Opcodes of intel

Here is a list of instructions and opcodes used by Intel, AMD, Cyrix and Nexgen. We used gdb to get all the info out of the processors

Table of contents

  • Technical Specifications
  • Instructions and Opcodes
    • Main instructions
    • Co-Processor instructions
    • Condition Codes
    • Condition Codes for FCMOVcc
  • Further Reading

Technical Specifications

Clock Speeds Bus Width Number of
4004 11/15/71 108 KHz 4 bits 2,300
(10 microns)
640 bytes
First microcomputer chip,
Arithmetic manipulation
8008 4/1/72 108 KHz 8 bits 3,500 16 KBytes
Data/character manipulation
8080 4/1/74 2 MHz 8 bits 6,000
(6 microns)
64 KBytes
10X the performance of the 8008
8086 6/8/78 5 MHz
8 MHz
10 MHz
16 bits 29,000
(3 microns)
1 Megabyte
10X the performance of the 8080
8088 6/1/79 5 MHz
8 MHz
8 bits 29,000
(3 microns)

Identical to 8086 except for its 8-bit external bus
80286 2/1/82 8 MHz
10 MHz
12 MHz
16 bits 134,000
(1.5 microns)
16 Megabytes 1 gigabyte 3-6X the performance of the 8086
Intel386(TM)DX Microprocessor 10/17/85 16 MHz
20 MHz
25 MHz
33 MHz
32 bits 275,000
(1 micron)
4 gigabytes 64 terabytes First X86 chip to handle 32-bit data sets
Intel386(TM)SX Microprocessor 6/16/88 16 MHz
20 MHz
16 bits 275,000
(1 micron)
4 gigabytes 64 terabytes 16-bit address bus enabled low-cost 32-bit processing
Intel486(TM)DX Microprocessor 4/10/89 25 MHz
33 MHz
50 MHz
32 bits 1,200,000
(1 micron, .8 micron with 50 MHz)
4 gigabytes 64 terabytes Level 1 cache on chip
Intel486(TM)SX Microprocessor 4/22/91 16 MHz
20 MHz
25 MHz
33 MHz
32 bits 1,185,000
(.8 micron)
4 gigabytes 64 terabytes identical in design to Intel486(TM) DX but without math coprocessor
Pentium® Processor 3/22/93 60MHz
32 bits 3.1 million
(.8 micron)
4 gigabytes 64 terabytes superscaler architecture brought 5X the performance of the 33-MHz Intel486 DX processor
Pentium® Pro Processor 3/27/95 150MHz
32 bits 5.5 million
(.32 micron)
4 gigabytes 64 terabytes dynamic execution architecture drives high-performing processor

Instructions and opcodes

oo : Function

  • 00 : If mmm = 110, then a displacement follows the operation; otherwise, no displacement is used
  • 01 : An 8-bit signed displacement follows the opcode
  • 10 : A 16-bit signed displacement follows the opcode
  • 11 : mmm specifies a register, instead of an addressing mode
mmm : Function
  • 000 : DS:[BX+SI]
  • 001 : DS:[BX+DI]
  • 010 : SS:[BP+SI]
  • 011 : SS:[BP+DI]
  • 100 : DS:[SI]
  • 101 : DS:[DI]
  • 110 : SS:[BP]
  • 111 : DS:[BX]
rrr : W=0 : W=1 : reg32
  • 000 : AL : AX : EAX
  • 001 : CL : CX : ECX
  • 010 : DL : DX : EDX
  • 011 : BL : BX : EBX
  • 100 : AH : SP : ESP
  • 101 : CH : BP : EBP
  • 110 : DH : SI : ESI
  • 111 : BH : DI : EDI
sss : Segment Register
  • 000 : ES
  • 001 : CS
  • 010 : SS
  • 011 : DS
  • 100 : FS (Only 386+)
  • 101 : GS (Only 386+)
rrr : Index Register
  • 000 : EAX
  • 001 : ECX
  • 010 : EDX
  • 011 : EBX
  • 100 : No Index
  • 101 : EBP
  • 110 : ESI
  • 111 : EDI
32 bit addressing-mode
oo mmm rrr Description
00 000   DS:[EAX]
00 001   DS:[ECX]
00 010   DS:[EDX]
00 011   DS:[EBX]
00 100 000 DS:[EAX+scaled_index]
00 100 001 DS:[ECX+scaled_index]
00 100 010 DS:[EDX+scaled_index]
00 100 011 DS:[EBX+scaled_index]
00 100 100 SS:[ESP+scaled_index]
00 100 101 DS:[disp32+scaled_index]
00 100 110 DS:[ESI+scaled_index]
00 100 111 DS:[EDI+scaled_index]
00 101   DS:disp32
00 110   DS:[ESI]
00 111   DS:[EDI]
01 000   DS:[EAX+disp8]
01 001   DS:[ECX+disp8]
01 010   DS:[EDX+disp8]
01 011   DS:[EBX+disp8]
01 100 000 DS:[EAX+scaled_index+disp8]
01 100 001 DS:[ECX+scaled_index+disp8]
01 100 010 DS:[EDX+scaled_index+disp8]
01 100 011 DS:[EBX+scaled_index+disp8]
01 100 100 SS:[ESP+scaled_index+disp8]
01 100 101 SS:[EBP+scaled_index+disp8]
01 100 110 DS:[ESI+scaled_index+disp8]
01 100 111 DS:[EDI+scaled_index+disp8]
01 101   SS:[EBP+disp8]
01 110   DS:[ESI+disp8]
01 111   DS:[EDI+disp8]
10 000   DS:[EAX+disp32]
10 001   DS:[ECX+disp32]
10 010   DS:[EDX+disp32]
10 011   DS:[EBX+disp32]
10 100 000 DS:[EAX+scaled_index+disp32]
10 100 001 DS:[ECX+scaled_index+disp32]
10 100 010 DS:[EDX+scaled_index+disp32]
10 100 011 DS:[EBX+scaled_index+disp32]
10 100 100 SS:[ESP+scaled_index+disp32]
10 100 101 SS:[EBP+scaled_index+disp32]
10 100 110 DS:[ESI+scaled_index+disp32]
10 100 111 DS:[EDI+scaled_index+disp32]
10 101   SS:[EBP+disp32]
10 110   DS:[ESI+disp32]
10 111   DS:[EDI+disp32]

