[Storm 0.8.2]: java.io.FileNotFoundException: File '../stormconf.ser' does not exist


viceyang: We encountered the same problem, our version is 0.8.3, i read supervisor code, it seems not a bug, the key reason is "synchronize-supervisor" which responsible for download file and remove file thread and "sync-processes" which responsible for start worker process thread is Asynchronous. 
see this case: in synchronize-supervisor read assigment information from zk, supervisor download necessary file from nimbus and write local state . in aother thread sync-processes funciton read local state to launch workor process, when the worker process has not start ,synchronize-supervisor function is called again topology's assignment information has changed (cased by rebalance,or worker time out etc.) worker assignment to this supervisor has move to another supervisor, synchronize-supervisor remove the unnecessary file (jar file and ser file etc.) , after this, worker launched by " sync-processes" ,ser file was not exsit , this issue occur. 
Though in this issue exception occured but logic sees right. this excetion can't compelety Eliminate unless change thread Asynchronous feather. 
there is some way reduction the exception occur, @xiaokang metioned "change supervisor's woker timeout from 30 to 5 seconds and nimbus remain 30" this method redeuce nimbus reassign topology. another way change "synchronize-supervisor" thread loop time to a longger than 10(default time) sec, such as 30 sec。
