Tinyos tutorial learning tips -- lesson 4





# 单个接口可以连接到多个实现(implementation),如main.stdcontrol

# 配接箭头的方向可以任意,如:

IntToLeds <- Counter.IntOutput;         等同于         Counter.IntOutput -> IntToLeds

# 在配置(Configuration)中也可以提供接口,而不仅仅是使用和配接已有的接口。

# 模块的重命名,如:

components IntToRfmM, GenericComm as Comm;

# 等于号的使用:

IntOutput = IntToRfmM;

其中IntOutput接口是此配置中提供的接口。这里不能用->,因为那是用来连接一个used interface provided implementation的。



This is how we specify that Active Messages received with the AM_INTMSG handler ID should be wired to the RfmToIntM.ReceiveMsg interface. The direction of the arrow might be a little confusing here. The ReceiveMsg interface (found in tos/interfaces/ReceiveMsg.nc)only declares an event: receive(), which is signaled with a pointer to the received message. So RfmToIntM uses the ReceiveMsg interface, although that interface does not have any commands to call -- just an event that can be signaled.


# 给节点确定地址,如:

make mica install.38


# 问题:如何确定发送信息的目的地址?

Send.send(TOS_BCAST_ADDR, sizeof(IntMsg), &data)

其中 TOS_BCAST_ADDR 就是发送信息的目的地址。 