Main Instructions

A || B || C || D || E || H || I || J || L || M || N || O || P || R || S || T || V || W || X

Name Regs Opcode Proc Description
AAA   00110111 8086 ASCII Adjust After Addition
AAD Imm8 11010101 Pentium ASCII Adjust Register AX Before Division
    1101010100001010 8086 ASCII Adjust Register AX Before Division
AAM Imm8 11010100 Pentium ASCII Adjust AX Register After Multiplication
    1101010000001010 8086 ASCII Adjust AX Register After Multiplication
AAS   00111111 8086 ASCII Adjust AL Register After Substraction
ADC Reg,Reg 0001001woorrrmmm 8086 Add Integers with Carry
  Mem,Reg 0001000woorrrmmm 8086 Add Integers with Carry
  Reg,Mem 0001001woorrrmmm 8086 Add Integers with Carry
  Acc,Imm 0001010w 8086 Add Integers with Carry
  Reg,Imm8 1000001woo010mmm 8086 Add Integers with Carry
  Mem,Imm8 1000001woo010mmm 8086 Add Integers with Carry
  Reg,Imm 1000000woo010mmm 8086 Add Integers with Carry
  Mem,Imm 1000000woo010mmm 8086 Add Integers with Carry
ADD Reg,Reg 0000001woorrrmmm 8086 Add Integers
  Mem,Reg 0000000woorrrmmm 8086 Add Integers
  Reg,Mem 0000001woorrrmmm 8086 Add Integers
  Acc,Imm 0000010w 8086 Add Integers
  Reg,Imm8 1000001woo000mmm 8086 Add Integers
  Mem,Imm8 1000001woo000mmm 8086 Add Integers
  Reg,Imm 1000000woo000mmm 8086 Add Integers
  Mem,Imm 1000000woo000mmm 8086 Add Integers
AND Reg,Reg 0010001woorrrmmm 8086 Logical AND
  Mem,Reg 0010000woorrrmmm 8086 Logical AND
  Reg,Mem 0010001woorrrmmm 8086 Logical AND
  Acc,Imm 0010010w 8086 Logical AND
  Reg,Imm8 1000001woo100mmm 8086 Logical AND
  Mem,Imm8 1000001woo100mmm 8086 Logical AND
  Reg,Imm 1000000woo100mmm 8086 Logical AND
  Mem,Imm 1000000woo100mmm 8086 Logical AND
ARPL Reg16,Reg16 01100011oorrrmmm 80286 Adjust Requester Privilege Level of Selector
  Mem16,Reg16 01100011oorrrmmm 80286 Adjust Requester Privilege Level of Selector
BOUND Reg16,Mem32 01100010oorrrmmm 80186 Check Array Index Against Bounds
  Reg32,Mem64 01100010oorrrmmm 80386 Check Array Index Against Bounds
BSF RegWord,RegWord 0000111110111100oorrrmmm 80386 Bit Scan Forward
  RegWord,MemWord 0000111110111100oorrrmmm 80386 Bit Scan Forward
BSR RegWord,RegWord 0000111110111101oorrrmmm 80386 Bit Scan Reverse
  RegWord,MemWord 0000111110111101oorrrmmm 80386 Bit Scan Reverse
BSWAP RegWord 0000111111001rrr 80486 Byte swap
BT RegWord,Imm8 0000111110111010oo100mmm 80386 Bit Test
  MemWord,Imm8 0000111110111010oo100mmm 80386 Bit Test
  RegWord,RegWord 0000111110100011oorrrmmm 80386 Bit Test
  MemWord,RegWord 0000111110100011oorrrmmm 80386 Bit Test
BTC RegWord,Imm8 0000111110111010oo111mmm 80386 Bit Test and Complement
  MemWord,Imm8 0000111110111010oo111mmm 80386 Bit Test and Complement
  RegWord,RegWord 0000111110111011oorrrmmm 80386 Bit Test and Complement
  MemWord,RegWord 0000111110111011oorrrmmm 80386 Bit Test and Complement
BTR RegWord,Imm8 0000111110111010oo110mmm 80386 Bit Test and Reset
  MemWord,Imm8 0000111110111010oo110mmm 80386 Bit Test and Reset
  RegWord,RegWord 0000111110110011oorrrmmm 80386 Bit Test and Reset
  MemWord,RegWord 0000111110110011oorrrmmm 80386 Bit Test and Reset
BTS RegWord,Imm8 0000111110111010oo101mmm 80386 Bit Test and Set
  MemWord,Imm8 0000111110111010oo101mmm 80386 Bit Test and Set
  RegWord,RegWord 0000111110101011oorrrmmm 80386 Bit Test and Set
  MemWord,RegWord 0000111110101011oorrrmmm 80386 Bit Test and Set
CBW   10011000 8086 Convert Byte to Word
CDQ   10011001 80386 Convert Doubleword to Quad-Word
CLC   11111000 8086 Clear Carry Flag (CF)
CLD   11111100 8086 Clear Direction Flag (DF)
CLI   11111010 8086 Clear Interrupt Flag (IF)
CLTS   0000111100000110 80286 Clear Task-Switched Flag in Control Register Zero
CMC   11110101 8086 Complementer Carry Flag (CF)
CMOVcc Reg,Reg 000011110100ccccoorrrmmm PentiumPro Conditional Move
  Reg,Mem 000011110100ccccoorrrmmm PentiumPro Conditional Move
CMP Reg,Reg 0011101woorrrmmm 8086 Compare
  Mem,Reg 0011100woorrrmmm 8086 Compare
  Reg,Mem 0011101woorrrmmm 8086 Compare
  Acc,Imm 0011110w 8086 Compare
  Reg,Imm8 1000001woo111mmm 8086 Compare
  Mem,Imm8 1000001woo111mmm 8086 Compare
  Reg,Imm 1000000woo111mmm 8086 Compare
  Mem,Imm 1000000woo111mmm 8086 Compare
CMPSB   10100110 8086 Compare String - Byte
CMPSW   10100111 8086 Compare String - Word
CMPSD   10100111 80386 Compare String - Doubleword
CMPXCHG Reg,Reg 000011111011000woorrrmmm 80486 Compare and Exchange
  Mem,Reg 000011111011000woorrrmmm 80486 Compare and Exchange
CMPXCHG8B Mem64 0000111111000111oo001mmm Pentium Compare and Exchange 8 Bytes
CPUID   0000111110100010 Pentium CPU Identification code to EAX
CWD   10011001 8086 Convert Word to Doubleword
CWDE   10011000 80386 Convert Word to Extended Doubleword
DAA   00100111 8086 Decimal Adjust Register After Addition
DAS   00101111 8086 Decimal Adjust AL Register After Substraction
DEC RegWord 01001rrr 8086 Decrement by One
  Reg 1111111woo001mmm 8086 Decrement by One
  Mem 1111111woo001mmm 8086 Decrement by One
DIV Reg 1111011woo110mmm 8086 Unsigned Integer Divide
  Mem 1111011woo110mmm 8086 Unsigned Integer Divide
ENTER Imm16,Imm8 11001000 80186 Make Stack Frame for Procedure Parameter
HLT   11110100 8086 Halt
IDIV Reg 1111011woo111mmm 8086 Signed Divide
