Android 自动化测试工具Robotium 之Solo类的详细说明

package com.robotium.solo;

import java.lang.reflect.Method;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import junit.framework.Assert;
import android.os.Environment;
import android.view.KeyEvent;
import android.view.View;
import android.webkit.WebView;
import android.widget.AbsListView;
import android.widget.Button;
import android.widget.CheckBox;
import android.widget.CheckedTextView;
import android.widget.CompoundButton;
import android.widget.DatePicker;
import android.widget.EditText;
import android.widget.ImageButton;
import android.widget.ImageView;
import android.widget.ProgressBar;
import android.widget.RadioButton;
import android.widget.ScrollView;
import android.widget.SlidingDrawer;
import android.widget.Spinner;
import android.widget.TextView;
import android.widget.ListView;
import android.widget.TimePicker;
import android.widget.ToggleButton;

* Robotium测试主入口,提供给各类测试使用
* Main class for development of Robotium tests.
* Robotium has full support for Views, WebViews, Activities, Dialogs, Menus and Context Menus.

* Robotium can be used in conjunction with Android test classes like
* ActivityInstrumentationTestCase2 and SingleLaunchActivityTestCase.
* @author Renas Reda, [email protected]

public class Solo {
// 断言工具类
protected final Asserter asserter;
// view获取工具类
protected final ViewFetcher viewFetcher;
// check类控件工具类
protected final Checker checker;
// 点击工具类
protected final Clicker clicker;
// 按动作工具类
protected final Presser presser;
// 控件搜索工具类
protected final Searcher searcher;
// activity操作工具类
protected final ActivityUtils activityUtils;
// 弹框操作工具类
protected final DialogUtils dialogUtils;
// 文本输入工具类
protected final TextEnterer textEnterer;
// 屏幕方向操作工具类
protected final Rotator rotator;
// 带滚动条控件擦做工具类
protected final Scroller scroller;
// 等待工具类
protected final Sleeper sleeper;
// 手动划屏操作工具类
protected final Swiper swiper;
// 手指点击操作工具类
protected final Tapper tapper;
// View等待工具类
protected final Waiter waiter;
// 设置类控件操作工具类
protected final Setter setter;
// View属性获取工具类
protected final Getter getter;
// WebView操作工具类
protected final WebUtils webUtils;
// 按键事件发送工具类
protected final Sender sender;
// 截图操作工具类
protected final ScreenshotTaker screenshotTaker;
// Instrument,用于发送各类事件
protected final Instrumentation instrumentation;
// 放大动作工具类
protected final Zoomer zoomer;
// 网站地址
protected String webUrl = null;
// 相关属性配置
private final Config config;
// 横屏
public final static int LANDSCAPE = ActivityInfo.SCREEN_ORIENTATION_LANDSCAPE; // 0
// 竖屏
public final static int PORTRAIT = ActivityInfo.SCREEN_ORIENTATION_PORTRAIT; // 1
// 右方向键
public final static int RIGHT = KeyEvent.KEYCODE_DPAD_RIGHT;
// 左方向键
public final static int LEFT = KeyEvent.KEYCODE_DPAD_LEFT;
// 向上方向键
public final static int UP = KeyEvent.KEYCODE_DPAD_UP;
// 向下方向键
public final static int DOWN = KeyEvent.KEYCODE_DPAD_DOWN;
// 回车按钮
public final static int ENTER = KeyEvent.KEYCODE_ENTER;
// Menu按钮
public final static int MENU = KeyEvent.KEYCODE_MENU;
// DEL按钮
public final static int DELETE = KeyEvent.KEYCODE_DEL;
// 关闭
public final static int CLOSED = 0;
// 打开
public final static int OPENED = 1;

* 构造函数,使用默认配置
* Constructor that takes the Instrumentation object and the start Activity.
* @param instrumentation the {@link Instrumentation} instance
* @param activity the start {@link Activity} or {@code null}
* if no Activity is specified

public Solo(Instrumentation instrumentation, Activity activity) {
this(new Config(), instrumentation, activity);

* 带指定配置,不带 activity构造函数
* Constructor that takes the Instrumentation and Config objects.
* @param instrumentation the {@link Instrumentation} instance
* @param config the {@link Config} instance

public Solo(Instrumentation instrumentation, Config config) {
this(config, instrumentation, null);

* 构造函数,包含3个参数
* Private constructor.
* @param config the {@link Config} instance
* @param instrumentation the {@link Instrumentation} instance
* @param activity the start {@link Activity} or {@code null}
* if no Activity is specified

private Solo(Config config, Instrumentation instrumentation, Activity activity) {
this.config = config;
this.instrumentation = instrumentation;
this.sleeper = new Sleeper();
this.sender = new Sender(instrumentation, sleeper);
this.activityUtils = new ActivityUtils(instrumentation, activity, sleeper);
this.viewFetcher = new ViewFetcher(activityUtils);
this.screenshotTaker = new ScreenshotTaker(config, activityUtils, viewFetcher, sleeper);
this.dialogUtils = new DialogUtils(activityUtils, viewFetcher, sleeper);
this.webUtils = new WebUtils(config, instrumentation,activityUtils,viewFetcher, sleeper);
this.scroller = new Scroller(config, instrumentation, activityUtils, viewFetcher, sleeper);
this.searcher = new Searcher(viewFetcher, webUtils, scroller, sleeper);
this.waiter = new Waiter(activityUtils, viewFetcher, searcher,scroller, sleeper);
this.setter = new Setter(activityUtils);
this.getter = new Getter(instrumentation, activityUtils, waiter);
this.asserter = new Asserter(activityUtils, waiter);
this.checker = new Checker(viewFetcher, waiter);
this.clicker = new Clicker(activityUtils, viewFetcher,sender, instrumentation, sleeper, waiter, webUtils, dialogUtils);
this.zoomer = new Zoomer(instrumentation);
this.swiper = new Swiper(instrumentation);
this.tapper = new Tapper(instrumentation);
this.rotator = new Rotator(instrumentation);
this.presser = new Presser(viewFetcher, clicker, instrumentation, sleeper, waiter, dialogUtils);
this.textEnterer = new TextEnterer(instrumentation, clicker, dialogUtils);
// 进行初始化

* 配置静态类,用于设置Robotium的一些属性
* Config class used to set the scroll behaviour, default timeouts, screenshot filetype and screenshot save path.

* Example of usage:

* public void setUp() throws Exception { *	Config config = new Config(); *	config.screenshotFileType = ScreenshotFileType.PNG; *	config.screenshotSavePath = Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory() + "/Robotium/"; *	config.shouldScroll = false; *	solo = new Solo(getInstrumentation(), config); *	getActivity(); * } *

* @author Renas Reda, [email protected]

public static class Config {

* get is set assert enter click等方法的默认超时时间10s
* The timeout length of the get, is, set, assert, enter and click methods. Default length is 10 000 milliseconds.
public int timeout_small = 10000;

* waitFor方法的默认超时时间20s
* The timeout length of the waitFor methods. Default length is 20 000 milliseconds.
public int timeout_large = 20000;

* 截图存储路径.默认为/sdcard/Robotium-Screenshots/
* The screenshot save path. Default save path is /sdcard/Robotium-Screenshots/.
public String screenshotSavePath = Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory() + “/Robotium-Screenshots/”;

* 截图类型,默认为jpg
* The screenshot file type, JPEG or PNG. Use ScreenshotFileType.JPEG or ScreenshotFileType.PNG. Default file type is JPEG.
public ScreenshotFileType screenshotFileType = ScreenshotFileType.JPEG;

* get is set enter type click方法操作时,默认对scroll类型的控件拖动滚动条
* Set to true if the get, is, set, enter, type and click methods should scroll. Default value is true.
public boolean shouldScroll = true;

* 设置是否使用JavaScript执行WebElement 点击动作,默认是false
* Set to true if JavaScript should be used to click WebElements. Default value is false.
public boolean useJavaScriptToClickWebElements = false;

* 截图枚举类型jpg png
* The screenshot file type, JPEG or PNG.
* @author Renas Reda, [email protected]
public enum ScreenshotFileType {

* 构造函数
* Constructor that takes the instrumentation object.
* @param instrumentation the {@link Instrumentation} instance

public Solo(Instrumentation instrumentation) {
// 传递activity参数为null
this(new Config(), instrumentation, null);

* 获取ActivityMonitor对象
* Returns the ActivityMonitor used by Robotium.
* @return the ActivityMonitor used by Robotium

public ActivityMonitor getActivityMonitor(){
// 获取ActivityUtils的ActivityMonitor属性
return activityUtils.getActivityMonitor();

* 所以当前界面中的所有View
* Returns an ArrayList of all the View objects located in the focused
* Activity or Dialog.
* @return an {@code ArrayList} of the {@link View} objects located in the focused window

public ArrayList getViews() {
try {
// 获取所有的View
return viewFetcher.getViews(null, false);
} catch (Exception e) {
return null;

* 获取指定parent View中的所有View
* Returns an ArrayList of the View objects contained in the parent View.
* @param parent the parent view from which to return the views
* @return an {@code ArrayList} of the {@link View} objects contained in the specified {@code View}

public ArrayList getViews(View parent) {
try {
// 获取指定parent中的所有的View
return viewFetcher.getViews(parent, false);
} catch (Exception e) {
return null;

* 获取指定view的mParent属性
* Returns the absolute top parent View of the specified View.
* @param view the {@link View} whose top parent is requested
* @return the top parent {@link View}

public View getTopParent(View view) {
View topParent = viewFetcher.getTopParent(view);
return topParent;

* 等待指定的text内容出现,超时时间20s
* Waits for the specified text to appear. Default timeout is 20 seconds.
* @param text the text to wait for, specified as a regular expression
* @return {@code true} if text is displayed and {@code false} if it is not displayed before the timeout

public boolean waitForText(String text) {
return (waiter.waitForText(text) != null);

* 等待指定text内容出现minimumNumberOfMatches次,可以设置超时时间
* text 指定文本内容
* minimumNumberOfMatches 指定的次数
* timeout 超时时间,单位ms
* Waits for the specified text to appear.
* @param text the text to wait for, specified as a regular expression
* @param minimumNumberOfMatches the minimum number of matches that are expected to be found. {@code 0} means any number of matches
* @param timeout the the amount of time in milliseconds to wait
* @return {@code true} if text is displayed and {@code false} if it is not displayed before the timeout

public boolean waitForText(String text, int minimumNumberOfMatches, long timeout) {
return (waiter.waitForText(text, minimumNumberOfMatches, timeout) != null);

