
1. def.h
// OPP_DLLIMPORT/EXPORT are empty if not needed
#if defined(__WIN32__)
# define OPP_DLLEXPORT __declspec(dllexport)
# if defined(WIN32_DLL)
#    define OPP_DLLIMPORT __declspec(dllimport)
# else
#     define OPP_DLLIMPORT
# endif
// SIM_API, ENVIR_API etc are also empty if not needed
// we need this because cenvir.h is in our directory
//=== NULL的定义
#ifndef NULL
#define NULL ((void*)0)
// maximum lengths for className(), fullPath() and old info(buf) strings
#define MAX_CLASSNAME        100
#define MAX_OBJECTINFO       500
// in case someone still needs the old name
#ifndef NDEBUG
#define ASSERT(expr) /
 ((void) ((expr) ? 0 : /
           (opp_error("ASSERT: condition %s false, %s line %d", /
                             #expr, __FILE__, __LINE__), 0)))
#define ASSERT(expr) ((void)0)
 * Modelled time.
typedef double       simtime_t;
这个函数的原型是用来清除用户定义的数据结构,通过调用一些对象,比如( cPar,cLinkedList
typedef void (* VoidDelFunc)(void *);
typedef void *(* VoidDupFunc)(void *);//用来复制用户定义的数据结构
还定义了几个数学 函数原型的指针:MathFunc、MathFunc NoArg、MathFunc 1Arg、MathFunc 2Args、MathFunc 3Args、MathFunc 4Args
typedef double (*MathFunc)(...);
typedef double (*MathFuncNoArg)();
 * Prototype for mathematical functions taking one argument
 * that can be used in reverse Polish expressions (see ExprElem).
 * @ingroup EnumsTypes
typedef double (*MathFunc1Arg)(double);
void opp_error(int errc...)
    va_list va;
    va_start(va, errc);
    char message[512];
    throw new cRuntimeError(errc, message);
void opp_error(const char *msgformat...)
    va_list va;
    va_start(va, msgformat);
    char message[512];
    throw new cRuntimeError(eUSER,message);


 * Represents a data element in an output vector file. Processing nodes
 * (Node) process elements of this type.
 *代表output vector 中的一个数据元素。处理节点是处理这类型的数据
 * @see Node, Channel, Port
struct Datum
    double x;  ///< usually t simulation time
    double y;  ///< usually the value at t

 * Connection point of channels in processing nodes.
 * @see Datum, Node, Channel
class Port
        Node *ownernode;
        Channel *chan;
        Port(Node *owner) {ownernode = owner; chan = 0;}
        Port(const Port& p) {ownernode = p.ownernode; chan = p.chan;}
        ~Port() {}
        void setChannel(Channel *channel) {ASSERT(!chan); chan = channel;}
        Node *node() {return ownernode;}
        Channel *channel() const  {return chan;}
        Channel *operator()() const {ASSERT(chan); return chan;}

 * Processing node. Processing nodes can be connected via ports and channels
 * to form a data flow network.
 * @see DataflowManager, Port, Channel, Datum, NodeType
class Node
        friend class DataflowManager;

        DataflowManager *mgr;
        NodeType *nodetype;
        bool alreadyfinished;
 /** Execution and scheduling */
         * Do some amount of work, then return
        virtual void process() = 0;
         * Are more invocations if process() necessary()?
        virtual bool finished() const = 0;
         * Provided it has not finished() yet, can process() be invoked
         * right now? (finished() is called first -- isReady() is only
         * invoked if finished() returns false. So isReady() doesn't need
         * to check for eof.)
        virtual bool isReady() const = 0;

         * Invoked by the dataflow manager when the node's finished() first
         * returns true. It sets a status flag so that further invocations
         * of finished() can be avoided.
        void setAlreadyFinished() {alreadyfinished = true;}

         * Used by the dataflow manager. Returns true if setAlreadyFinished()
         * has already been invoked.
        bool alreadyFinished() {return alreadyfinished;}