  Mem 1111011woo111mmm 8086 Signed Divide
IMUL RegWord,RegWord,Imm8 01101011oorrrmmm 80186 Signed Integer Multiply
  RegWord,MemWord,Imm8 01101011oorrrmmm 80186 Signed Integer Multiply
  RegWord,RegWord,Imm 01101001oorrrmmm 80186 Signed Integer Multiply
  RegWord,MemWord,Imm 01101001oorrrmmm 80186 Signed Integer Multiply
  RegWord,Imm8 0110101111rrrqqq 80186 Signed Integer Multiply
  RegWord,Imm 0110100111rrrqqq 80186 Signed Integer Multiply
  RegWord,RegWord 0000111110101111oorrrmmm 80386 Signed Integer Multiply
  RegWord,MemWord 0000111110101111oorrrmmm 80386 Signed Integer Multiply
  Reg 1111011woo101mmm 8086 Signed Integer Multiply
  Mem 1111011woo101mmm 8086 Signed Integer Multiply
IN Acc,Imm8 1110010w 8086 Input from Port
  Acc,DX 1110110w 8086 Input from Port
INC RegWord 01000rrr 8086 Increment by 1
  Reg 1111111woo000mmm 8086 Increment by 1
  Mem 1111111woo000mmm 8086 Increment by 1
INSB   01101100 80186 Input Byte
INSW   01101101 80186 Input Word
INSD   01101101 80386 Input DoubleWord
INT 3 11001100 8086 Call to Interrupt Procedure
  Imm8 11001101 8086 Call to Interrupt Procedure
INTO   11001110 8086 Interrupt on Overflow
INVD   0000111100001000 80486 Invalidate data cache
INVLPG Mem 0000111100000001oo111mmm 80486 Invalidate TBL entry
IRET   11001111 8086 Return from Interrupt
IRETD   11001111 80386 Return from Interrupt - 32-bit Mode
LAHF   10011111 8086 Load Flags into AH Register
LAR RegWord,RegWord 0000111100000010oorrrmmm 80286 Load Access Rights Byte
  RegWord,MemWord 0000111100000010oorrrmmm 80286 Load Access Rights Byte
LDS Reg16,Mem32 11000101oorrrmmm 8086 Load Pointer Using DS
  Reg32,Mem64 11000101oorrrmmm 80386 Load Pointer Using DS
LES Reg16,Mem32 11000100oorrrmmm 8086 Load Pointer Using ES
  Reg32,Mem64 11000100oorrrmmm 80386 Load Pointer Using ES
LFS Reg16,Mem32 0000111110110100oorrrmmm 80386 Load Pointer Using FS
  Reg32,Mem64 0000111110110100oorrrmmm 80386 Load Pointer Using FS
LGS Reg16,Mem32 0000111110110101oorrrmmm 80386 Load Pointer Using GS
  Reg32,Mem64 0000111110110101oorrrmmm 80386 Load Pointer Using GS
LSS Reg16,Mem32 0000111110110010oorrrmmm 80386 Load Pointer Using SS
  Reg32,Mem64 0000111110110010oorrrmmm 80386 Load Pointer Using SS
LEA RegWord,Mem 10001101oorrrmmm 8086 Load Effective Address
LEAVE   11001001 80186 High Level Procedure Exit
LGDT Mem64 0000111100000001oo010mmm 80286 Load Global Descriptor Table
LIDT Mem64 0000111100000001oo011mmm 80286 Load Interrupt Descriptor Table
LLDT Reg16 0000111100000000oo010mmm 80286 Load Local Descriptor Table
  Mem16 0000111100000000oo010mmm 80286 Load Local Descriptor Table
LMSW Reg16 0000111100000001oo110mmm 80286 Load Machine Status Word
  Mem16 0000111100000001oo110mmm 80286 Load Machine Status Word
LODSB   10101100 8086 Load Byte
LODSW   10101101 8086 Load Word
LODSD   10101101 80386 Load Doubleword
LSL RegWord,RegWord 0000111100000011oorrrmmm 80286 Load Segment Limit
  RegWord,MemWord 0000111100000011oorrrmmm 80286 Load Segment Limit
LTR Reg16 0000111100000000oo011mmm 80286 Load Task Register
  Mem16 0000111100000000oo011mmm 80286 Load Task Register
MOV MemOfs,Acc 1010001w 8086 Move Data
  Acc,MemOfs 1010000w 8086 Move Data
  Reg,Imm 1011wrrr 8086 Move Data
  Mem,Imm 1100011woo000mmm 8086 Move Data
  Reg,Reg 1000101woorrrmmm 8086 Move Data
  Reg,Mem 1000101woorrrmmm 8086 Move Data
  Mem,Reg 1000100woorrrmmm 8086 Move Data
  Reg16,Seg 10001100oosssmmm 8086 Move Data
  Seg,Reg16 10001110oosssmmm 8086 Move Data
  Mem16,Seg 10001100oosssmmm 8086 Move Data
  Seg,Mem16 10001110oosssmmm 8086 Move Data
  Reg32,CRn 000011110010000011sssrrr 80386 Move Data
  CRn,Reg32 000011110010001011sssrrr 80386 Move Data
  Reg32,DRn 000011110010000111sssrrr 80386 Move Data
  DRn,Reg32 000011110010001111sssrrr 80386 Move Data
  Reg32,TRn 000011110010010011sssrrr 80386 Move Data
  TRn,Reg32 000011110010011011sssrrr 80386 Move Data
MOVSB   10100100 8086 Move Byte
MOVSW   10100101 8086 Move Word
MOVSD   10100101 80386 Move Doubleword
MOVSX RegWord,Reg8 0000111110111110oorrrmmm 80386 Move with Sign Extension
  RegWord,Mem8 0000111110111110oorrrmmm 80386 Move with Sign Extension
  RegWord,Reg16 0000111110111111oorrrmmm 80386 Move with Sign Extension
  RegWord,Mem16 0000111110111111oorrrmmm 80386 Move with Sign Extension
MOVZX RegWord,Reg8 0000111110110110oorrrmmm 80386 Move with Zero Extension
  RegWord,Mem8 0000111110110110oorrrmmm 80386 Move with Zero Extension
  RegWord,Reg16 0000111110110111oorrrmmm 80386 Move with Zero Extension
  RegWord,Mem16 0000111110110111oorrrmmm 80386 Move with Zero Extension
MUL Reg 1111011woo100mmm 8086 Unsigned Integer Multiply of AL, AX or EAX
  Mem 1111011woo100mmm 8086 Unsigned Integer Multiply of AL, AX or EAX
NEG Reg 1111011woo011mmm 8086 Negate(Two's Complement)
  Mem 1111011woo011mmm 8086 Negate(Two's Complement)
NOP   10010000 8086 No Operation
NOT Reg 1111011woo010mmm 8086 Negate(One's Complement)
  Mem 1111011woo010mmm 8086 Negate(One's Complement)
OR Reg,Reg 0000101woorrrmmm 8086 Logical Inclusive OR
  Mem,Reg 0000100woorrrmmm 8086 Logical Inclusive OR
  Reg,Mem 0000101woorrrmmm 8086 Logical Inclusive OR
  Acc,Imm 0000110w 8086 Logical Inclusive OR
  Reg,Imm8 1000001woo001mmm 8086 Logical Inclusive OR