* 等待指定text内容出现minimumNumberOfMatches次,可以设置超时时间,是否刷新列表类控件
* text 指定文本内容
* minimumNumberOfMatches 指定的次数
* timeout 超时时间,单位ms
* scroll 是否对可滑动控件进行滑动安装
* Waits for the specified text to appear.
* @param text the text to wait for, specified as a regular expression
* @param minimumNumberOfMatches the minimum number of matches that are expected to be found. {@code 0} means any number of matches
* @param timeout the the amount of time in milliseconds to wait
* @param scroll {@code true} if scrolling should be performed
* @return {@code true} if text is displayed and {@code false} if it is not displayed before the timeout

public boolean waitForText(String text, int minimumNumberOfMatches, long timeout, boolean scroll) {
return (waiter.waitForText(text, minimumNumberOfMatches, timeout, scroll) != null);

* 等待指定text内容出现minimumNumberOfMatches次,可以设置超时时间,是否刷新列表类控件,是否只查找可见控件
* text 指定文本内容
* minimumNumberOfMatches 指定的次数
* timeout 超时时间,单位ms
* scroll 是否对可滑动控件进行滑动操作
* onlyVisible 是否只对可见的进行查找
* Waits for the specified text to appear.
* @param text the text to wait for, specified as a regular expression
* @param minimumNumberOfMatches the minimum number of matches that are expected to be found. {@code 0} means any number of matches
* @param timeout the the amount of time in milliseconds to wait
* @param scroll {@code true} if scrolling should be performed
* @param onlyVisible {@code true} if only visible text views should be waited for
* @return {@code true} if text is displayed and {@code false} if it is not displayed before the timeout

public boolean waitForText(String text, int minimumNumberOfMatches, long timeout, boolean scroll, boolean onlyVisible) {
return (waiter.waitForText(text, minimumNumberOfMatches, timeout, scroll, onlyVisible, true) != null);

* 通过id查找对应的第一个view,超时20s
* Waits for a View matching the specified resource id. Default timeout is 20 seconds.
* @param id the of the {@link View} to wait for
* @return {@code true} if the {@link View} is displayed and {@code false} if it is not displayed before the timeout

public boolean waitForView(int id){
return waitForView(id, 0, Timeout.getLargeTimeout(), true);

* 通过id查找对应的minimumNumberOfMatches个view,可设置超时
* id 传入的 View id
* minimumNumberOfMatches id对应的控件数量
* timeout 超时时间,单位ms
* scroll 是否对可滑动控件进行滑动操作
* Waits for a View matching the specified resource id.
* @param id the of the {@link View} to wait for
* @param minimumNumberOfMatches the minimum number of matches that are expected to be found. {@code 0} means any number of matches
* @param timeout the amount of time in milliseconds to wait
* @return {@code true} if the {@link View} is displayed and {@code false} if it is not displayed before the timeout

public boolean waitForView(int id, int minimumNumberOfMatches, int timeout){
return waitForView(id, minimumNumberOfMatches, timeout, true);

* 通过id查找对应的minimumNumberOfMatches个view,可设置超时,可设置是否对列表类控件滑动刷新
* id 传入的 View id
* minimumNumberOfMatches id对应的控件数量
* timeout 超时时间,单位ms
* scroll 是否可以进行滑动操作
* Waits for a View matching the specified resource id.
* @param id the of the {@link View} to wait for
* @param minimumNumberOfMatches the minimum number of matches that are expected to be found. {@code 0} means any number of matches
* @param timeout the amount of time in milliseconds to wait
* @param scroll {@code true} if scrolling should be performed
* @return {@code true} if the {@link View} is displayed and {@code false} if it is not displayed before the timeout

public boolean waitForView(int id, int minimumNumberOfMatches, int timeout, boolean scroll){
// index从0开始因此减一
int index = minimumNumberOfMatches-1;
// 对于小于1的,直接修正为0
if(index < 1)
index = 0;

return (waiter.waitForView(id, index, timeout, scroll) != null);

* 等待指定类型的View出现
* viewClass class类型
* Waits for a View matching the specified class. Default timeout is 20 seconds.
* @param viewClass the {@link View} class to wait for
* @return {@code true} if the {@link View} is displayed and {@code false} if it is not displayed before the timeout

public boolean waitForView(final Class viewClass){

return waiter.waitForView(viewClass, 0, Timeout.getLargeTimeout(), true);

* 等待指定的view出现
* Waits for the specified View. Default timeout is 20 seconds.
* @param view the {@link View} object to wait for
* @return {@code true} if the {@link View} is displayed and {@code false} if it is not displayed before the timeout

public boolean waitForView(View view){
return waiter.waitForView(view);

* 等待指定的view出现,可以设置超时和是否滑动刷新,可滑动控件
* view 指定的view
* timeout 超时时间,单位ms
* scroll 是否可以滑动刷新
* Waits for the specified View.
* @param view the {@link View} object to wait for
* @param timeout the amount of time in milliseconds to wait
* @param scroll {@code true} if scrolling should be performed
* @return {@code true} if the {@link View} is displayed and {@code false} if it is not displayed before the timeout

public boolean waitForView(View view, int timeout, boolean scroll){
// 默认设置不区分控件是否可见
boolean checkIsShown = false;
// 如果设置了不可滑动,那么只查找可见的
checkIsShown = true;

return waiter.waitForView(view, timeout, scroll, checkIsShown);

* 等待指定类型的minimumNumberOfMatches个view出现,可设置超时时间
* viewClass 指定的类型
* minimumNumberOfMatches 指定的数量
* timeout 超时时间,单位ms
* Waits for a View matching the specified class.
* @param viewClass the {@link View} class to wait for
* @param minimumNumberOfMatches the minimum number of matches that are expected to be found. {@code 0} means any number of matches
* @param timeout the amount of time in milliseconds to wait
* @return {@code true} if the {@link View} is displayed and {@code false} if it is not displayed before the timeout

public boolean waitForView(final Class viewClass, final int minimumNumberOfMatches, final int timeout){
// 因为计数从0,开始因此数量减一
int index = minimumNumberOfMatches-1;
// 设置的值小于1,修正为0
if(index < 1)
index = 0;

return waiter.waitForView(viewClass, index, timeout, true);

* 等待指定类型的minimumNumberOfMatches个view出现,可设置超时时间,是否可滑动
* viewClass 指定的类型
* minimumNumberOfMatches 指定的数量
* timeout 超时时间,单位ms
* scroll 是否可以滑动刷新
* Waits for a View matching the specified class.
* @param viewClass the {@link View} class to wait for
* @param minimumNumberOfMatches the minimum number of matches that are expected to be found. {@code 0} means any number of matches
* @param timeout the amount of time in milliseconds to wait
* @param scroll {@code true} if scrolling should be performed
* @return {@code true} if the {@link View} is displayed and {@code false} if it is not displayed before the timeout

public boolean waitForView(final Class viewClass, final int minimumNumberOfMatches, final int timeout,final boolean scroll){
// 因为计数从0,开始因此数量减一
int index = minimumNumberOfMatches-1;
// 小于1,修正为0
if(index < 1)
index = 0;

return waiter.waitForView(viewClass, index, timeout, scroll);

* 等待WebView中的指定条件的WebElement出现,超时20s
* Waits for a WebElement matching the specified By object. Default timeout is 20 seconds.
* @param by the By object. Examples are: {@code"id")} and {@code"name")}
* @return {@code true} if the {@link WebElement} is displayed and {@code false} if it is not displayed before the timeout

public boolean waitForWebElement(By by){
return (waiter.waitForWebElement(by, 0, Timeout.getLargeTimeout(), true) != null);

* 等待WebView中的指定条件的WebElement出现,可设置超时时间,是否需要滑动
* by 指定的条件
* timeout 超时时间,单位 ms
* scroll 是否需要滑动
* Waits for a WebElement matching the specified By object.
* @param by the By object. Examples are: {@code"id")} and {@code"name")}
* @param timeout the the amount of time in milliseconds to wait
* @param scroll {@code true} if scrolling should be performed
* @return {@code true} if the {@link WebElement} is displayed and {@code false} if it is not displayed before the timeout

public boolean waitForWebElement(By by, int timeout, boolean scroll){
return (waiter.waitForWebElement(by, 0, timeout, scroll) != null);

* 等待WebView中的指定条件的WebElement出现minimumNumberOfMatches次,可设置超时时间,是否需要滑动
* by 指定的条件
* minimumNumberOfMatches 指定的数量
* timeout 超时时间,单位 ms
* scroll 是否需要滑动
* Waits for a WebElement matching the specified By object.
* @param by the By object. Examples are: {@code"id")} and {@code"name")}
* @param minimumNumberOfMatches the minimum number of matches that are expected to be found. {@code 0} means any number of matches
* @param timeout the the amount of time in milliseconds to wait
* @param scroll {@code true} if scrolling should be performed
* @return {@code true} if the {@link WebElement} is displayed and {@code false} if it is not displayed before the timeout

public boolean waitForWebElement(By by, int minimumNumberOfMatches, int timeout, boolean scroll){
return (waiter.waitForWebElement(by, minimumNumberOfMatches, timeout, scroll) != null);

* 按照给定的Condition判断条件进行等待操作,可设置超时时间
* condition 配置的判定规则
* timeout 超时时间,单位 ms
* Waits for a condition to be satisfied.
* @param condition the condition to wait for
* @param timeout the amount of time in milliseconds to wait
* @return {@code true} if condition is satisfied and {@code false} if it is not satisfied before the timeout

public boolean waitForCondition(Condition condition, final int timeout){
return waiter.waitForCondition(condition, timeout);

* 查找指定文本内容的EditText类型View是否出现
* text 指定的文本内容
* Searches for a text in the EditText objects currently displayed and returns true if found. Will automatically scroll when needed.
* @param text the text to search for
* @return {@code true} if an {@link EditText} displaying the specified text is found or {@code false} if it is not found

public boolean searchEditText(String text) {
return searcher.searchWithTimeoutFor(EditText.class, text, 1, true, false);

