2006-12-30 22:12
* File: inifile.h
* Read INI File
#ifndef _INIFILE_H_
#define _INIFILE_H_
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
* char* GetInitKey(FileName, Section, Key)
* Return Key=>Value
* Ex:
* config.ini
* [config]
* dbhost=localhost
* Usage:
* char dbhost[20];
* strcpy(dbhost,GetInitKey("config.ini", "config", "dbhost"));
* History:
* Chen QunShan@20061010 (chqs_at_sina.com)
* Handle comment line, duplicate section,
* similar key, partly same key, key string existing
* in value, trim left space char
* and the last char is EOF.
char *GetInitKey(char *filename, char *title, char *key)
FILE *fp;
char tmpLine[1024];
int rtnval;
int i = 0;
int flag = 0;
char *tmp;
static char tmpstr[1024];
if ((fp = fopen(filename, "r")) == NULL) {
return "have no such file";
while (!feof(fp)) {
rtnval = fgetc(fp);
if (rtnval == EOF) {
tmpLine[i++] = 0;
} else {
tmpLine[i++] = rtnval;
if (rtnval == '/n' || rtnval == EOF) {
tmpLine[--i] = 0;
i = 0;
if (tmpLine[0] == '/0' || strchr("#;", tmpLine[0]) != NULL)
continue; // Skip null line or comment line
if (tmpLine[0] == '[') {
tmp = NULL;
if (flag == 1) {
// Meet next section
#ifdef PROCESS_DUP_SECTION // INI file exist duplicate section
flag = 0;
break; // Skip other context
} else {
tmp = strchr(tmpLine, '=');
if ((tmp != NULL) && (flag == 1)) {
char *p;
*tmp = '/0'; // erase '=', spilte Key and Value
p = strstr(tmpLine, key);
if (p != NULL) {
if (p > tmpLine && strchr(" /t", *(p - 1)) == NULL)
continue; // exist prefix, mishit key
p += strlen(key);
if (*p == '/0' || strchr(" /t", *p) != NULL) {
tmp++; // Skip '='
while (*tmp == ' ' || *tmp == '/t')
tmp++; // Skip left lead ' ' or '/t'
strcpy(tmpstr, tmp);
return tmpstr;
} else {
strcpy(tmpstr, "[");
strcat(tmpstr, title);
strcat(tmpstr, "]");
if (strcmp(tmpstr, tmpLine) == 0) {
flag = 1;
if (rtnval == EOF) {
} // end of while
return "";
* Test Case: *
#p2= 789
;p2= 9
p2 = 456
p3 = p2
pp2= 45
p2 = "456"
#endif //_INIFILE_H_