问题描述:英语:Given an arbitrary binary tree, propose amethod to determine the first common ancestor of 2 randomly selected nodes in the tree中文:求二叉树中任意两个节点的最近公共祖先也称为LCA问题(Lowest Common Ancestor)。 其实这道问题是许多面试题中的经典,平时很少关注树类结构, 这次看到这个例子就拿了过来,多谢网上同仁。
基本思想为:从树根开始,该节点的值为t,如果t大于t1和t2,说明t1和t2都位于t的左侧,所以它们的共同祖先必定在t的左子树中,从t.left开始搜索;如果t小于t1和t2,说明t1和t2都位于t的右侧,那么从t.right开始搜索;如果t1<t< t2,说明t1和t2位于t的两侧,那么该节点t为公共祖先。
1.public int query(Node t1, Node t2, Node t) { 2. int left = t1.value; 3. int right = t2.value; 4. Node parent = null; 5. 6. if (left > right) { 7. int temp = left; 8. left = right; 9. right = temp; 10. } 11. 12. while (true) { 13. if (t.value < left) { 14. parent = t; 15. t = t.right; 16. } else if (t.value > right) { 17. parent = t; 18. t = t.left; 19. } else if (t.value == left || t.value == right) { 20. return parent.value; 21. } else { 22. return t.value; 23. } 24. } 25.}
1. 离线算法(Tarjan)
1.void LCA(int parent) //从根节点开始 2.{ 3. p[parent] = parent; 4. ancestor[findSet(parent)] = parent; 5. for(int i = index[parent]; i != -1; i = e[i].next) 6. { 7. LCA(e[i].to); 8. Union(parent,e[i].to); 9. ancestor[findSet(parent)] = parent; 10. } 11. vis[parent] = true; 12. if(parent == a && vis[b]) //要先将所有查询记录下来,这里只有一个查询:a与b的LCA 13. printf("%d\n",ancestor[findSet(b)]); 14. else if(parent == b && vis[a]) 15. printf("%d\n",ancestor[findSet(a)]); 16.}
2. 在线算法(RMQ)
/ \
(2) (7)
/ \ \
(3) (4) (8)
/ \
(5) (6)
结点的访问顺序为:1 2 3 24 5 4 6 4 2 1 7 8 7
相应的深度为: 0 1 2 1 2 3 2 3 2 1 0 1 2 1 0
结点1-8第一次出现的次序为:1 2 3 5 6 8 12 13
查询3和6的公共祖先,考虑3和6第一次出现的位置为3和8,即寻找序列2 1 2 3 2 3中的最小值,最小值为1,对应的点位2,则3与6的最近公共祖先为2。
1.public class LCA { 2. 3. private final int MAX = 10; 4. private int[] dfs = new int[2*MAX]; 5. private int[] depth = new int[2*MAX]; 6. private int[][] f; 7. private int[] call = new int[MAX]; 8. private int len = 0; 9. 10. public void track(Node t, int d) { 11. if (t == null) 12. return; 13. dfs[len] = t.value; 14. depth[len] = d; 15. call[t.value-1] = len; 16. len++; 17. 18. track2(t.left, d+1); 19. if (t.left != null) { 20. dfs[len] = t.value; 21. depth[len] = d; 22. len++; 23. } 24. 25. track2(t.right, d+1); 26. if (t.right != null) { 27. dfs[len] = t.value; 28. depth[len] = d; 29. len++; 30. } 31. } 32. 33. public void rmq() { 34. int count = 1; 35. while ((1 << count) <= len) 36. count++; 37. f = new int[len][count]; 38. count--; 39. 40. for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) { 41. f[i][0] = i; 42. } 43. 44. for (int j = 1; (1 << j) <= len; j++) { 45. for (int i = 0; i+(1<<j)-1 < len; i++) { 46. f[i][j] = depth[f[i][j-1]] < depth[f[i+(1<<j-1)][j-1]] ? 47. f[i][j-1] : f[i+(1<<j-1)][j-1]; 48. } 49. } 50. } 51. 52. public int query(Node t1, Node t2) { 53. int start = call[t1.value-1]; 54. int end = call[t2.value-1]; 55. 56. if(start > end) { 57. int temp = start; 58. start = end; 59. end = temp; 60. } 61. 62. int count = 1; 63. while ((1 << count) <= end - start + 1) 64. count++; 65. count--; 66. int result = depth[f[start][count]] < depth[f[end-(1<<count)+1][count]] ? 67. f[start][count] : f[end-(1<<count)+1][count]; 68. 69. if (dfs[result] == t1.value || dfs[result] == t2.value) { 70. int temp = depth[result]; 71. while (depth[result] >= temp) 72. result--; 73. } 74. return dfs[result]; 75. } 76. 77. public static void main(String[] args) { 78. Node n3 = new Node(3); 79. Node n5 = new Node(5); 80. Node n6 = new Node(6); 81. Node n4 = new Node(4, n5, n6); 82. Node n2 = new Node(2, n3, n4); 83. Node n8 = new Node(8); 84. Node n7 = new Node(7, null, n8); 85. Node n1 = new Node(1, n2, n7); 86. 87. LCA l = new LCA(); 88. l.track(n1, 0); 89. l.rmq(); 90. 91. System.out.println(l.query(n5, n4)); 92. } 93.} 94. 95.class Node { 96. int value; 97. Node left; 98. Node right; 99. 100. public Node(int value, Node left, Node right) { 101. this.value = value; 102. this.left = left; 103. this.right = right; 104. } 105. 106. public Node(int value) { 107. this.value = value; 108. this.left = null; 109. this.right = null; 110. } 111.}
3. 后序遍历
1.bool lca(Node *root, int va, int vb, Node *&result, Node* parent) 2.{ 3. // left/right 左/右子树是否含有要判断的两节点之一 4. bool left = false, right = false; 5. if (!result && root->left) left = lca(root->left,va,vb,result,root); 6. if (!result && root->right) right = lca(root->right,va,vb,result,root); 7. 8. // mid 当前节点是否是要判断的两节点之一 9. bool mid = false; 10. if (root->data == va || root->data == vb) mid=true; 11. if (!result && int(left + right + mid) == 2) { 12. if (mid) result = parent; 13. else result = root; 14. } 15. return left | mid | right ; 16.} 17. 18.Node *query(Node *root,int va, int vb) 19.{ 20. if (root == NULL) return NULL; 21. Node *result = NULL; 22. lca(root, va, vb,result, NULL); 23. return result; 24.}