* 查找指定文本内容的Button类型View是否出现
* text 指定的文本内容
* Searches for a Button displaying the specified text and returns {@code true} if at least one Button
* is found. Will automatically scroll when needed.
* @param text the text to search for. The parameter will be interpreted as a regular expression
* @return {@code true} if a {@link Button} displaying the specified text is found and {@code false} if it is not found

public boolean searchButton(String text) {
return searcher.searchWithTimeoutFor(Button.class, text, 0, true, false);

* 查找指定文本内容的Button类型View是否出现,可配置是否只查找可见控件
* text 指定的文本内容
* onlyVisible 是否可见
* Searches for a Button displaying the specified text and returns {@code true} if at least one Button
* is found. Will automatically scroll when needed.
* @param text the text to search for. The parameter will be interpreted as a regular expression
* @param onlyVisible {@code true} if only {@link Button} visible on the screen should be searched
* @return {@code true} if a {@link Button} displaying the specified text is found and {@code false} if it is not found

public boolean searchButton(String text, boolean onlyVisible) {
return searcher.searchWithTimeoutFor(Button.class, text, 0, true, onlyVisible);

* 查找指定文本内容的ToggleButton类型View是否出现
* Searches for a ToggleButton displaying the specified text and returns {@code true} if at least one ToggleButton
* is found. Will automatically scroll when needed.
* @param text the text to search for. The parameter will be interpreted as a regular expression
* @return {@code true} if a {@link ToggleButton} displaying the specified text is found and {@code false} if it is not found

public boolean searchToggleButton(String text) {
return searcher.searchWithTimeoutFor(ToggleButton.class, text, 0, true, false);

* 查找指定文本内容的Button类型View是否有minimumNumberOfMatches个出现
* text 指定文本内容
* minimumNumberOfMatches 指定的数量
* Searches for a Button displaying the specified text and returns {@code true} if the
* searched Button is found a specified number of times. Will automatically scroll when needed.
* @param text the text to search for. The parameter will be interpreted as a regular expression
* @param minimumNumberOfMatches the minimum number of matches expected to be found. {@code 0} matches means that one or more
* matches are expected to be found
* @return {@code true} if a {@link Button} displaying the specified text is found a specified number of times and {@code false}
* if it is not found

public boolean searchButton(String text, int minimumNumberOfMatches) {
return searcher.searchWithTimeoutFor(Button.class, text, minimumNumberOfMatches, true, false);

* 查找指定文本内容的Button类型View是否有minimumNumberOfMatches个出现,可配置是否只查询可见的
* text 指定文本内容
* minimumNumberOfMatches 指定的数量
* onlyVisible 设置是否只是可见的
* Searches for a Button displaying the specified text and returns {@code true} if the
* searched Button is found a specified number of times. Will automatically scroll when needed.
* @param text the text to search for. The parameter will be interpreted as a regular expression
* @param minimumNumberOfMatches the minimum number of matches expected to be found. {@code 0} matches means that one or more
* matches are expected to be found
* @param onlyVisible {@code true} if only {@link Button} visible on the screen should be searched
* @return {@code true} if a {@link Button} displaying the specified text is found a specified number of times and {@code false}
* if it is not found

public boolean searchButton(String text, int minimumNumberOfMatches, boolean onlyVisible) {
return searcher.searchWithTimeoutFor(Button.class, text, minimumNumberOfMatches, true, onlyVisible);

* 查找指定文本内容的ToggleButton类型View是否有minimumNumberOfMatches个出现
* text 指定文本内容
* minimumNumberOfMatches 指定的数量
* Searches for a ToggleButton displaying the specified text and returns {@code true} if the
* searched ToggleButton is found a specified number of times. Will automatically scroll when needed.
* @param text the text to search for. The parameter will be interpreted as a regular expression
* @param minimumNumberOfMatches the minimum number of matches expected to be found. {@code 0} matches means that one or more
* matches are expected to be found
* @return {@code true} if a {@link ToggleButton} displaying the specified text is found a specified number of times and {@code false}
* if it is not found

public boolean searchToggleButton(String text, int minimumNumberOfMatches) {
return searcher.searchWithTimeoutFor(ToggleButton.class, text, minimumNumberOfMatches, true, false);

* 查找指定文本内容是否出现,超时5s
* Searches for the specified text and returns {@code true} if at least one item
* is found displaying the expected text. Will automatically scroll when needed.
* @param text the text to search for. The parameter will be interpreted as a regular expression
* @return {@code true} if the search string is found and {@code false} if it is not found

public boolean searchText(String text) {
return searcher.searchWithTimeoutFor(TextView.class, text, 0, true, false);

* 查找指定文本内容是否出现,超时5s,可配置是否只查找可见的
* Searches for the specified text and returns {@code true} if at least one item
* is found displaying the expected text. Will automatically scroll when needed.
* @param text the text to search for. The parameter will be interpreted as a regular expression
* @param onlyVisible {@code true} if only texts visible on the screen should be searched
* @return {@code true} if the search string is found and {@code false} if it is not found

public boolean searchText(String text, boolean onlyVisible) {
return searcher.searchWithTimeoutFor(TextView.class, text, 0, true, onlyVisible);

* 查找指定文本内容是否出现minimumNumberOfMatches次,超时5s
* Searches for the specified text and returns {@code true} if the searched text is found a specified
* number of times. Will automatically scroll when needed.
* @param text the text to search for. The parameter will be interpreted as a regular expression
* @param minimumNumberOfMatches the minimum number of matches expected to be found. {@code 0} matches means that one or more
* matches are expected to be found
* @return {@code true} if text is found a specified number of times and {@code false} if the text
* is not found

public boolean searchText(String text, int minimumNumberOfMatches) {
return searcher.searchWithTimeoutFor(TextView.class, text, minimumNumberOfMatches, true, false);

* 查找指定文本内容是否出现minimumNumberOfMatches次,超时5s,可设置是否可以滑动可滑动控件进行查找
* Searches for the specified text and returns {@code true} if the searched text is found a specified
* number of times.
* @param text the text to search for. The parameter will be interpreted as a regular expression.
* @param minimumNumberOfMatches the minimum number of matches expected to be found. {@code 0} matches means that one or more
* matches are expected to be found
* @param scroll {@code true} if scrolling should be performed
* @return {@code true} if text is found a specified number of times and {@code false} if the text
* is not found

public boolean searchText(String text, int minimumNumberOfMatches, boolean scroll) {
return searcher.searchWithTimeoutFor(TextView.class, text, minimumNumberOfMatches, scroll, false);

* 查找指定文本内容是否出现minimumNumberOfMatches次,超时5s,可设置是否可以滑动可滑动控件进行查找,是否只查找可见控件
* Searches for the specified text and returns {@code true} if the searched text is found a specified
* number of times.
* @param text the text to search for. The parameter will be interpreted as a regular expression.
* @param minimumNumberOfMatches the minimum number of matches expected to be found. {@code 0} matches means that one or more
* matches are expected to be found
* @param scroll {@code true} if scrolling should be performed
* @param onlyVisible {@code true} if only texts visible on the screen should be searched
* @return {@code true} if text is found a specified number of times and {@code false} if the text
* is not found

public boolean searchText(String text, int minimumNumberOfMatches, boolean scroll, boolean onlyVisible) {
return searcher.searchWithTimeoutFor(TextView.class, text, minimumNumberOfMatches, scroll, onlyVisible);

* 设置屏幕方向横向或者纵向
* Sets the Orientation (Landscape/Portrait) for the current Activity.
* @param orientation the orientation to set. Solo.{@link #LANDSCAPE} for landscape or
Solo.{@link #PORTRAIT} for portrait.

public void setActivityOrientation(int orientation)

* 获取当前焦点所在activity
* Returns the current Activity.
* @return the current Activity

public Activity getCurrentActivity() {
return activityUtils.getCurrentActivity(false);

* 检查当前activity name是否是设置的,异常提醒message
* message 与传入name不一致时的提示
* name activity name
* Asserts that the Activity matching the specified name is active.
* @param message the message to display if the assert fails
* @param name the name of the {@link Activity} that is expected to be active. Example is: {@code "MyActivity"}

public void assertCurrentActivity(String message, String name)
asserter.assertCurrentActivity(message, name);

* 检查当前activity 类型是否是设置的,异常提醒message
* message 与传入name不一致时的提示
* activityClass activity类型
* Asserts that the Activity matching the specified class is active.
* @param message the message to display if the assert fails
* @param activityClass the class of the Activity that is expected to be active. Example is: {@code MyActivity.class}

public void assertCurrentActivity(String message, @SuppressWarnings("rawtypes") Class activityClass)
asserter.assertCurrentActivity(message, activityClass);


* 检查当前activity 名字是否是设置的,异常提醒message,可设置是否是最新的
* message 与传入name不一致时的提示
* name activity name
* isNewInstance 为true则等待最新出现的activity,为false则直接获取activity堆栈的栈顶activity做比较
* Asserts that the Activity matching the specified name is active, with the possibility to
* verify that the expected Activity is a new instance of the Activity.
* @param message the message to display if the assert fails
* @param name the name of the Activity that is expected to be active. Example is: {@code "MyActivity"}
* @param isNewInstance {@code true} if the expected {@link Activity} is a new instance of the {@link Activity}

public void assertCurrentActivity(String message, String name, boolean isNewInstance)
asserter.assertCurrentActivity(message, name, isNewInstance);

* 检查当前activity 类型是否是设置的,异常提醒message,可设置是否是最新的
* message 与传入name不一致时的提示
* activityClass activity 类型
* isNewInstance 为true则等待最新出现的activity,为false则直接获取activity堆栈的栈顶activity做比较
* Asserts that the Activity matching the specified class is active, with the possibility to
* verify that the expected Activity is a new instance of the Activity.
* @param message the message to display if the assert fails
* @param activityClass the class of the Activity that is expected to be active. Example is: {@code MyActivity.class}
* @param isNewInstance {@code true} if the expected {@link Activity} is a new instance of the {@link Activity}

public void assertCurrentActivity(String message, @SuppressWarnings("rawtypes") Class activityClass,
boolean isNewInstance) {
asserter.assertCurrentActivity(message, activityClass, isNewInstance);