  Mem,Imm8 1000001woo001mmm 8086 Logical Inclusive OR
  Reg,Imm 1000000woo001mmm 8086 Logical Inclusive OR
  Mem,Imm 1000000woo001mmm 8086 Logical Inclusive OR
OUT Imm8,Acc 1110011w 8086 Output To Port
  DX,Acc 1110111w 8086 Output To Port
OUTSB   01101110 80186 Output Byte
OUTSW   01101111 80186 Output Word
OUTSD   01101111 80386 Output Doubleword
POP RegWord 01011rrr 8086 Pop a Word from the Stack
  MemWord 10001111oo000mmm 8086 Pop a Word from the Stack
  SegOld 00sss111 8086 Pop a Word from the Stack
  Seg 0000111110sss001 80386 Pop a Word from the Stack
POPA   01100001 80186 POP All Registers
POPAD   01100001 80386 POP All Registers - 32-bit Mode
POPF   10011101 8086 POP Stack into FLAGS
POPFD   10011101 80386 POP Stack into EFLAGS
PUSH RegWord 01010rrr 8086 Push Operand onto Stack
  MemWord 11111111oo110mmm 8086 Push Operand onto Stack
  SegOld 00sss110 8086 Push Operand onto Stack
  Seg 0000111110sss000 80386 Push Operand onto Stack
  Imm8 01101010 80186 Push Operand onto Stack
  Imm 01101000 80186 Push Operand onto Stack
PUSHW Imm16 01101000 80286 PUSH Word
PUSHD Imm32 01101000 80386 PUSH Double Word
PUSHA   01100000 80186 PUSH All Registers
PUSHAD   01100000 80386 PUSH All Registers - 32-bit Mode
PUSHF   10011100 8086 PUSH FLAGS
PUSHFD   10011100 80386 PUSH EFLAGS
RCL Reg,1 1101000woo010mmm 8086 Rotate Left through Carry - Uses CF for Extension
  Mem,1 1101000woo010mmm 8086 Rotate Left through Carry - Uses CF for Extension
  Reg,CL 1101001woo010mmm 8086 Rotate Left through Carry - Uses CF for Extension
  Mem,CL 1101001woo010mmm 8086 Rotate Left through Carry - Uses CF for Extension
  Reg,Imm8 1100000woo010mmm 80186 Rotate Left through Carry - Uses CF for Extension
  Mem,Imm8 1100000woo010mmm 80186 Rotate Left through Carry - Uses CF for Extension
RCR Reg,1 1101000woo011mmm 8086 Rotate Right through Carry - Uses CF for Extension
  Mem,1 1101000woo011mmm 8086 Rotate Right through Carry - Uses CF for Extension
  Reg,CL 1101001woo011mmm 8086 Rotate Right through Carry - Uses CF for Extension
  Mem,CL 1101001woo011mmm 8086 Rotate Right through Carry - Uses CF for Extension
  Reg,Imm8 1100000woo011mmm 80186 Rotate Right through Carry - Uses CF for Extension
  Mem,Imm8 1100000woo011mmm 80186 Rotate Right through Carry - Uses CF for Extension
RDMSR   0000111100110010 Pentium Read from Model Specific Register
RDTSC   0000111101010001 Pentium Read Timwatamp Counter
RET NEAR 11000011 8086 Return from subprocedure
RET imm NEAR 11000010 8086 Return from subprocedure
RET FAR 11001011 8086 Return from subprocedure
RET imm FAR 11001010 8086 Return from subprocedure
RDPMC   0000111100110011 PentiumPro Read Performance Monitor Counter
ROL Reg,1 1101000woo000mmm 8086 Rotate Left through Carry - Wrap bits around
  Mem,1 1101000woo000mmm 8086 Rotate Left through Carry - Wrap bits around
  Reg,CL 1101001woo000mmm 8086 Rotate Left through Carry - Wrap bits around
  Mem,CL 1101001woo000mmm 8086 Rotate Left through Carry - Wrap bits around
  Reg,Imm8 1100000woo000mmm 80186 Rotate Left through Carry - Wrap bits around
  Mem,Imm8 1100000woo000mmm 80186 Rotate Left through Carry - Wrap bits around
ROR Reg,1 1101000woo001mmm 8086 Rotate Right through Carry - Wrap bits around
  Mem,1 1101000woo001mmm 8086 Rotate Right through Carry - Wrap bits around
  Reg,CL 1101001woo001mmm 8086 Rotate Right through Carry - Wrap bits around
  Mem,CL 1101001woo001mmm 8086 Rotate Right through Carry - Wrap bits around
  Reg,Imm8 1100000woo001mmm 80186 Rotate Right through Carry - Wrap bits around
  Mem,Imm8 1100000woo001mmm 80186 Rotate Right through Carry - Wrap bits around
RSM   0000111110101010 Pentium Return from System Management mode
SALC   11010110 Pentium Pro Set AL on Carry
SAHF   10011110 8086 Load Flags into AH Register
SAL Reg,1 1101000woo100mmm 8086 Shift Arithmetic Left
  Mem,1 1101000woo100mmm 8086 Shift Arithmetic Left
  Reg,CL 1101001woo100mmm 8086 Shift Arithmetic Left
  Mem,CL 1101001woo100mmm 8086 Shift Arithmetic Left
  Reg,Imm8 1100000woo100mmm 80186 Shift Arithmetic Left
  Mem,Imm8 1100000woo100mmm 80186 Shift Arithmetic Left
SAR Reg,1 1101000woo111mmm 8086 Shift Arithmetic Right
  Mem,1 1101000woo111mmm 8086 Shift Arithmetic Right
  Reg,CL 1101001woo111mmm 8086 Shift Arithmetic Right
  Mem,CL 1101001woo111mmm 8086 Shift Arithmetic Right
  Reg,Imm8 1100000woo111mmm 80186 Shift Arithmetic Right
  Mem,Imm8 1100000woo111mmm 80186 Shift Arithmetic Right
SETcc Reg8 000011111001ccccoo000mmm 80386 Set Byte on Condition Code
  Mem8 000011111001ccccoo000mmm 80386 Set Byte on Condition Code
SHL Reg,1 1101000woo100mmm 8086 Shift Logic Left
  Mem,1 1101000woo100mmm 8086 Shift Logic Left
  Reg,CL 1101001woo100mmm 8086 Shift Logic Left
  Mem,CL 1101001woo100mmm 8086 Shift Logic Left
  Reg,Imm8 1100000woo100mmm 80186 Shift Logic Left
  Mem,Imm8 1100000woo100mmm 80186 Shift Logic Left
SHR Reg,1 1101000woo101mmm 8086 Shift Logic Right
  Mem,1 1101000woo101mmm 8086 Shift Logic Right
  Reg,CL 1101001woo101mmm 8086 Shift Logic Right
  Mem,CL 1101001woo101mmm 8086 Shift Logic Right
  Reg,Imm8 1100000woo101mmm 80186 Shift Logic Right
  Mem,Imm8 1100000woo101mmm 80186 Shift Logic Right
SBB Reg,Reg 0001101woorrrmmm 8086 Substract Integers with Borrow
