Anticipate.caf | Anticipate.caf | SMSReceived_Selection | Available since 4.2 |
1321 | Bloom.caf | Bloom.caf | SMSReceived_Selection | Available since 4.2 |
1322 | Calypso.caf | Calypso.caf | SMSReceived_Selection | Available since 4.2 |
1323 | Choo_Choo.caf | Choo_Choo.caf | SMSReceived_Selection | Available since 4.2 |
1324 | Descent.caf | Descent.caf | SMSReceived_Selection | Available since 4.2 |
1325 | Fanfare.caf | Fanfare.caf | SMSReceived_Selection | Available since 4.2 |
1326 | Ladder.caf | Ladder.caf | SMSReceived_Selection | Available since 4.2 |
1327 | Minuet.caf | Minuet.caf | SMSReceived_Selection | Available since 4.2 |
1328 | News_Flash.caf | News_Flash.caf | SMSReceived_Selection | Available since 4.2 |
1329 | Noir.caf | Noir.caf | SMSReceived_Selection | Available since 4.2 |
1330 | Sherwood_Forest.caf | Sherwood_Forest.caf | SMSReceived_Selection | Available since 4.2 |
1331 | Spell.caf | Spell.caf | SMSReceived_Selection | Available since 4.2 |
1332 | Suspense.caf | Suspense.caf | SMSReceived_Selection | Available since 4.2 |
1333 | Telegraph.caf | Telegraph.caf | SMSReceived_Selection | Available since 4.2 |
1334 | Tiptoes.caf | Tiptoes.caf | SMSReceived_Selection | Available since 4.2 |
1335 | Typewriters.caf | Typewriters.caf | SMSReceived_Selection | Available since 4.2 |
1336 | Update.caf | Update.caf | SMSReceived_Selection | Available since 4.2 |
1350 | - | - | RingerVibeChanged | |
1351 | - | - | SilentVibeChanged | |
4095 | - | - | Vibrate | There was no category for this sound before 2.2. In the SDK this is the constant kSystemSoundID_Vibrate. |
// 获取文件所在的路径
NSString *path = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@%@", [[NSBundle mainBundle] resourcePath], @"/jad0007a.wav"];
// 定义一个系统SystemSoundID的对象
id SystemSoundID soundID;
// 获取文件URL
NSURL *filePath = [NSURL fileURLWithPath:path isDirectory:NO];
// 利用打开的文件创建一个soundID
AudioServicesCreateSystemSoundID((CFURLRef)filePath, &soundID);
// 通过创建的音频文件ID打开对应的音频文件