* 检查当前内存是否达到lowmem状态
* Asserts that the available memory is not considered low by the system.

public void assertMemoryNotLow()

* 等待弹框出现
* Waits for a Dialog to open. Default timeout is 20 seconds.
* @return {@code true} if the {@link} is opened before the timeout and {@code false} if it is not opened

public boolean waitForDialogToOpen() {
return dialogUtils.waitForDialogToOpen(Timeout.getLargeTimeout(), true);

* 等待弹框关闭
* Waits for a Dialog to close. Default timeout is 20 seconds.
* @return {@code true} if the {@link} is closed before the timeout and {@code false} if it is not closed

public boolean waitForDialogToClose() {
return dialogUtils.waitForDialogToClose(Timeout.getLargeTimeout());

* 等待弹框出现,可设置超时时间,单位 ms
* Waits for a Dialog to open.
* @param timeout the amount of time in milliseconds to wait
* @return {@code true} if the {@link} is opened before the timeout and {@code false} if it is not opened

public boolean waitForDialogToOpen(long timeout) {
return dialogUtils.waitForDialogToOpen(timeout, true);

* 等待弹框关闭,可设置超时时间,单位 ms
* Waits for a Dialog to close.
* @param timeout the amount of time in milliseconds to wait
* @return {@code true} if the {@link} is closed before the timeout and {@code false} if it is not closed

public boolean waitForDialogToClose(long timeout) {
return dialogUtils.waitForDialogToClose(timeout);

* 按回退按钮
* Simulates pressing the hardware back key.

public void goBack()

* 点击屏幕上的指定坐标点
* Clicks the specified coordinates.
* @param x the x coordinate
* @param y the y coordinate

public void clickOnScreen(float x, float y) {
clicker.clickOnScreen(x, y);

* 点击屏幕上的指定坐标点,可以设置点击次数API要求14+
* Clicks the specified coordinates rapidly a specified number of times. Requires API level >= 14.
* @param x the x coordinate
* @param y the y coordinate
* @param numberOfClicks the number of clicks to perform

public void clickOnScreen(float x, float y, int numberOfClicks) {
// 14以下版本抛出异常
if (android.os.Build.VERSION.SDK_INT < 14){
throw new RuntimeException("clickOnScreen(float x, float y, int numberOfClicks) requires API level >= 14");

tapper.generateTapGesture(numberOfClicks, new PointF(x, y));

* 长按屏幕上的指定点
* Long clicks the specified coordinates.
* @param x the x coordinate
* @param y the y coordinate

public void clickLongOnScreen(float x, float y) {
clicker.clickLongOnScreen(x, y, 0);

* 长按屏幕上的指定点 可设置长按时间,单位 ms
* Long clicks the specified coordinates for a specified amount of time.
* @param x the x coordinate
* @param y the y coordinate
* @param time the amount of time to long click

public void clickLongOnScreen(float x, float y, int time) {
clicker.clickLongOnScreen(x, y, time);

* 点击指定文本内容的Button
* Clicks a Button displaying the specified text. Will automatically scroll when needed.
* @param text the text displayed by the {@link Button}. The parameter will be interpreted as a regular expression

public void clickOnButton(String text) {
clicker.clickOn(Button.class, text);


* 点击指定的第index个ImageButton.
* Clicks an ImageButton matching the specified index.
* @param index the index of the {@link ImageButton} to click. 0 if only one is available

public void clickOnImageButton(int index) {
clicker.clickOn(ImageButton.class, index);

* 点击指定文本内容的ToggleButton
* Clicks a ToggleButton displaying the specified text.
* @param text the text displayed by the {@link ToggleButton}. The parameter will be interpreted as a regular expression

public void clickOnToggleButton(String text) {
clicker.clickOn(ToggleButton.class, text);

* 点击指定文本内容的菜单项
* Clicks a MenuItem displaying the specified text.
* @param text the text displayed by the MenuItem. The parameter will be interpreted as a regular expression

public void clickOnMenuItem(String text)

* 点击指定文本内容的菜单项,可设置是否点击子级菜单
* Clicks a MenuItem displaying the specified text.
* @param text the text displayed by the MenuItem. The parameter will be interpreted as a regular expression
* @param subMenu {@code true} if the menu item could be located in a sub menu

public void clickOnMenuItem(String text, boolean subMenu)
clicker.clickOnMenuItem(text, subMenu);

* 点击指定的WebElement
* Clicks the specified WebElement.
* @param webElement the WebElement to click

public void clickOnWebElement(WebElement webElement){
if(webElement == null)"WebElement is null and can therefore not be clicked!");

clicker.clickOnScreen(webElement.getLocationX(), webElement.getLocationY());

* 点击指定条件的第1个WebElement
* Clicks a WebElement matching the specified By object.
* @param by the By object. Examples are: {@code"id")} and {@code"name")}

public void clickOnWebElement(By by){
clickOnWebElement(by, 0, true);

* 点击符合指定条件的第match个WebElement
* Clicks a WebElement matching the specified By object.
* @param by the By object. Examples are: {@code"id")} and {@code"name")}
* @param match if multiple objects match, this determines which one to click

public void clickOnWebElement(By by, int match){
clickOnWebElement(by, match, true);

* 点击符合指定条件的第match个WebElement.可设置是否要滑动WebView查找 WebElement
* Clicks a WebElement matching the specified By object.
* @param by the By object. Examples are: {@code"id")} and {@code"name")}
* @param match if multiple objects match, this determines which one to click
* @param scroll {@code true} if scrolling should be performed

public void clickOnWebElement(By by, int match, boolean scroll){
clicker.clickOnWebElement(by, match, scroll, config.useJavaScriptToClickWebElements);

* 点击Menu中的第n个Item,Item从左往右从上到下,按顺序排列,每行包含3个Item
* Presses a MenuItem matching the specified index. Index {@code 0} is the first item in the
* first row, Index {@code 3} is the first item in the second row and
* index {@code 6} is the first item in the third row.
* @param index the index of the {@link android.view.MenuItem} to press

public void pressMenuItem(int index) {

* 点击Menu中的第n个Item,Item从左往右从上到下,按顺序排列,可设置每行的Item数量
* Presses a MenuItem matching the specified index. Supports three rows with a specified amount
* of items. If itemsPerRow equals 5 then index 0 is the first item in the first row,
* index 5 is the first item in the second row and index 10 is the first item in the third row.
* @param index the index of the {@link android.view.MenuItem} to press
* @param itemsPerRow the amount of menu items there are per row

public void pressMenuItem(int index, int itemsPerRow) {
presser.pressMenuItem(index, itemsPerRow);

* 点击软件盘上当前焦点的下一个按键
* Presses the soft keyboard next button.

public void pressSoftKeyboardNextButton(){

* 点击第spinnerIndex个 Spinner的第itemIndex个Item
* spinnerIndex 指定的Spinner顺序
* itemIndex 指定的Item顺序,如果是正值,那么往下移动,负值往上移动
* Presses a Spinner (drop-down menu) item.
* @param spinnerIndex the index of the {@link Spinner} menu to use
* @param itemIndex the index of the {@link Spinner} item to press relative to the currently selected item.
* A Negative number moves up on the {@link Spinner}, positive moves down

public void pressSpinnerItem(int spinnerIndex, int itemIndex)
presser.pressSpinnerItem(spinnerIndex, itemIndex);

* 点击指定的view
* Clicks the specified View.
* @param view the {@link View} to click

public void clickOnView(View view) {
waiter.waitForView(view, Timeout.getSmallTimeout());

* 点击指定的View,可设置是否需要等待view出现再点击
* view 指定的view
* immediately true 直接按照view解析的坐标点击,false 先等待view出现再点击
* Clicks the specified View.
* @param view the {@link View} to click
* @param immediately {@code true} if View should be clicked without any wait

public void clickOnView(View view, boolean immediately){
waiter.waitForView(view, Timeout.getSmallTimeout());

* 长按指定的view
* Long clicks the specified View.
* @param view the {@link View} to long click

public void clickLongOnView(View view) {
waiter.waitForView(view, Timeout.getSmallTimeout());
clicker.clickOnScreen(view, true, 0);


* 长按指定的view.可设置长按时间,单位 ms
* Long clicks the specified View for a specified amount of time.
* @param view the {@link View} to long click
* @param time the amount of time to long click

public void clickLongOnView(View view, int time) {
clicker.clickOnScreen(view, true, time);


* 点击指定文本内容的View 或者 WebElement
* Clicks a View or WebElement displaying the specified
* text. Will automatically scroll when needed.
* @param text the text to click. The parameter will be interpreted as a regular expression

public void clickOnText(String text) {
clicker.clickOnText(text, false, 1, true, 0);

* 点击指定文本内容的第match个View 或者 WebElement
* Clicks a View or WebElement displaying the specified text. Will automatically scroll when needed.
* @param text the text to click. The parameter will be interpreted as a regular expression
* @param match if multiple objects match the text, this determines which one to click

public void clickOnText(String text, int match) {
clicker.clickOnText(text, false, match, true, 0);

* 点击指定文本内容的第match个View 或者 WebElement.可设置是否滑动刷新内容
* Clicks a View or WebElement displaying the specified text.
* @param text the text to click. The parameter will be interpreted as a regular expression
* @param match if multiple objects match the text, this determines which one to click
* @param scroll {@code true} if scrolling should be performed

public void clickOnText(String text, int match, boolean scroll) {
clicker.clickOnText(text, false, match, scroll, 0);

* 长按指定文本内容的View 或者 WebElement
* Long clicks a View or WebElement displaying the specified text. Will automatically scroll when needed.
* @param text the text to click. The parameter will be interpreted as a regular expression

public void clickLongOnText(String text)
clicker.clickOnText(text, true, 1, true, 0);

* 长按指定文本内容的第match个View 或者 WebElement
* Long clicks a View or WebElement displaying the specified text. Will automatically scroll when needed.
* @param text the text to click. The parameter will be interpreted as a regular expression
* @param match if multiple objects match the text, this determines which one to click

public void clickLongOnText(String text, int match)
clicker.clickOnText(text, true, match, true, 0);