  Mem,Reg 0001100woorrrmmm 8086 Substract Integers with Borrow
  Reg,Mem 0001101woorrrmmm 8086 Substract Integers with Borrow
  Acc,Imm 0001110w 8086 Substract Integers with Borrow
  Reg,Imm8 1000001woo011mmm 8086 Substract Integers with Borrow
  Mem,Imm8 1000001woo011mmm 8086 Substract Integers with Borrow
  Reg,Imm 1000000woo011mmm 8086 Substract Integers with Borrow
  Mem,Imm 1000000woo011mmm 8086 Substract Integers with Borrow
SCASB   10101110 8086 Compare Byte
SCASW   10101111 8086 Compare Word
SCASD   10101111 80386 Compare Doubleword
SGDT Mem64 0000111100000001oo000mmm 80286 Store Global Descriptor Table
SHLD RegWord,RegWord,Imm8 0000111110100100oorrrmmm 80386 Double Precision Shift Left
  MemWord,RegWord,Imm8 0000111110100100oorrrmmm 80386 Double Precision Shift Left
  RegWord,RegWord,CL 0000111110100101oorrrmmm 80386 Double Precision Shift Left
  MemWord,RegWord,CL 0000111110100101oorrrmmm 80386 Double Precision Shift Left
SHRD RegWord,RegWord,Imm8 0000111110101100oorrrmmm 80386 Double Precision Shift Right
  MemWord,RegWord,Imm8 0000111110101100oorrrmmm 80386 Double Precision Shift Right
  RegWord,RegWord,CL 0000111110101101oorrrmmm 80386 Double Precision Shift Right
  MemWord,RegWord,CL 0000111110101101oorrrmmm 80386 Double Precision Shift Right
SIDT Mem64 0000111100000001oo001mmm 80286 Store Interrupt Descriptor Table
SLDT Reg16 0000111100000000oo000mmm 80286 Store Local Descriptor Table Register (LDTR)
  Mem16 0000111100000000oo000mmm 80286 Store Local Descriptor Table Register (LDTR)
SMSW Reg16 0000111100000001oo100mmm 80286 Store Machine Status Word
  Mem16 0000111100000001oo100mmm 80286 Store Machine Status Word
STC   11111001 8086 Set Carry Flag(CF)
STD   11111101 8086 Set Direction Flag(DF)
STI   11111011 8086 Set Interrupt Flag(IF)
STOSB   10101010 8086 Store String Data Byte
STOSW   10101011 8086 Store String Data Word
STOSD   10101011 80386 Store String Data DoubleWord
STR Reg16 0000111100000000oo001mmm 80286 Store Task Register
  Mem16 0000111100000000oo001mmm 80286 Store Task Register
SUB Reg,Reg 0010101woorrrmmm 8086 Subtract
  Mem,Reg 0010100woorrrmmm 8086 Subtract
  Reg,Mem 0010101woorrrmmm 8086 Subtract
  Acc,Imm 0010110w 8086 Subtract
  Reg,Imm8 1000001woo101mmm 8086 Subtract
  Mem,Imm8 1000001woo101mmm 8086 Subtract
  Reg,Imm 1000000woo101mmm 8086 Subtract
  Mem,Imm 1000000woo101mmm 8086 Subtract
TEST Reg,Reg 1000010woorrrmmm 8086 Test Operands
  Mem,Reg 1000010woorrrmmm 8086 Test Operands
  Reg,Mem 1000010woorrrmmm 8086 Test Operands
  Acc,Imm 1010100w 8086 Test Operands
  Reg,Imm 1111011woo000mmm 8086 Test Operands
  Mem,Imm 1111011woo000mmm 8086 Test Operands
VERR Reg16 0000111100000000oo100mmm 80286 Verify Read
  Mem16 0000111100000000oo100mmm 80286 Verify Read
VERW Reg16 0000111100000000oo101mmm 80286 Verify Write
  Mem16 0000111100000000oo101mmm 80286 Verify Write
WAIT   10011011 8086 Wait for FPU
WBINVD   0000111100001001 80486 Write Back and Invalidate Data Cache
WRMSR   0000111100110000 Pentium Write to Model Specific Register
XADD Reg,Reg 000011111100000woorrrmmm 80486 Exchange and Add
  Mem,Reg 000011111100000woorrrmmm 80486 Exchange and Add
XCHG AccWord,RegWord 10010rrr 8086 Exchange
  RegWord,AccWord 10010rrr 8086 Exchange
  Reg,Reg 1000011woorrrmmm 8086 Exchange
  Mem,Reg 1000011woorrrmmm 8086 Exchange
  Reg,Mem 1000011woorrrmmm 8086 Exchange
XLAT   11010111 8086 Translate
XOR Reg,Reg 0011001woorrrmmm 8086 Exclusive-OR
  Mem,Reg 0011000woorrrmmm 8086 Exclusive-OR
  Reg,Mem 0011001woorrrmmm 8086 Exclusive-OR
  Acc,Imm 0011010w 8086 Exclusive-OR
  Reg,Imm8 1000001woo110mmm 8086 Exclusive-OR
  Mem,Imm8 1000001woo110mmm 8086 Exclusive-OR
  Reg,Imm 1000000woo110mmm 8086 Exclusive-OR
  Mem,Imm 1000000woo110mmm 8086 Exclusive-OR
CALL MemFar 11111111oo011mmm 8086 Call a Procedure
  Near 11101000 8086 Call a Procedure
  Far 10011010 8086 Call a Procedure
  RegWord 11111111oo010mmm 8086 Call a Procedure
  MemNear 11111111oo010mmm 8086 Call a Procedure
Jcc Short 0111cccc 8086 Jump on Some Condition Code
  Near 000011111000cccc 80386 Jump on Some Condition Code
JCXZ Short 11100011 8086  
JCXE Short 11100011 8086  
JECXZ Short 11100011 8086  
JECXE Short 11100011 8086  
JMP MemFar 11111111oo101mmm 8086  
  Short 11101011 8086  
  Near 11101001 8086  
  Far 11101010 8086  
  RegWord 11111111oo100mmm 8086  
  MemNear 11111111oo100mmm 8086  
LOOP Short 11100010 8086 Loop Control While ECX Counter Not Zero
LOOPZ Short 11100001 8086 Loop while Zero
LOOPE Short 11100001 8086 Loop while Equal
LOOPNZ Short 11100000 8086 Loop while Not Zero
LOOPNE Short 11100000 8086 Loop while Not Equal
LOCK   11110000 8086 Assert Lock# Signal Prefix
LOCK:   11110000 8086 Assert Lock# Signal Prefix
REP   11110011 8086 Repeat Following String Operation
REPE   11110011 8086 Repeat while Equal
REPZ   11110011 8086 Repeat while Zero
REPNE   11110010 8086 Repeat while Not Equal
REPNZ   11110010 8086 Repeat while Not Zero
CS:   00101110 8086 CS segment override prefix
DS:   00111110 8086 DS segment override prefix
ES:   00100110 8086 ES segment override prefix
FS:   01100100 80386 FS segment override prefix
GS:   01100101 80386 GS segment override prefix
SS:   00110110 8086 SS segment override prefix

