Java中final的使用方法【Java & The final keyword】

Thinking in Java书中的一段内容:Java中final的使用方法 Java & The final keyword

Java’s final keyword has slightly different meanings depending on the context, but in general it says “This cannot be changed.” You might want to prevent changes for two reasons: design or efficiency. Because these two reasons are quite different, it’s possible to misuse the final keyword.

The following sections discuss the three places where final can be used: for data, methods, and classes.

Final data

Many programming languages have a way to tell the compiler that a piece of data is “constant.” A constant is useful for two reasons:

  1. It can be a compile-time constant that won’t ever change. It can be a value initialized at run time that you don’t want changed. In the case of a compile-time constant, the compiler is allowed to “fold” the constant value into any calculations in which it’s used; that is, the calculation can be performed at compile time, eliminating some run-time overhead. In Java, these sorts of constants must be primitives and are expressed with the final keyword. A value must be given at the time of definition of such a constant.

A field that is both static and final has only one piece of storage that cannot be changed.

When using final with object references rather than primitives, the meaning gets a bit confusing. With a primitive, final makes the value a constant, but with an object reference, final makes the reference a constant. Once the reference is initialized to an object, it can never be changed to point to another object. However, the object itself can be modified; Java does not provide a way to make any arbitrary object a constant. (You can, however, write your class so that objects have the effect of being constant.) This restriction includes arrays, which are also objects.

Here’s an example that demonstrates final fields:

// The effect of final on fields.
import com.bruceeckel.simpletest.*;
import java.util.*;

class Value {
  int i; // Package access
  public Value(int i) { this.i = i; }

public class FinalData {
  private static Test monitor = new Test();
  private static Random rand = new Random();
  private String id;
  public FinalData(String id) { = id; }
  // Can be compile-time constants:
  private final int VAL_ONE = 9;
  private static final int VAL_TWO = 99;
  // Typical public constant:
  public static final int VAL_THREE = 39;
  // Cannot be compile-time constants:
  private final int i4 = rand.nextInt(20);
  static final int i5 = rand.nextInt(20);
  private Value v1 = new Value(11);
  private final Value v2 = new Value(22);
  private static final Value v3 = new Value(33);
  // Arrays:
  private final int[] a = { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 };
  public String toString() {
    return id + ": " + "i4 = " + i4 + ", i5 = " + i5;
  public static void main(String[] args) {
    FinalData fd1 = new FinalData("fd1");
    //! fd1.VAL_ONE++; // Error: can't change value
    fd1.v2.i++; // Object isn't constant!
    fd1.v1 = new Value(9); // OK -- not final
    for(int i = 0; i < fd1.a.length; i++)
      fd1.a[i]++; // Object isn't constant!
    //! fd1.v2 = new Value(0); // Error: Can't
    //! fd1.v3 = new Value(1); // change reference
    //! fd1.a = new int[3];
    System.out.println("Creating new FinalData");
    FinalData fd2 = new FinalData("fd2");
    monitor.expect(new String[] {
      "%% fd1: i4 = //d+, i5 = //d+",
      "Creating new FinalData",
      "%% fd1: i4 = //d+, i5 = //d+",
      "%% fd2: i4 = //d+, i5 = //d+"
} ///:~

Since VAL_ONE and VAL_TWO are final primitives with compile-time values, they can both be used as compile-time constants and are not different in any important way. VAL_THREE is the more typical way you’ll see such constants defined: public so they’re usable outside the package, static to emphasize that there’s only one, and final to say that it’s a constant. Note that final static primitives with constant initial values (that is, compile-time constants) are named with all capitals by convention, with words separated by underscores. (This is just like C constants, which is where the convention originated.) Also note that i5 cannot be known at compile time, so it is not capitalized.

Just because something is final doesn’t mean that its value is known at compile time. This is demonstrated by initializing i4 and i5 at run time using randomly generated numbers. This portion of the example also shows the difference between making a final value static or non-static. This difference shows up only when the values are initialized at run time, since the compile-time values are treated the same by the compiler. (And presumably optimized out of existence.) The difference is shown when you run the program. Note that the values of i4 for fd1 and fd2 are unique, but the value for i5 is not changed by creating the second FinalData object. That’s because it’s static and is initialized once upon loading and not each time a new object is created.

The variables v1 through v3 demonstrate the meaning of a final reference. As you can see in main( ), just because v2 is final doesn’t mean that you can’t change its value. Because it’s a reference, final means that you cannot rebind v2 to a new object. You can also see that the same meaning holds true for an array, which is just another kind of reference. (There is no way that I know of to make the array references themselves final.) Making references final seems less useful than making primitives final.