* 长按指定文本内容的第match个View 或者 WebElement.可设置是否滑动刷新内容
* Long clicks a View or WebElement displaying the specified text.
* @param text the text to click. The parameter will be interpreted as a regular expression
* @param match if multiple objects match the text, this determines which one to click
* @param scroll {@code true} if scrolling should be performed

public void clickLongOnText(String text, int match, boolean scroll)
clicker.clickOnText(text, true, match, scroll, 0);

* 长按指定文本内容的第match个View 或者 WebElement.可设置长按时间
* Long clicks a View or WebElement displaying the specified text.
* @param text the text to click. The parameter will be interpreted as a regular expression
* @param match if multiple objects match the text, this determines which one to click
* @param time the amount of time to long click

public void clickLongOnText(String text, int match, int time)
clicker.clickOnText(text, true, match, true, time);

* 长按指定text内容的第1个View,等待弹框出现,向下 按键index次,再点击回车键.确认
* Long clicks a View displaying the specified text and then selects
* an item from the context menu that appears. Will automatically scroll when needed.
* @param text the text to click. The parameter will be interpreted as a regular expression
* @param index the index of the menu item to press. {@code 0} if only one is available

public void clickLongOnTextAndPress(String text, int index) {
clicker.clickLongOnTextAndPress(text, index);

* 点击第index个Button
* Clicks a Button matching the specified index.
* @param index the index of the {@link Button} to click. {@code 0} if only one is available

public void clickOnButton(int index) {
clicker.clickOn(Button.class, index);

* 点击第index个RadioButton
* Clicks a RadioButton matching the specified index.
* @param index the index of the {@link RadioButton} to click. {@code 0} if only one is available

public void clickOnRadioButton(int index) {
clicker.clickOn(RadioButton.class, index);

* 点击第index个CheckBox
* Clicks a CheckBox matching the specified index.
* @param index the index of the {@link CheckBox} to click. {@code 0} if only one is available

public void clickOnCheckBox(int index) {
clicker.clickOn(CheckBox.class, index);

* 点击第index个EditText
* Clicks an EditText matching the specified index.
* @param index the index of the {@link EditText} to click. {@code 0} if only one is available

public void clickOnEditText(int index) {
clicker.clickOn(EditText.class, index);

* 点击找到的第1个列表的第line行,并返回此行中的所有TextView类型的View
* Clicks the specified list line and returns an ArrayList of the TextView objects that
* the list line is displaying. Will use the first ListView it finds.
* @param line the line to click
* @return an {@code ArrayList} of the {@link TextView} objects located in the list line

public ArrayList clickInList(int line) {
return clicker.clickInList(line);

* 点击指定的第index个列表的第line行,可设置是否长按,并返回此行中的所有TextView类型的View
* Clicks the specified list line in the ListView matching the specified index and
* returns an ArrayList of the TextView objects that the list line is displaying.
* @param line the line to click
* @param index the index of the list. {@code 0} if only one is available
* @return an {@code ArrayList} of the {@link TextView} objects located in the list line

public ArrayList clickInList(int line, int index) {
return clicker.clickInList(line, index, false, 0);

* 点击指定的第1个列表的第line行,并返回此行中的所有TextView类型的View
* Long clicks the specified list line and returns an ArrayList of the TextView objects that
* the list line is displaying. Will use the first ListView it finds.
* @param line the line to click
* @return an {@code ArrayList} of the {@link TextView} objects located in the list line

public ArrayList clickLongInList(int line){
return clicker.clickInList(line, 0, true, 0);

* 点击指定的第index个列表的第line行,并返回此行中的所有TextView类型的View
* Long clicks the specified list line in the ListView matching the specified index and
* returns an ArrayList of the TextView objects that the list line is displaying.
* @param line the line to click
* @param index the index of the list. {@code 0} if only one is available
* @return an {@code ArrayList} of the {@link TextView} objects located in the list line

public ArrayList clickLongInList(int line, int index){
return clicker.clickInList(line, index, true, 0);

* 长按指定的第index个列表的第line行,并返回此行中的所有TextView类型的View,可设置长按时间
* Long clicks the specified list line in the ListView matching the specified index and
* returns an ArrayList of the TextView objects that the list line is displaying.
* @param line the line to click
* @param index the index of the list. {@code 0} if only one is available
* @param time the amount of time to long click
* @return an {@code ArrayList} of the {@link TextView} objects located in the list line

public ArrayList clickLongInList(int line, int index, int time){
return clicker.clickInList(line, index, true, time);

* 点击指定id的ActionBar
* Clicks an ActionBarItem matching the specified resource id.
* @param id the of the ActionBar item to click

public void clickOnActionBarItem(int id){

* 点击 ActionBar的 Home或Up
* Clicks an ActionBar Home/Up button.

public void clickOnActionBarHomeButton() {

* 按住并且拖动到指定位置 fromX 起始X坐标 toX 终点X坐标 fromY 起始Y坐标 toY 终点Y坐标 stepCount 动作拆分成几步
* Simulate touching the specified location and dragging it to a new location.
* @param fromX X coordinate of the initial touch, in screen coordinates
* @param toX X coordinate of the drag destination, in screen coordinates
* @param fromY Y coordinate of the initial touch, in screen coordinates
* @param toY Y coordinate of the drag destination, in screen coordinates
* @param stepCount How many move steps to include in the drag

public void drag(float fromX, float toX, float fromY, float toY,
int stepCount) {
// 隐藏软键盘
dialogUtils.hideSoftKeyboard(null, false, true);
// 拖动操作
scroller.drag(fromX, toX, fromY, toY, stepCount);

* 滚动条下滑
* Scrolls down the screen.
* @return {@code true} if more scrolling can be performed and {@code false} if it is at the end of
* the screen

public boolean scrollDown() {
// 判断是否存在滑动类型的控件
waiter.waitForViews(true, AbsListView.class, ScrollView.class, WebView.class);
// 往下滑动
return scroller.scroll(Scroller.DOWN);

* 滑动到底部
* Scrolls to the bottom of the screen.

public void scrollToBottom() {
// 判断是否存在滑动类型的控件
waiter.waitForViews(true, AbsListView.class, ScrollView.class, WebView.class);
// 往下滑动到底部
scroller.scroll(Scroller.DOWN, true);

* 往上滑动
* Scrolls up the screen.
* @return {@code true} if more scrolling can be performed and {@code false} if it is at the top of
* the screen

public boolean scrollUp(){
// 判断是否存在滑动类型的控件
waiter.waitForViews(true, AbsListView.class, ScrollView.class, WebView.class);
// 往上滑动
return scroller.scroll(Scroller.UP);

* 往上滑动到顶部
* Scrolls to the top of the screen.

public void scrollToTop() {
// 判断是否存在滑动类型的控件
waiter.waitForViews(true, AbsListView.class, ScrollView.class, WebView.class);
// 往上滑动到顶部
scroller.scroll(Scroller.UP, true);

* 指定列表滚动条往上拖动
* Scrolls down the specified AbsListView.
* @param list the {@link AbsListView} to scroll
* @return {@code true} if more scrolling can be performed

public boolean scrollDownList(AbsListView list) {
return scroller.scrollList(list, Scroller.DOWN, false);

* 指定列表滚动条拖动到顶部
* Scrolls to the bottom of the specified AbsListView.
* @param list the {@link AbsListView} to scroll
* @return {@code true} if more scrolling can be performed

public boolean scrollListToBottom(AbsListView list) {
return scroller.scrollList(list, Scroller.DOWN, true);

* 指定列表滚动条往下拖动
* Scrolls up the specified AbsListView.
* @param list the {@link AbsListView} to scroll
* @return {@code true} if more scrolling can be performed

public boolean scrollUpList(AbsListView list) {
return scroller.scrollList(list, Scroller.UP, false);

* 指定列表滚动条拖动到底部
* Scrolls to the top of the specified AbsListView.
* @param list the {@link AbsListView} to scroll
* @return {@code true} if more scrolling can be performed

public boolean scrollListToTop(AbsListView list) {
return scroller.scrollList(list, Scroller.UP, true);

* 拖动第index个列表类控件,往上拖动
* Scrolls down a ListView matching the specified index.
* @param index the index of the {@link ListView} to scroll. {@code 0} if only one list is available
* @return {@code true} if more scrolling can be performed

public boolean scrollDownList(int index) {
return scroller.scrollList(waiter.waitForAndGetView(index, ListView.class), Scroller.DOWN, false);

* 拖动第index个列表类控件拖动到顶部
* Scrolls a ListView matching the specified index to the bottom.
* @param index the index of the {@link ListView} to scroll. {@code 0} if only one list is available
* @return {@code true} if more scrolling can be performed

public boolean scrollListToBottom(int index) {
return scroller.scrollList(waiter.waitForAndGetView(index, ListView.class), Scroller.DOWN, true);

* 拖动第index个列表类控件,往下拖动
* Scrolls up a ListView matching the specified index.
* @param index the index of the {@link ListView} to scroll. {@code 0} if only one list is available
* @return {@code true} if more scrolling can be performed

public boolean scrollUpList(int index) {
return scroller.scrollList(waiter.waitForAndGetView(index, ListView.class), Scroller.UP, false);

* 拖动第index个列表类控件拖动到底部
* Scrolls a ListView matching the specified index to the top.
* @param index the index of the {@link ListView} to scroll. {@code 0} if only one list is available
* @return {@code true} if more scrolling can be performed

public boolean scrollListToTop(int index) {
return scroller.scrollList(waiter.waitForAndGetView(index, ListView.class), Scroller.UP, true);

* 拖动列表内容到指定的行
* Scroll the specified AbsListView to the specified line.
* @param absListView the {@link AbsListView} to scroll
* @param line the line to scroll to

public void scrollListToLine(AbsListView absListView, int line){
scroller.scrollListToLine(absListView, line);

* 拖动指定的第index列表内容到指定的行
* Scroll a AbsListView matching the specified index to the specified line.
* @param index the index of the {@link AbsListView} to scroll
* @param line the line to scroll to

public void scrollListToLine(int index, int line){
scroller.scrollListToLine(waiter.waitForAndGetView(index, AbsListView.class), line);

