
architeture, framework, could i apply them freely to create a new product?

design pattern, could i use them appropriately and avoiding over-design?...

c/c++/stl/atl/wtl: deeper understanding of the philosophy?

web based technics, j2ee,php,.Net, lots of alternative solutions even under the same language...

graphics compute, svg, mpeg/jpeg, very interesting...

unix programing/shell scripts, very strong script tools for system/project management...

Corba, ACE,SOA,RESTful, how to build a robot/enough architecture while with high scalability?...

Smart phone device programming is booming, almost everything is shifting from destop to mobile device, wm/sb/mac os x/android/j2me/linux/palm2....

Basic knowledges, data structure, algorithms, often fogotten...

and, my management skills/software engineering knowledge/english communication skills/bussiness understanding will still need to be improved...

in short, technical life is so busy and endless no matter you enjoy or suffer...
