2 Pump端(data pump)
Use the PASSTHRU and NOPASSTHRU parameters to control whether a data-pump Extract processes tables in pass-through mode or normal mode. In pass-through mode, the Extract process does not look up table definitions, either from the database or from a data definitions file. Normally, the Extract process logs into the database to retrieve data definitions and, if the target is NonStop, reads a data-definitions file. The definitions are used to perform. mapping and conversion functions. (指定是否进行数据转换)
Use the CHECKSEQUENCEVALUE and NOCHECKSEQUENCEVALUE parameters to control whether or not Replicat verifies that a target sequence value is higher than the one on the source. If the target value is either too low or too high, Replicat brings the source and target values back into an appropriate state of disparity. (确保SEQUENCE值大于Source端)
Use the ASSUMETARGETDEFS parameter when the source and target tables specified with a
MAP statement have identical column structure, such as when synchronizing a hot site. It directs GoldenGate not to look up source structures from a source-definitions file. For structures to be identical, they must contain identical column names (including case, if applicable) and data types, and they must appear in the same order in each table. If source and target tables do not have the same structure, use the SOURCEDEFS parameter instead of ASSUMETARGETDEFS.(指定源端与目标端的表结构一致)
Use the REPORTROLLOVER parameter to force report files to age on a regular schedule, instead of when a process starts. For long or continuous runs, setting an aging schedule controls the size of the active report file and provides a more predictable set of archives that can be included in your archiving routine.(按计划生成报告文件)