* 按照给定方向左右滑动,可指定滑动比例
* Scrolls horizontally.
* @param side the side to scroll; {@link #RIGHT} or {@link #LEFT}
* @param scrollPosition the position to scroll to, from 0 to 1 where 1 is all the way. Example is: 0.60.

public void scrollToSide(int side, float scrollPosition) {
switch (side){
case RIGHT: scroller.scrollToSide(Scroller.Side.RIGHT, scrollPosition); break;
case LEFT: scroller.scrollToSide(Scroller.Side.LEFT, scrollPosition); break;

* 上下滑动
* Scrolls horizontally.
* @param side the side to scroll; {@link #RIGHT} or {@link #LEFT}

public void scrollToSide(int side) {
switch (side){
case RIGHT: scroller.scrollToSide(Scroller.Side.RIGHT, 0.60F); break;
case LEFT: scroller.scrollToSide(Scroller.Side.LEFT, 0.60F); break;

* 对指定View进行左右滑动
* Scrolls a View horizontally.
* @param view the View to scroll
* @param side the side to scroll; {@link #RIGHT} or {@link #LEFT}
* @param scrollPosition the position to scroll to, from 0 to 1 where 1 is all the way. Example is: 0.60.

public void scrollViewToSide(View view, int side, float scrollPosition) {
switch (side){
case RIGHT: scroller.scrollViewToSide(view, Scroller.Side.RIGHT, scrollPosition); break;
case LEFT: scroller.scrollViewToSide(view, Scroller.Side.LEFT, scrollPosition); break;

* 对指定View进行左右滑动,可设置滑动比例
* Scrolls a View horizontally.
* @param view the View to scroll
* @param side the side to scroll; {@link #RIGHT} or {@link #LEFT}

public void scrollViewToSide(View view, int side) {
switch (side){
case RIGHT: scroller.scrollViewToSide(view, Scroller.Side.RIGHT, 0.60F); break;
case LEFT: scroller.scrollViewToSide(view, Scroller.Side.LEFT, 0.60F); break;

* 触发缩小放大手势动作,
* 开始点比结束点大缩小
* 开始点比结束点小放大
* API要求14
* Zooms in or out if startPoint1 and startPoint2 are larger or smaller then endPoint1 and endPoint2. Requires API level >= 14.
* @param startPoint1 First "finger" down on the screen
* @param startPoint2 Second "finger" down on the screen
* @param endPoint1 Corresponding ending point of startPoint1
* @param endPoint2 Corresponding ending point of startPoint2

public void pinchToZoom(PointF startPoint1, PointF startPoint2, PointF endPoint1, PointF endPoint2)
// API未到14 抛出异常
if (android.os.Build.VERSION.SDK_INT < 14){
throw new RuntimeException("pinchToZoom() requires API level >= 14");
zoomer.generateZoomGesture(startPoint1, startPoint2, endPoint1, endPoint2);

* 划屏手势,2个触控点,API要求14
* startPoint1 开始点1
* startPoint2 开始点2
* endPoint1 结束点1
* endPoint2 结束点2
* Swipes with two fingers in a linear path determined by starting and ending points. Requires API level >= 14.
* @param startPoint1 First "finger" down on the screen
* @param startPoint2 Second "finger" down on the screen
* @param endPoint1 Corresponding ending point of startPoint1
* @param endPoint2 Corresponding ending point of startPoint2

public void swipe(PointF startPoint1, PointF startPoint2, PointF endPoint1, PointF endPoint2)
// API未到14抛出异常
if (android.os.Build.VERSION.SDK_INT < 14){
throw new RuntimeException("swipe() requires API level >= 14");
swiper.generateSwipeGesture(startPoint1, startPoint2, endPoint1,

* 模拟画圈手势,每次移动步骤3.6度
* center1 第一个圈圆心 0-180度
* center2 第二个圈圆心 180-540度
* Draws two semi-circles at the specified centers. Both circles are larger than rotateSmall(). Requires API level >= 14.
* @param center1 Center of semi-circle drawn from [0, Pi]
* @param center2 Center of semi-circle drawn from [Pi, 3*Pi]

public void rotateLarge(PointF center1, PointF center2)
// API未到14抛出异常
if (android.os.Build.VERSION.SDK_INT < 14){
throw new RuntimeException("rotateLarge(PointF center1, PointF center2) requires API level >= 14");
rotator.generateRotateGesture(Rotator.LARGE, center1, center2);

* 模拟画圈手势,每次移动步骤36度
* center1 第一个圈圆心 0-180度
* center2 第二个圈圆心 180-540度
* Draws two semi-circles at the specified centers. Both circles are smaller than rotateLarge(). Requires API level >= 14.
* @param center1 Center of semi-circle drawn from [0, Pi]
* @param center2 Center of semi-circle drawn from [Pi, 3*Pi]

public void rotateSmall(PointF center1, PointF center2)
// API未到14抛出异常
if (android.os.Build.VERSION.SDK_INT < 14){
throw new RuntimeException("rotateSmall(PointF center1, PointF center2) requires API level >= 14");
rotator.generateRotateGesture(Rotator.SMALL, center1, center2);

* 设置第index个日期控件的日期
* Sets the date in a DatePicker matching the specified index.
* @param index the index of the {@link DatePicker}. {@code 0} if only one is available
* @param year the year e.g. 2011
* @param monthOfYear the month which starts from zero e.g. 0 for January
* @param dayOfMonth the day e.g. 10

public void setDatePicker(int index, int year, int monthOfYear, int dayOfMonth) {
setDatePicker(waiter.waitForAndGetView(index, DatePicker.class), year, monthOfYear, dayOfMonth);

* 设置指定日期控件的日期
* Sets the date in the specified DatePicker.
* @param datePicker the {@link DatePicker} object.
* @param year the year e.g. 2011
* @param monthOfYear the month which starts from zero e.g. 03 for April
* @param dayOfMonth the day e.g. 10

public void setDatePicker(DatePicker datePicker, int year, int monthOfYear, int dayOfMonth) {
waiter.waitForView(datePicker, Timeout.getSmallTimeout());
setter.setDatePicker(datePicker, year, monthOfYear, dayOfMonth);

* 设置第index个时间控件的时间
* Sets the time in a TimePicker matching the specified index.
* @param index the index of the {@link TimePicker}. {@code 0} if only one is available
* @param hour the hour e.g. 15
* @param minute the minute e.g. 30

public void setTimePicker(int index, int hour, int minute) {
setTimePicker(waiter.waitForAndGetView(index, TimePicker.class), hour, minute);

* 设置指定时间控件的时间
* Sets the time in the specified TimePicker.
* @param timePicker the {@link TimePicker} object.
* @param hour the hour e.g. 15
* @param minute the minute e.g. 30

public void setTimePicker(TimePicker timePicker, int hour, int minute) {
waiter.waitForView(timePicker, Timeout.getSmallTimeout());
setter.setTimePicker(timePicker, hour, minute);

* 设置第index个进度条的进度
* Sets the progress of a ProgressBar matching the specified index. Examples of ProgressBars are: {@link android.widget.SeekBar} and {@link android.widget.RatingBar}.
* @param index the index of the {@link ProgressBar}
* @param progress the progress to set the {@link ProgressBar}

public void setProgressBar(int index, int progress){
setProgressBar(waiter.waitForAndGetView(index, ProgressBar.class), progress);

* 设置指定进度条的进度
* Sets the progress of the specified ProgressBar. Examples of ProgressBars are: {@link android.widget.SeekBar} and {@link android.widget.RatingBar}.
* @param progressBar the {@link ProgressBar}
* @param progress the progress to set the {@link ProgressBar}

public void setProgressBar(ProgressBar progressBar, int progress){
waiter.waitForView(progressBar, Timeout.getSmallTimeout());
setter.setProgressBar(progressBar, progress);

* 设置第index个开关的状态
* Sets the status of a SlidingDrawer matching the specified index. Examples of status are: {@code Solo.CLOSED} and {@code Solo.OPENED}.
* @param index the index of the {@link SlidingDrawer}
* @param status the status to set the {@link SlidingDrawer}

public void setSlidingDrawer(int index, int status){
setSlidingDrawer(waiter.waitForAndGetView(index, SlidingDrawer.class), status);

* 设置指定开关的状态
* Sets the status of the specified SlidingDrawer. Examples of status are: {@code Solo.CLOSED} and {@code Solo.OPENED}.
* @param slidingDrawer the {@link SlidingDrawer}
* @param status the status to set the {@link SlidingDrawer}

public void setSlidingDrawer(SlidingDrawer slidingDrawer, int status){
waiter.waitForView(slidingDrawer, Timeout.getSmallTimeout());
setter.setSlidingDrawer(slidingDrawer, status);

* 设置第index个EditText的文本内容,在原内容上追加.如果传入空值,那么清空原内容
* Enters text in an EditText matching the specified index.
* @param index the index of the {@link EditText}. {@code 0} if only one is available
* @param text the text to enter in the {@link EditText} field

public void enterText(int index, String text) {
textEnterer.setEditText(waiter.waitForAndGetView(index, EditText.class), text);

* 设置指定EditText的文本内容,在原内容上追加.如果传入空值,那么清空原内容
* Enters text in the specified EditText.
* @param editText the {@link EditText} to enter text in
* @param text the text to enter in the {@link EditText} field

public void enterText(EditText editText, String text) {
waiter.waitForView(editText, Timeout.getSmallTimeout());
textEnterer.setEditText(editText, text);

* 设置指定条件的WebElement的文本内容
* Enters text in a WebElement matching the specified By object.
* @param by the By object. Examples are: {@code"id")} and {@code"name")}
* @param text the text to enter in the {@link WebElement} field

public void enterTextInWebElement(By by, String text){
if(waiter.waitForWebElement(by, 0, Timeout.getSmallTimeout(), false) == null) {"WebElement with " + webUtils.splitNameByUpperCase(by.getClass().getSimpleName()) + ": '" + by.getValue() + "' is not found!");
webUtils.enterTextIntoWebElement(by, text);

* 对第index个 EditText输入内容
* Types text in an EditText matching the specified index.
* @param index the index of the {@link EditText}. {@code 0} if only one is available
* @param text the text to type in the {@link EditText} field

public void typeText(int index, String text) {
textEnterer.typeText(waiter.waitForAndGetView(index, EditText.class), text);