Co-processor instructions :

Name Regs Opcode Proc Description
F2XM1   1101100111110000 8087 2^X-1
FABS   1101100111100001 8087 Absolute Value of ST
FADD ST(0),ST(n) 1101100011000rrr 8087 Addition
  ST(n),ST(0) 1101110011000rrr 8087 Addition
  ST(0),Mem32 11011000oo000mmm 8087 Addition
  Mem32 11011000oo000mmm 8087 Addition
  ST(0),Mem64 11011100oo000mmm 8087 Addition
  Mem64 11011100oo000mmm 8087 Addition
  ST(n) 1101110011000rrr 8087 Addition
    1101110011000001 8087 Addition
FADDP ST(n),ST(0) 11011110oo000mmm 8087 Addition and Pop
  ST(n) 11011110oo000mmm 8087 Addition and Pop
    1101111011000001 8087 Addition and Pop
FIADD ST(0),Mem16 11011110oo000mmm 8087 Addition (Integer)
  Mem16 11011110oo000mmm 8087 Addition (Integer)
  ST(0),Mem32 11011010oo000mmm 8087 Addition (Integer)
  Mem32 11011010oo000mmm 8087 Addition (Integer)
FCMOVcc ST(0),ST(n) 1101101n110ccrrr PentiumPro Conditional Move
  ST(n) 1101101n110ccrrr PentiumPro Conditional Move
    1101101n110cc001 PentiumPro Conditional Move
FCHS   1101100111100000 8087 Change Sign
FCLEX   [FWAIT] 1101101111100010 8087 Clear Errors
FNCLEX   1101101111100010 8087 Clear Errors
FCOM ST(0),Mem64 11011100oo010mmm 8087 Compare
  Mem64 11011100oo010mmm 8087 Compare
  ST(0),ST(n) 11011000oo010mmm 8087 Compare
  ST(0),Mem32 11011000oo010mmm 8087 Compare
  ST(n) 11011000oo010mmm 8087 Compare
  Mem32 11011000oo010mmm 8087 Compare
    1101100011010001 8087 Compare
FCOMP ST(0),Mem64 11011100oo011mmm 8087 Compare and Pop
  Mem64 11011100oo011mmm 8087 Compare and Pop
  ST(0),ST(n) 11011000oo011mmm 8087 Compare and Pop
  ST(0),Mem32 11011000oo011mmm 8087 Compare and Pop
  ST(n) 11011000oo011mmm 8087 Compare and Pop
  Mem32 11011000oo011mmm 8087 Compare and Pop
    1101100011011001 8087 Compare and Pop
FICOM ST(0),Mem16 11011110oo010mmm 8087 Compare (Integer)
  Mem16 11011110oo010mmm 8087 Compare (Integer)
  ST(0),Mem32 11011010oo010mmm 8087 Compare (Integer)
  Mem32 11011010oo010mmm 8087 Compare (Integer)
FICOMP ST(0),Mem16 11011110oo011mmm 8087 Compare (Integer) and Pop
  Mem16 11011110oo011mmm 8087 Compare (Integer) and Pop
  ST(0),Mem32 11011010oo011mmm 8087 Compare (Integer) and Pop
  Mem32 11011010oo011mmm 8087 Compare (Integer) and Pop
FCOMI ST(0),ST(n) 1101101111110rrr PentiumPro Compare Integer (EFLAGS)
  ST(n) 1101101111110rrr PentiumPro Compare Integer (EFLAGS)
    1101101111110001 PentiumPro Compare Integer (EFLAGS)
FCOMIP ST(0),ST(n) 1101111111110rrr PentiumPro Compare Integer and Pop (EFLAGS)
  ST(n) 1101111111110rrr PentiumPro Compare Integer and Pop (EFLAGS)
    1101111111110001 PentiumPro Compare Integer and Pop (EFLAGS)
FUCOMI ST(0),ST(n) 1101101111101rrr PentiumPro Unordered Compare Integer (EFLAGS)
  ST(n) 1101101111101rrr PentiumPro Unordered Compare Integer (EFLAGS)
    1101101111101001 PentiumPro Unordered Compare Integer (EFLAGS)
FUCOMIP ST(0),ST(n) 1101111111101rrr PentiumPro Unordered Compare Integer (EFLAGS)
  ST(n) 1101111111101rrr PentiumPro Unordered Compare Integer (EFLAGS)
    1101111111101001 PentiumPro Unordered Compare Integer (EFLAGS)
FUCOMPP   1101111011010101 8086 Compare and Pop and Pop
FCOS   1101100111111111 80387 Cosine
FDECSTP   1101100111110110 8087 Decrement Stack Pointer
FDISI   [FWAIT] 1101101111100001 8087 Disable Interrupts
FNDISI   1101101111100001 8087 Disable Interrupts
FDIV ST(0),ST(n) 1101100011110rrr 8087 Division
  ST(n),ST(0) 1101110011111rrr 8087 Division
  ST(0),Mem32 11011000oo110mmm 8087 Division
  Mem32 11011000oo110mmm 8087 Division
  ST(0),Mem64 11011100oo110mmm 8087 Division
  Mem64 11011100oo110mmm 8087 Division
  ST(n) 1101110011111rrr 8087 Division
    1101110011111001 8087 Division
FDIVP ST(n),ST(0) 11011110oo111mmm 8087 Division and Pop
  ST(n) 11011110oo111mmm 8087 Division and Pop
    1101111011111001 8087 Division and Pop
FIDIV ST(0),Mem16 11011110oo110mmm 8087 Division (Integer) and Pop
  Mem16 11011110oo110mmm 8087 Division (Integer) and Pop
  ST(0),Mem32 11011010oo110mmm 8087 Division (Integer) and Pop
  Mem32 11011010oo110mmm 8087 Division (Integer) and Pop
FDIVR ST(0),ST(n) 1101100011111rrr 8087 Division Reversed
  ST(n),ST(0) 1101110011110rrr 8087 Division Reversed
  ST(0),Mem32 11011000oo111mmm 8087 Division Reversed
  Mem32 11011000oo111mmm 8087 Division Reversed
  ST(0),Mem64 11011100oo111mmm 8087 Division Reversed
  Mem64 11011100oo111mmm 8087 Division Reversed
  ST(n) 1101110011110rrr 8087 Division Reversed
    1101110011110001 8087 Division Reversed
FDIVRP ST(n),ST(0) 11011110oo110mmm 8087 Division Reversed and Pop
  ST(n) 11011110oo110mmm 8087 Division Reversed and Pop
    1101111011110001 8087 Division Reversed and Pop
FIDIVR ST(0),Mem16 11011110oo111mmm 8087 Division Reversed (Integer)
  Mem16 11011110oo111mmm 8087 Division Reversed (Integer)
  ST(0),Mem32 11011010oo111mmm 8087 Division Reversed (Integer)
  Mem32 11011010oo111mmm 8087 Division Reversed (Integer)
FENI   [FWAIT] 1101101111100000 8087 Disable Interrupts
FNENI   1101101111100000 8087 Disable Interrupts
FFREE ST(n) 1101110111000rrr 8087 Free Register
    1101110111000001 8087 Free Register
FINCSTP   1101100111110111 8087 Increment Stack Pointer
FINIT   [FWAIT] 1101101111100011 8087 Initialize FPU
FNINIT   1101101111100011 8087 Initialize FPU
FLD ST(0),Mem32 11011001oo000mmm 8087 Load Data
  Mem32 11011001oo000mmm 8087 Load Data
  ST(0),Mem64 11011101oo000mmm 8087 Load Data
  Mem64 11011101oo000mmm 8087 Load Data
  ST(0),Mem80 11011011oo101mmm 8087 Load Data
  Mem80 11011011oo101mmm 8087 Load Data
  ST(0),ST(n) 11011001oo000mmm 8087 Load Data
  ST(n) 11011001oo000mmm 8087 Load Data
    1101100111000001 8087 Load Data
FILD ST(0),Mem16 11011111oo000mmm 8087 Load Data (Integer)
  Mem16 11011111oo000mmm 8087 Load Data (Integer)
  ST(0),Mem32 11011011oo000mmm 8087 Load Data (Integer)
  Mem32 11011011oo000mmm 8087 Load Data (Integer)
  ST(0),Mem64 11011111oo101mmm 8087 Load Data (Integer)
  Mem64 11011111oo101mmm 8087 Load Data (Integer)
FBLD ST(0),Mem80 11011111oo100mmm 8087 Load Data (BCD)
  Mem80 11011111oo100mmm 8087 Load Data (BCD)
FLD1   1101100111101000 8087 Load + 1.0
FLDZ   1101100111101110 8087 Load + 0.0
FLDPI   1101100111101011 8087 Load PI
FLDL2E   1101100111101010 8087 Load log2 e
FLDL2T   1101100111101001 8087 Load log2 10
