1. 在自己建立的插件目录里新建一个文件夹 includes ,在includees 目录里建立 文件adminUI.php (名字可以任意,只要插件页面调用这个页面时写对就行了)
<?php // Add the plugin Settings page in the menu add_action('admin_menu','create_admin_page'); // create admin page function create_admin_page(){ add_options_page('Ray插件','RayPlugin','manage_options','RayPlugin','Ray_options_page'); } // Add a new variable and sets the default values in red function set_Ray_options(){ add_option('Ray_color','red'); } // delete Ray_color key function unset_Ray_options(){ delete_option('Ray_color'); } // The plugin Settings page content function Ray_options_page(){ ?> <div class="wrap"> <h2>Ray plugin settings</h2> <?php update_Ray_options(); // update Ray_color?> <form method="post"> Color: <input class="regular-text code" type="text" name="Ray_color" value="<?php echo get_option('Ray_color');?>"/> <input class="button button-primary" type="submit" name="submit" value="Save changes"/> </form> </div><?php } // update Ray_color option function update_Ray_options(){ if($_POST['submit']){ $flag = false; if($_POST['Ray_color']){ //echo "die";exit; update_option('Ray_color',$_POST['Ray_color']); $flag = true; } if($flag){ echo "update successfully!!!"; }else{ echo "some thing wrong!!!"; } } } ?>
2. 插件页面调用 设置页面显示
<?php /* Plugin Name: RayPlugin Plugin URI: Http://hanshilei.3322.org Description: RayPlugin,hanshilei.3322.org,blog.csdn.net/hanshileiai,weibo.com/hanshileiai Author: Ray Version: 1.1 Author URI: http://blog.csdn.net/hanshileiai */ // When Loading Activate the plug-in execute set_Ray_options() function register_activation_hook(__FILE__,'set_Ray_options'); require_once(dirname(__FILE__).'/includes/adminUI.php'); // 调用加载插件设置页面 function Ray_one(){ echo '<div style="color:'.get_option('Ray_color').'">welcome to wordpress head,Ray!!!</div>'; } add_action('admin_head','Ray_one'); // 后台仪表盘处可输出 Ray_one() // When Deactivate the plug-in execute unset_Ray_options() function register_deactivation_hook(__FILE__,'unset_Ray_options'); ?>
ps:After long struggle with it I found why.
1. register_activation_hook() must be called from the main plugin file - the one that has "Plugin Name: ..." directive.
2. Your hook function must be in the same file as well. From that function it is ok to call other functions defined in other files.
3. Doing echo "My hook called!"; - does not work from it. So this is not a good way to judge whether it working or not.
4. Your global variables must be explicitly declared as global for them to be accessed from inside of my_activation_hook().