* 对指定的 EditText输入内容
* Types text in the specified EditText.
* @param editText the {@link EditText} to type text in
* @param text the text to type in the {@link EditText} field

public void typeText(EditText editText, String text) {
waiter.waitForView(editText, Timeout.getSmallTimeout());
textEnterer.typeText(editText, text);

* 对符合条件的第1个WebElement,进行文本内容输入
* Types text in a WebElement matching the specified By object.
* @param by the By object. Examples are: {@code"id")} and {@code"name")}
* @param text the text to enter in the {@link WebElement} field

public void typeTextInWebElement(By by, String text){
typeTextInWebElement(by, text, 0);

* 对符合条件的第match个WebElement,输入文本内容
* Types text in a WebElement matching the specified By object.
* @param by the By object. Examples are: {@code"id")} and {@code"name")}
* @param text the text to enter in the {@link WebElement} field
* @param match if multiple objects match, this determines which one will be typed in

public void typeTextInWebElement(By by, String text, int match){
// 焦点切换到对应的WebElement
clicker.clickOnWebElement(by, match, true, false);
// 隐藏软键盘
dialogUtils.hideSoftKeyboard(null, true, true);
// 发送键盘内容

* 指定的WebElement,输入文本内容
* Types text in the specified WebElement.
* @param webElement the WebElement to type text in
* @param text the text to enter in the {@link WebElement} field

public void typeTextInWebElement(WebElement webElement, String text){
// 焦点到对应的WebElement
// 隐藏软键盘
dialogUtils.hideSoftKeyboard(null, true, true);
// 发送键盘内容

* 清空第index个EditText文本内容
* Clears the value of an EditText.
* @param index the index of the {@link EditText} to clear. 0 if only one is available

public void clearEditText(int index) {
// 输入"",达到清空效果
textEnterer.setEditText(waiter.waitForAndGetView(index, EditText.class), "");

* 清空指定EditText文本内容
* Clears the value of an EditText.
* @param editText the {@link EditText} to clear

public void clearEditText(EditText editText) {
waiter.waitForView(editText, Timeout.getSmallTimeout());
textEnterer.setEditText(editText, "");

* 清空指定条件WebElement文本内容
* Clears text in a WebElement matching the specified By object.
* @param by the By object. Examples are: {@code"id")} and {@code"name")}

public void clearTextInWebElement(By by){
webUtils.enterTextIntoWebElement(by, "");

* 点击第index个图片
* Clicks an ImageView matching the specified index.
* @param index the index of the {@link ImageView} to click. {@code 0} if only one is available

public void clickOnImage(int index) {
clicker.clickOn(ImageView.class, index);

* 返回第index个EditText
* Returns an EditText matching the specified index.
* @param index the index of the {@link EditText}. {@code 0} if only one is available
* @return an {@link EditText} matching the specified index

public EditText getEditText(int index) {
return getter.getView(EditText.class, index);

* 返回第index个Button
* Returns a Button matching the specified index.
* @param index the index of the {@link Button}. {@code 0} if only one is available
* @return a {@link Button} matching the specified index

public Button getButton(int index) {
return getter.getView(Button.class, index);

* 返回第index个TextView
* Returns a TextView matching the specified index.
* @param index the index of the {@link TextView}. {@code 0} if only one is available
* @return a {@link TextView} matching the specified index

public TextView getText(int index) {
return getter.getView(TextView.class, index);

* 返回第index个ImageView
* Returns an ImageView matching the specified index.
* @param index the index of the {@link ImageView}. {@code 0} if only one is available
* @return an {@link ImageView} matching the specified index

public ImageView getImage(int index) {
return getter.getView(ImageView.class, index);

* 返回第index个ImageButton
* Returns an ImageButton matching the specified index.
* @param index the index of the {@link ImageButton}. {@code 0} if only one is available
* @return the {@link ImageButton} matching the specified index

public ImageButton getImageButton(int index) {
return getter.getView(ImageButton.class, index);

* 返回指定文本内容的TextView
* Returns a TextView displaying the specified text.
* @param text the text that is displayed, specified as a regular expression
* @return the {@link TextView} displaying the specified text

public TextView getText(String text)
return getter.getView(TextView.class, text, false);

* 返回指定文本内容的TextView,可设置是否可见
* Returns a TextView displaying the specified text.
* @param text the text that is displayed, specified as a regular expression
* @param onlyVisible {@code true} if only visible texts on the screen should be returned
* @return the {@link TextView} displaying the specified text

public TextView getText(String text, boolean onlyVisible)
return getter.getView(TextView.class, text, onlyVisible);

* 返回指定文本内容的Button
* Returns a Button displaying the specified text.
* @param text the text that is displayed, specified as a regular expression
* @return the {@link Button} displaying the specified text

public Button getButton(String text)
return getter.getView(Button.class, text, false);

* 返回指定文本内容的Button,可设置是否可见
* Returns a Button displaying the specified text.
* @param text the text that is displayed, specified as a regular expression
* @param onlyVisible {@code true} if only visible buttons on the screen should be returned
* @return the {@link Button} displaying the specified text

public Button getButton(String text, boolean onlyVisible)
return getter.getView(Button.class, text, onlyVisible);

* 返回指定文本内容的EditText
* Returns an EditText displaying the specified text.
* @param text the text that is displayed, specified as a regular expression
* @return the {@link EditText} displaying the specified text

public EditText getEditText(String text)
return getter.getView(EditText.class, text, false);

* 返回指定文本内容的EditText,可设置是否可见
* Returns an EditText displaying the specified text.
* @param text the text that is displayed, specified as a regular expression
* @param onlyVisible {@code true} if only visible EditTexts on the screen should be returned
* @return the {@link EditText} displaying the specified text

public EditText getEditText(String text, boolean onlyVisible)
return getter.getView(EditText.class, text, onlyVisible);

* 返回指定id的第一个View
* Returns a View matching the specified resource id.
* @param id the of the {@link View} to return
* @return a {@link View} matching the specified id

public View getView(int id){
return getView(id, 0);

* 返回第index指定id的View
* Returns a View matching the specified resource id and index.
* @param id the of the {@link View} to return
* @param index the index of the {@link View}. {@code 0} if only one is available
* @return a {@link View} matching the specified id and index

public View getView(int id, int index){
// 查找指定条件的View
View viewToReturn = getter.getView(id, index);
// 未找到提示异常
if(viewToReturn == null) {
// 按照设置给出提示信息
int match = index + 1;
// match大于1说明要找的是第n个
if(match > 1){ + " Views with id: '" + id + "' are not found!");
// 标识只找一个
else {"View with id: '" + id + "' is not found!");
return viewToReturn;

* 返回指定string id的第1个View
* Returns a View matching the specified resource id.
* @param id the id of the {@link View} to return
* @return a {@link View} matching the specified id

public View getView(String id){
return getView(id, 0);

* 返回指定string id的第index个View
* Returns a View matching the specified resource id and index.
* @param id the id of the {@link View} to return
* @param index the index of the {@link View}. {@code 0} if only one is available
* @return a {@link View} matching the specified id and index

public View getView(String id, int index){
// 查找指定条件的View
View viewToReturn = getter.getView(id, index);
// 未找到提示异常
if(viewToReturn == null) {
// 按照设置给出提示信息
int match = index + 1;
// match大于1说明要找的是第n个
if(match > 1){ + " Views with id: '" + id + "' are not found!");
// 标识只找一个
else {"View with id: '" + id + "' is not found!");
return viewToReturn;

* 返回指定类型的第index个View
* Returns a View matching the specified class and index.
* @param viewClass the class of the requested view
* @param index the index of the {@link View}. {@code 0} if only one is available
* @return a {@link View} matching the specified class and index

public T getView(Class viewClass, int index){
return waiter.waitForAndGetView(index, viewClass);

* 返回指定条件的第index个WebElement
* Returns a WebElement matching the specified By object and index.
* @param by the By object. Examples are: {@code"id")} and {@code"name")}
* @param index the index of the {@link WebElement}. {@code 0} if only one is available
* @return a {@link WebElement} matching the specified index

public WebElement getWebElement(By by, int index){
int match = index + 1;
WebElement webElement = waiter.waitForWebElement(by, match, Timeout.getSmallTimeout(), true);
// 找不到按照设置条件给出提示
if(webElement == null) {
if(match > 1){ + " WebElements with " + webUtils.splitNameByUpperCase(by.getClass().getSimpleName()) + ": '" + by.getValue() + "' are not found!");
else {"WebElement with " + webUtils.splitNameByUpperCase(by.getClass().getSimpleName()) + ": '" + by.getValue() + "' is not found!");
return webElement;

* 获取当前WebView的url地址
* Returns the current web page URL.
* @return the current web page URL

public String getWebUrl() {
// 获取当前WebView
final WebView webView = waiter.waitForAndGetView(0, WebView.class);
// 如果找不到,提示异常
if(webView == null)"WebView is not found!");
// 获取url地址
instrumentation.runOnMainSync(new Runnable() {
public void run() {
webUrl = webView.getUrl();
return webUrl;

* 获取当前焦点所在activity中的所有可见view
* Returns an ArrayList of the Views currently displayed in the focused Activity or Dialog.
* @return an {@code ArrayList} of the {@link View} objects currently displayed in the
* focused window

public ArrayList getCurrentViews() {
return viewFetcher.getViews(null, true);

* 获取当前焦点所在activity所有指定类型的view
* Returns an ArrayList of Views matching the specified class located in the focused Activity or Dialog.
* @param classToFilterBy return all instances of this class. Examples are: {@code Button.class} or {@code ListView.class}
* @return an {@code ArrayList} of {@code View}s matching the specified {@code Class} located in the current {@code Activity}

public ArrayList getCurrentViews(Class classToFilterBy) {
return viewFetcher.getCurrentViews(classToFilterBy);

* 获取当前指定parent中的指定类型的view
* Returns an ArrayList of Views matching the specified class located under the specified parent.
* @param classToFilterBy return all instances of this class. Examples are: {@code Button.class} or {@code ListView.class}
* @param parent the parent {@code View} for where to start the traversal
* @return an {@code ArrayList} of {@code View}s matching the specified {@code Class} located under the specified {@code parent}

public ArrayList getCurrentViews(Class classToFilterBy, View parent) {
return viewFetcher.getCurrentViews(classToFilterBy, parent);

