MAXScript101_4.2 Case Expressions


MAXScript101_4.2 Case Expressions



case of


(<test_1>): <expr_1>

(<test_2>): <expr_2>

(<test_3>): <expr_3>

-- etc. --



if statement:

if distance obj $camera1 > 1000 then

obj.segs = 5


obj.segs = 32


case statement:

for obj in geometry do


local d = distance obj $cam1

case of


(d <= 50): obj.segs = 40

(d <= 120): obj.segs = 25

(d <= 250): obj.segs = 10

default: obj.segs = 5




case <expr> of


<value1>: <expr1>

<value2>: <expr2>

<value3>: <expr3>

-- etc. --




-- radiobuttons 语法:radiobuttons <name> [ <caption> ] labels:<array_of_strings> [default:<number>] [columns:<number>]

radiobuttons cloneType labels: #("Instance", "Reference", "Copy")

-- clone the picked object

newObj = case cloneType.state of 


1: instance pickedObj -- instance <node>

2: reference pickedObj -- reference <node>

3: copy pickedObj -- copy <node>



2. 实例

MAXScript101_4.2 Case Expressions_第1张图片


--Create some scene objects. Select them, then run the script: ( -- 将场景中选中的物体转化为数组变量 local obj_array = selection as array -- 获取场景中选中物体的名字 local obj_name_array = for o in obj_array collect rollout CloneObject "Clone Object" ( -- 创建radiobuttons: copy, instance, reference radiobuttons copy_type labels:#("copy", "instance", "reference") -- 创建radiobuttons: 以场景中选中物体的名字为label radiobuttons which_obj labels:obj_name_array -- computed label array -- 创建按钮,并且更新按钮文本显示 button do_it "Copy Object" fn updateButton = ( do_it.text = case copy_type.state of ( 1: "Copy " -- 1 为数组第一个元素 2: "Instance " 3: "Reference " ) do_it.text += obj_name_array [which_obj.state] )--end fn on copy_type changed state do updateButton() on which_obj changed state do updateButton() on CloneObject open do updateButton() -- 按下按钮,发生的动作 on do_it pressed do ( copyfn = case copy_type.state of ( 1: copy 2: instance 3: reference ) if which_obj.state > 0 do copyfn obj_array[which_obj.state] )--end on pressed )--end rollout if obj_array.count > 0 do createDialog CloneObject )--end script 




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