FLDLG2   1101100111101100 8087 Load log10 2
FLDLN2   1101100111101101 8087 Load loge 2
FLDCW Mem16 11011001oo101mmm 8087 Load Control Register
FLDENV Mem 11011001oo100mmm 8087 Load Enviroment
FMUL ST(0),ST(n) 1101100011001rrr 8087 Multiplication
  ST(n),ST(0) 1101110011001rrr 8087 Multiplication
  ST(0),Mem32 11011000oo001mmm 8087 Multiplication
  Mem32 11011000oo001mmm 8087 Multiplication
  ST(0),Mem64 11011100oo001mmm 8087 Multiplication
  Mem64 11011100oo001mmm 8087 Multiplication
  ST(n) 1101110011001rrr 8087 Multiplication
    1101110011001001 8087 Multiplication
FMULP ST(n),ST(0) 11011110oo001mmm 8087 Multiplication and Pop
  ST(n) 11011110oo001mmm 8087 Multiplication and Pop
    1101111011001001 8087 Multiplication and Pop
FIMUL ST(0),Mem16 11011110oo001mmm 8087 Multiplication (Integer)
  Mem16 11011110oo001mmm 8087 Multiplication (Integer)
  ST(0),Mem32 11011010oo001mmm 8087 Multiplication (Integer)
  Mem32 11011010oo001mmm 8087 Multiplication (Integer)
FNOP   1101100111010000 8087 No Operation
FPATAN   1101100111110011 8087 Partial Arctangent
FPREM   1101100111111000 8087 Partial Remainder
FPREM1   1101100111110101 80387 Partial Remainder (IEEE)
FPTAN   1101100111110010 8087 Partial Tangent
FRNDINT   1101100111111100 8087 Round to Integer
FRSTOR Mem112 11011101oo100mmm 8087 Restore State
FSAVE Mem112 [FWAIT] 11011101oo110mmm 8087 Save Machine State
FNSAVE Mem112 11011101oo110mmm 8087 Save Machine State
FSCALE   1101100111111101 8087 Scale
FSETPM   1101101111100100 80287 Set Protected Mode
FSIN   1101100111111110 80387 Sine
FSINCOS   1101100111111011 80387 Sine and Cosine
FSQRT   1101100111111010 8087 Square Root
FST Mem32,ST(0) 11011001oo010mmm 8087 Store
  Mem32 11011001oo010mmm 8087 Store
  Mem64,ST(0) 11011101oo010mmm 8087 Store
  Mem64 11011101oo010mmm 8087 Store
  ST(n),ST(0) 11011101oo010mmm 8087 Store
  ST(n) 11011101oo010mmm 8087 Store
    1101110111010001 8087 Store
FSTP Mem32,ST(0) 11011001oo011mmm 8087 Store and Pop
  Mem32 11011001oo011mmm 8087 Store and Pop
  Mem64,ST(0) 11011101oo011mmm 8087 Store and Pop
  Mem64 11011101oo011mmm 8087 Store and Pop
  Mem80,ST(0) 11011011oo111mmm 8087 Store and Pop
  Mem80 11011011oo111mmm 8087 Store and Pop
  ST(n),ST(0) 1101110111011rrr 8087 Store and Pop
  ST(n) 1101110111011rrr 8087 Store and Pop
    1101110111011001 8087 Store and Pop
FIST Mem16,ST(0) 11011111oo010mmm 8087 Store (Integer)
  Mem16 11011111oo010mmm 8087 Store (Integer)
  Mem32,ST(0) 11011011oo010mmm 8087 Store (Integer)
  Mem32 11011011oo010mmm 8087 Store (Integer)
FISTP Mem16,ST(0) 11011111oo011mmm 8087 Store (Integer) and Pop
  Mem16 11011111oo011mmm 8087 Store (Integer) and Pop
  Mem32,ST(0) 11011011oo011mmm 8087 Store (Integer) and Pop
  Mem32 11011011oo011mmm 8087 Store (Integer) and Pop
  Mem64,ST(0) 11011111oo111mmm 8087 Store (Integer) and Pop
  Mem64 11011111oo111mmm 8087 Store (Integer) and Pop
FBSTP Mem80,ST(n) 11011111oo110mmm 8087 Store (BCD) and Pop
  Mem80 11011111oo110mmm 8087 Store (BCD) and Pop
FSTCW Mem16 [FWAIT] 11011001oo111mmm 8087 Store Control Register
FNSTCW Mem16 11011001oo111mmm 8087 Store Control Register
FSTENV Mem [FWAIT] 11011001oo110mmm 8087 Store Environment
FNSTENV Mem 11011001oo110mmm 8087 Store Environment
FSTSW Mem16 [FWAIT] 11011101oo111mmm 8087 Store Status Register
  AX [FWAIT] 1101111111100000 8087 Store Status Register
FNSTSW Mem16 11011101oo111mmm 8087 Store Status Register
  AX 1101111111100000 8087 Store Status Register
FSUB ST(0),ST(n) 1101100011100rrr 8087 Subtraction
  ST(n),ST(0) 1101110011101rrr 8087 Subtraction
  ST(0),Mem32 11011000oo100mmm 8087 Subtraction
  Mem32 11011000oo100mmm 8087 Subtraction
  ST(0),Mem64 11011100oo100mmm 8087 Subtraction
  Mem64 11011100oo100mmm 8087 Subtraction
  ST(n) 1101110011101rrr 8087 Subtraction
    1101110011101001 8087 Subtraction
FSUBP ST(n),ST(0) 11011110oo101mmm 8087 Subtraction and Pop
  ST(n) 11011110oo101mmm 8087 Subtraction and Pop
    1101111011101001 8087 Subtraction and Pop
FISUB ST(0),Mem16 11011110oo100mmm 8087 Subtraction (Integer)
  Mem16 11011110oo100mmm 8087 Subtraction (Integer)
  ST(0),Mem32 11011010oo100mmm 8087 Subtraction (Integer)
  Mem32 11011010oo100mmm 8087 Subtraction (Integer)
FSUBR ST(0),ST(n) 1101100011101rrr 8087 Reverse Subtraction
  ST(n),ST(0) 1101110011100rrr 8087 Reverse Subtraction
  ST(0),Mem32 11011000oo101mmm 8087 Reverse Subtraction
  Mem32 11011000oo101mmm 8087 Reverse Subtraction
  ST(0),Mem64 11011100oo101mmm 8087 Reverse Subtraction
  Mem64 11011100oo101mmm 8087 Reverse Subtraction
  ST(n) 1101110011100rrr 8087 Reverse Subtraction
    1101110011100001 8087 Reverse Subtraction
FSUBRP ST(n),ST(0) 11011110oo100mmm 8087 Reverse Subtraction and Pop
  ST(n) 11011110oo100mmm 8087 Reverse Subtraction and Pop
    1101111011100001 8087 Reverse Subtraction and Pop
FISUBR ST(0),Mem16 11011110oo101mmm 8087 Reverse Subtraction (Integer)
  Mem16 11011110oo101mmm 8087 Reverse Subtraction (Integer)
  ST(0),Mem32 11011010oo101mmm 8087 Reverse Subtraction (Integer)
  Mem32 11011010oo101mmm 8087 Reverse Subtraction (Integer)
FTST   1101100111100100 8087 Compare with 0.0
FUCOM ST(0),ST(n) 1101110111100rrr 80387 Unordered Compare
  ST(n),ST(0) 1101110111100rrr 80387 Unordered Compare
  ST(n) 1101110111100rrr 80387 Unordered Compare
    1101110111100001 80387 Unordered Compare
FUCOMP ST(0),ST(n) 1101110111101rrr 80387 Unordered Compare and Pop
  ST(n),ST(0) 1101110111101rrr 80387 Unordered Compare and Pop
  ST(n) 1101110111101rrr 80387 Unordered Compare and Pop
    1101110111101001 80387 Unordered Compare and Pop
FUCOMPP ST(0),ST(n) 1101101011101rrr 80387 Unordered Compare and Pop and Pop
  ST(n),ST(0) 1101101011101rrr 80387 Unordered Compare and Pop and Pop
  ST(n) 1101101011101rrr 80387 Unordered Compare and Pop and Pop
    1101101011101001 80387 Unordered Compare and Pop and Pop
FWAIT   10011011 8086 Wait for FPU
FXAM   1101100111100101 8087 Examine
FXCH ST(0),ST(n) 1101100111001rrr 8087 Exchange with Register
  ST(n),ST(0) 1101100111001rrr 8087 Exchange with Register
  ST(n) 1101100111001rrr 8087 Exchange with Register
    1101100111001001 8087 Exchange with Register
FXTRACT   1101100111110100 8087 Extract Components
FYL2X   1101100111110001 8087 ST(1) * log2 ST(0)
FYL2XP1   1101100111111001 8087 ST(1) * log2 (ST(0)+1.0)