 * Does buffering between two processing nodes (Node).
 * @see Node, Port, Datum,Datum的定义是在node.h中
class Channel
        // note: a Channel should *never* hold a pointer back to its Ports
        // because ports may be copied after having been assigned to channels
        // (e.g. in VectorFileReader which uses std::vector). Node ptrs are OK.
        std::deque<Datum> buffer;   //注意,如果这里定义的是std::deque<Datum *>buffer的话,删除时要小心(删除容器中的指针是一个必须非常小心的事情
        Node *producernode;
        Node *consumernode;
        bool producerfinished;
        bool consumerfinished;
       Node *producerNode() const {return producernode;}
        void setProducerNode(Node *node) {producernode = node;}

        Node *consumerNode() const {return consumernode;}
        void setConsumerNode(Node *node) {consumernode = node;}

         * Returns ptr to the first buffered data item (next one to be read), or NULL
        const Datum *peek() const
             if (buffer.size()==0)
                 return NULL;
             return &(buffer.front());
        int Channel::read(Datum *a, int max)
               int n = buffer.size();
              if (n>max)
                    n = max;
              for (int i=0; i<n; i++)
                   a[i] = buffer.front();
              return n;
        void Channel::write(Datum *a, int n)
              if (consumerfinished)
                        return;  // discard data if consumer finished
              for (int i=0; i<n; i++)
         * Returns true if producer has already called close() which means
         * there won't be any more data except those already in the buffer
        bool closing()  {return producerfinished;}

         * Returns true if close() has been called and there's no buffered data
        bool eof()  {return producerfinished && length()==0;}

         * Called by the producer to declare it will not write any more --
         * if also there's no more buffered data (length()==0), that means EOF.
        void close()  {producerfinished=true;}

         * Called when consumer has finished. Causes channel to ignore
         * further writes (discard any data written).
        void consumerClose() {buffer.clear();consumerfinished=true;}

         * Returns true when the consumer has closed the channel, that is,
         * it will not read any more data from the channel.
        bool consumerClosed() {return consumerfinished;}

         * Number of currently buffered items.
        int length() {return buffer.size();}

class Node;
class Port;
typedef std::map<std::string,std::string> StringMap;  //这是一个全局变量
 * Describes properties of a node class.
 * @see Node, NodeTypeRegistry
class NodeType
        void checkAttrNames(const StringMap& attr) const
               StringMap allowedAttrs;
               // are there illegal attributes?
              for (StringMap::const_iterator it=attrs.begin(); it!=attrs.end(); ++it)
                    const char *attr = it->first.c_str();
                    StringMap::iterator j = allowedAttrs.find(attr);
                    if (j==allowedAttrs.end())
                           throw new Exception("illegal attribute `%s'", attr);
              // do we have all attributes?
              for (StringMap::const_iterator i=allowedAttrs.begin(); i!=allowedAttrs.end(); ++i)
                    const char *attr = i->first.c_str();
                    StringMap::const_iterator it = attrs.find(attr);
                    if (it==attrs.end())
                          throw new Exception("missing attribute `%s'", attr);
        NodeType() {}
        virtual ~NodeType() {}
         * Returns type name as displayed on the UI (e.g. "mean" or "winavg")
        virtual const char *name() const = 0;
         * Returns the category of the node (source, sink, filter, etc.)
        * 返回节点类型的种类(比如source, sink, filter等等)
        virtual const char *category() const = 0;

         * Returns the description of the node (this can be displayed on the UI.)
        virtual const char *description() const = 0;

         * Returns true if this node should appear in the UI.
         * 如果节点是显示在UI上的,那么返回真
        virtual bool isHidden() const = 0;

         * Fills the string map with attribute names and their descriptions.
        virtual void getAttributes(StringMap& attrs) const = 0;

         * Fills the string map with attribute names and their default values.
         * (Doesn't necessarily supply default value for every attribute).
        virtual void getAttrDefaults(StringMap& attrs) const {}

         * Throws exception if something is not OK. The message in the
         * exception is shown to the user.
        virtual void validateAttrValues(const StringMap& attrs) const {}

         * Create a node instance of this type.
        virtual Node *create(DataflowManager *, StringMap& attrs) const = 0;

         * Get the named port of the give node instance.
        virtual Port *getPort(Node *node, const char *portname) const = 0;
