1.system privileges: view => system_privilege_map ,dba_sys_privs,session_privs
2.grant system privilege
sql> grant create session,create table to managers;
sql> grant create session to scott with admin option;
with admin option can grant or revoke privilege from any user or role;
3.sysdba and sysoper privileges:
sysoper: startup,shutdown,alter database open|mount,alter database backup controlfile,
alter tablespace begin/end backup,recover database
alter database archivelog,restricted session
sysdba: sysoper privileges with admin option,create database,recover database until
4.password file members: view:=> v$pwfile_users
5.O7_dictionary_accessibility =true restriction access to view or tables in other schema
6.revoke system privilege
sql> revoke create table from karen;
sql> revoke create session from scott;
7.grant object privilege
sql> grant execute on dbms_pipe to public;
sql> grant update(first_name,salary) on employee to karen with grant option;
8.display object privilege : view => dba_tab_privs, dba_col_privs
9.revoke object privilege
sql> revoke execute on dbms_pipe from scott [cascade constraints];
10.audit record view :=> sys.aud$
11. protecting the audit trail
sql> audit delete on sys.aud$ by access;
12.statement auditing
sql> audit user;
13.privilege auditing
sql> audit select any table by summit by access;
14.schema object auditing
sql> audit lock on summit.employee by access whenever successful;
15.view audit option : view=> all_def_audit_opts,dba_stmt_audit_opts,dba_priv_audit_opts,dba_obj_audit_opts
16.view audit result: view=> dba_audit_trail,dba_audit_exists,dba_audit_object,dba_audit_session,dba_audit_statement