Condition codes.

CCCC Name Means In short
0000 O overflow o=1
0001 NO Not overflow o=0
0010 C/B/NAE Carry, below, not above nor equal c=1
0011 NC/AE/NB Not carry, above or equal, not below c=0
0100 E/Z Equal, zero z=1
0101 NE/NZ Not equal, not zero z=0
0110 BE/NA Below or equal, not above c=1 or z=1
0111 A/NBE Above, not below nor equal c=0 and z=0
1000 S Sign (negative) s=1
1001 NS Not sign s=0
1010 P/PE Parity, parity even p=1
1011 NP/PO Not parity, parity odd p=0
1100 L/NGE Less, not greater nor equal s<>o
1101 GE/NL Greater or egual, not less s=o
1110 LE/NG Less or equal, not greater z=1 or s<>o
1111 G/NLE Greater, not less nor equal z=0 and s=o

Condition codes for FCMOVcc.

cc n Name Means In short
00 0 C/B/NAE Carry, below, not above nor equal c=1
00 1 NC/AE/NB Not carry, above or equal, not below c=0
01 0 E/Z Equal, zero z=1
01 1 NE/NZ Not equal, not zero z=0
10 0 BE/NA Below or equal, not above c=1 or z=1
10 1 A/NBE Above, not below nor equal c=0 and z=0
11 0 U Unordered C2=1
11 1 NU Not Unordered C2=0

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