SIPP 3.1 安装编译

1.       安装环境准备:

C++ 编译器

Curses or ncurses library :


rpm -q ncurses

For authentication & TLS supportOpenSSL>=0.9.8


For pcap play support :libpcap and libnet


rpm -q libpcap

rpm –q libnet 

yum install libnet

yum install libpcap-devel


  You have four options to compile SIPp:

  • Without TLS (Transport Layer Security) and authentication support: This is the recommended setup if you don't need to handle SIP authentication and/or TLS. In this case, there are no depencies to install before building SIPp. It is straight forward:

·                # gunzip sipp-xxx.tar.gz

·                # tar -xvf sipp-xxx.tar

·                # cd sipp

·                # make

  • With TLS and authentication support, you must have installed OpenSSL library (>=0.9.8) (which may come with your system). Building SIPp consist only in adding the "ossl" option to the make command:

·                # gunzip sipp-xxx.tar.gz

·                # tar -xvf sipp-xxx.tar

·                # cd sipp

·                # make ossl

  • With PCAP play and without authentication support:

·                # gunzip sipp-xxx.tar.gz

·                # tar -xvf sipp-xxx.tar

·                # cd sipp

·                # make pcapplay

  • With PCAP play and authentication support:

·                # gunzip sipp-xxx.tar.gz

·                # tar -xvf sipp-xxx.tar

·                # cd sipp

·                # make pcapplay_ossl