Blank finals

Java allows the creation of blank finals, which are fields that are declared as final but are not given an initialization value. In all cases, the blank final must be initialized before it is used, and the compiler ensures this. However, blank finals provide much more flexibility in the use of the final keyword since, for example, a final field inside a class can now be different for each object, and yet it retains its immutable quality. Here’s an example:

// "Blank" final fields.

class Poppet {
  private int i;
  Poppet(int ii) { i = ii; }

public class BlankFinal {
  private final int i = 0; // Initialized final
  private final int j; // Blank final
  private final Poppet p; // Blank final reference
  // Blank finals MUST be initialized in the constructor:
  public BlankFinal() {
    j = 1; // Initialize blank final
    p = new Poppet(1); // Initialize blank final reference
  public BlankFinal(int x) {
    j = x; // Initialize blank final
    p = new Poppet(x); // Initialize blank final reference
  public static void main(String[] args) {
    new BlankFinal();
    new BlankFinal(47);
} ///:~

You’re forced to perform assignments to finals either with an expression at the point of definition of the field or in every constructor. That way it’s guaranteed that the final field is always initialized before use.

Final arguments

Java allows you to make arguments final by declaring them as such in the argument list. This means that inside the method you cannot change what the argument reference points to:

// Using "final" with method arguments.

class Gizmo {
  public void spin() {}

public class FinalArguments {
  void with(final Gizmo g) {
    //! g = new Gizmo(); // Illegal -- g is final
  void without(Gizmo g) {
    g = new Gizmo(); // OK -- g not final
  // void f(final int i) { i++; } // Can't change
  // You can only read from a final primitive:
  int g(final int i) { return i + 1; }
  public static void main(String[] args) {
    FinalArguments bf = new FinalArguments();
} ///:~

The methods f( ) and g( ) show what happens when primitive arguments are final: you can read the argument, but you can't change it. This feature seems only marginally useful, and is probably not something you’ll use.

Final methods

There are two reasons for final methods. The first is to put a “lock” on the method to prevent any inheriting class from changing its meaning. This is done for design reasons when you want to make sure that a method’s behavior is retained during inheritance and cannot be overridden.

The second reason for final methods is efficiency. If you make a method final, you are allowing the compiler to turn any calls to that method into inline calls. When the compiler sees a final method call, it can (at its discretion) skip the normal approach of inserting code to perform the method call mechanism (push arguments on the stack, hop over to the method code and execute it, hop back and clean off the stack arguments, and deal with the return value) and instead replace the method call with a copy of the actual code in the method body. This eliminates the overhead of the method call. Of course, if a method is big, then your code begins to bloat, and you probably won’t see any performance gains from inlining, since any improvements will be dwarfed by the amount of time spent inside the method. It is implied that the Java compiler is able to detect these situations and choose wisely whether to inline a final method. However, it’s best to let the compiler and JVM handle efficiency issues and make a method final only if you want to explicitly prevent overriding.

final and private

Any private methods in a class are implicitly final. Because you can’t access a private method, you can’t override it. You can add the final specifier to a private method, but it doesn’t give that method any extra meaning.

This issue can cause confusion, because if you try to override a private method (which is implicitly final), it seems to work, and the compiler doesn’t give an error message:

// It only looks like you can override
// a private or private final method.
import com.bruceeckel.simpletest.*;

class WithFinals {
  // Identical to "private" alone:
  private final void f() {
  // Also automatically "final":
  private void g() {

class OverridingPrivate extends WithFinals {
  private final void f() {
  private void g() {

class OverridingPrivate2 extends OverridingPrivate {
  public final void f() {
  public void g() {

public class FinalOverridingIllusion {
  private static Test monitor = new Test();
  public static void main(String[] args) {
    OverridingPrivate2 op2 = new OverridingPrivate2();
    // You can upcast:
    OverridingPrivate op = op2;
    // But you can't call the methods:
    //! op.f();
    //! op.g();
    // Same here:
    WithFinals wf = op2;
    //! wf.f();
    //! wf.g();
    monitor.expect(new String[] {
} ///:~

“Overriding” can only occur if something is part of the base-class interface. That is, you must be able to upcast an object to its base type and call the same method (the point of this will become clear in the next chapter). If a method is private, it isn’t part of the base-class interface. It is just some code that’s hidden away inside the class, and it just happens to have that name, but if you create a public, protected, or package-access method with the same name in the derived class, there’s no connection to the method that might happen to have that name in the base class. You haven’t overridden the method; you’ve just created a new method. Since a private method is unreachable and effectively invisible, it doesn’t factor into anything except for the code organization of the class for which it was defined.

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