* 获取当前WebView上所有的WebElement
* Returns an ArrayList of WebElements displayed in the active WebView.
* @return an {@code ArrayList} of the {@link WebElement} objects currently displayed in the active WebView

public ArrayList getCurrentWebElements(){
return webUtils.getCurrentWebElements();

* 获取当前WebView上指定条件的WebElement
* Returns an ArrayList of WebElements displayed in the active WebView matching the specified By object.
* @param by the By object. Examples are: {@code"id")} and {@code"name")}
* @return an {@code ArrayList} of the {@link WebElement} objects currently displayed in the active WebView

public ArrayList getCurrentWebElements(By by){
return webUtils.getCurrentWebElements(by);

* 检查第index个RadioButton是否是选择状态
* Checks if a RadioButton matching the specified index is checked.
* @param index of the {@link RadioButton} to check. {@code 0} if only one is available
* @return {@code true} if {@link RadioButton} is checked and {@code false} if it is not checked

public boolean isRadioButtonChecked(int index)
return checker.isButtonChecked(RadioButton.class, index);

* 检查指定文本内容的RadioButton是否是选择状态
* Checks if a RadioButton displaying the specified text is checked.
* @param text the text that the {@link RadioButton} displays, specified as a regular expression
* @return {@code true} if a {@link RadioButton} matching the specified text is checked and {@code false} if it is not checked

public boolean isRadioButtonChecked(String text)
return checker.isButtonChecked(RadioButton.class, text);

* 检查第index个CheckBox是否是选择状态
* Checks if a CheckBox matching the specified index is checked.
* @param index of the {@link CheckBox} to check. {@code 0} if only one is available
* @return {@code true} if {@link CheckBox} is checked and {@code false} if it is not checked

public boolean isCheckBoxChecked(int index)
return checker.isButtonChecked(CheckBox.class, index);

* 检查指定文本内容的ToggleButton是否是选择状态
* Checks if a ToggleButton displaying the specified text is checked.
* @param text the text that the {@link ToggleButton} displays, specified as a regular expression
* @return {@code true} if a {@link ToggleButton} matching the specified text is checked and {@code false} if it is not checked

public boolean isToggleButtonChecked(String text)
return checker.isButtonChecked(ToggleButton.class, text);

* 检查第index个ToggleButton是否是选择状态
* Checks if a ToggleButton matching the specified index is checked.
* @param index of the {@link ToggleButton} to check. {@code 0} if only one is available
* @return {@code true} if {@link ToggleButton} is checked and {@code false} if it is not checked

public boolean isToggleButtonChecked(int index)
return checker.isButtonChecked(ToggleButton.class, index);

* 检查指定文本内容的CheckBox是否是选择状态
* Checks if a CheckBox displaying the specified text is checked.
* @param text the text that the {@link CheckBox} displays, specified as a regular expression
* @return {@code true} if a {@link CheckBox} displaying the specified text is checked and {@code false} if it is not checked

public boolean isCheckBoxChecked(String text)
return checker.isButtonChecked(CheckBox.class, text);

* 检查指定文本内容可选择类控件是否被选中 CheckedTextView CompoundButton
* Checks if the specified text is checked.
* @param text the text that the {@link CheckedTextView} or {@link CompoundButton} objects display, specified as a regular expression
* @return {@code true} if the specified text is checked and {@code false} if it is not checked

public boolean isTextChecked(String text){
// 查找是否存在 CheckedTextView CompoundButton
waiter.waitForViews(false, CheckedTextView.class, CompoundButton.class);
// 检查选中状态
if(viewFetcher.getCurrentViews(CheckedTextView.class).size() > 0 && checker.isCheckedTextChecked(text))
return true;
// 检查选中状态
if(viewFetcher.getCurrentViews(CompoundButton.class).size() > 0 && checker.isButtonChecked(CompoundButton.class, text))
return true;

return false;

* 检查指定的文本内容是否是选中状态 Spinner类型控件
* Checks if the specified text is selected in any Spinner located in the current screen.
* @param text the text that is expected to be selected, specified as a regular expression
* @return {@code true} if the specified text is selected in any {@link Spinner} and false if it is not

public boolean isSpinnerTextSelected(String text)
return checker.isSpinnerTextSelected(text);

* 指定的第index个Spinner的指定文本内容是否被选择
* Checks if the specified text is selected in a Spinner matching the specified index.
* @param index the index of the spinner to check. {@code 0} if only one spinner is available
* @param text the text that is expected to be selected, specified as a regular expression
* @return {@code true} if the specified text is selected in the specified {@link Spinner} and false if it is not

public boolean isSpinnerTextSelected(int index, String text)
return checker.isSpinnerTextSelected(index, text);

* 隐藏软键盘
* Hides the soft keyboard.

public void hideSoftKeyboard() {
dialogUtils.hideSoftKeyboard(null, true, false);

* 发送按键
* Sends a key: Right, Left, Up, Down, Enter, Menu or Delete.
* @param key the key to be sent. Use {@code Solo.}{@link #RIGHT}, {@link #LEFT}, {@link #UP}, {@link #DOWN},
* {@link #ENTER}, {@link #MENU}, {@link #DELETE}

public void sendKey(int key)

* 返回到指定的名字的activity
* Returns to an Activity matching the specified name.
* @param name the name of the {@link Activity} to return to. Example is: {@code "MyActivity"}

public void goBackToActivity(String name) {

* 等待指定名字的activity出现,超时20s
* Waits for an Activity matching the specified name. Default timeout is 20 seconds.
* @param name the name of the {@code Activity} to wait for. Example is: {@code "MyActivity"}
* @return {@code true} if {@code Activity} appears before the timeout and {@code false} if it does not

public boolean waitForActivity(String name){
return waiter.waitForActivity(name, Timeout.getLargeTimeout());

* 等待指定名字的activity出现,可设置超时时间,单位 ms
* Waits for an Activity matching the specified name.
* @param name the name of the {@link Activity} to wait for. Example is: {@code "MyActivity"}
* @param timeout the amount of time in milliseconds to wait
* @return {@code true} if {@link Activity} appears before the timeout and {@code false} if it does not

public boolean waitForActivity(String name, int timeout)
return waiter.waitForActivity(name, timeout);

* 等待指定类型的activity出现,超时20s
* Waits for an Activity matching the specified class. Default timeout is 20 seconds.
* @param activityClass the class of the {@code Activity} to wait for. Example is: {@code MyActivity.class}
* @return {@code true} if {@code Activity} appears before the timeout and {@code false} if it does not

public boolean waitForActivity(Class activityClass){
return waiter.waitForActivity(activityClass, Timeout.getLargeTimeout());

* 等待指定类型的activity出现,可设置超时时间,单位 ms
* Waits for an Activity matching the specified class.
* @param activityClass the class of the {@code Activity} to wait for. Example is: {@code MyActivity.class}
* @param timeout the amount of time in milliseconds to wait
* @return {@code true} if {@link Activity} appears before the timeout and {@code false} if it does not

public boolean waitForActivity(Class activityClass, int timeout)
return waiter.waitForActivity(activityClass, timeout);

* 等待activity堆栈为空,可设置超时时间,单位 ms
* Wait for the activity stack to be empty.
* @param timeout the amount of time in milliseconds to wait
* @return {@code true} if activity stack is empty before the timeout and {@code false} if it is not

public boolean waitForEmptyActivityStack(int timeout)
return waiter.waitForCondition(
new Condition(){
public boolean isSatisfied() {
return activityUtils.isActivityStackEmpty();
}, timeout);

* 等待指定tag类型的Fragment出现,超时20s
* Waits for a Fragment matching the specified tag. Default timeout is 20 seconds.
* @param tag the name of the tag
* @return {@code true} if fragment appears and {@code false} if it does not appear before the timeout

public boolean waitForFragmentByTag(String tag){
return waiter.waitForFragment(tag, 0, Timeout.getLargeTimeout());

* 等待指定tag类型的Fragment出现,可设置超时时间,单位 ms
* Waits for a Fragment matching the specified tag.
* @param tag the name of the tag
* @param timeout the amount of time in milliseconds to wait
* @return {@code true} if fragment appears and {@code false} if it does not appear before the timeout

public boolean waitForFragmentByTag(String tag, int timeout){
return waiter.waitForFragment(tag, 0, timeout);

* 等待指定id的Fragment出现,超时时间20s
* Waits for a Fragment matching the specified resource id. Default timeout is 20 seconds.
* @param id the of the fragment
* @return {@code true} if fragment appears and {@code false} if it does not appear before the timeout

public boolean waitForFragmentById(int id){
return waiter.waitForFragment(null, id, Timeout.getLargeTimeout());

* 等待指定id的Fragment出现,可设置超时时间
* Waits for a Fragment matching the specified resource id.
* @param id the of the fragment
* @param timeout the amount of time in milliseconds to wait
* @return {@code true} if fragment appears and {@code false} if it does not appear before the timeout

public boolean waitForFragmentById(int id, int timeout){
return waiter.waitForFragment(null, id, timeout);

* 等待指定的logcat日志内容出现,超时时间20s 需要 android.permission.READ_LOGS权限
* Waits for the specified log message to appear. Default timeout is 20 seconds.
* Requires read logs permission (android.permission.READ_LOGS) in AndroidManifest.xml of the application under test.
* @param logMessage the log message to wait for
* @return {@code true} if log message appears and {@code false} if it does not appear before the timeout
* @see clearLog()

public boolean waitForLogMessage(String logMessage){
return waiter.waitForLogMessage(logMessage, Timeout.getLargeTimeout());

* 等待指定的logcat日志内容出现,可设置超时时间,单位ms 需要 android.permission.READ_LOGS权限
* Waits for the specified log message to appear.
* Requires read logs permission (android.permission.READ_LOGS) in AndroidManifest.xml of the application under test.
* @param logMessage the log message to wait for
* @param timeout the amount of time in milliseconds to wait
* @return {@code true} if log message appears and {@code false} if it does not appear before the timeout
* @see clearLog()

public boolean waitForLogMessage(String logMessage, int timeout){
return waiter.waitForLogMessage(logMessage, timeout);

* 清空logcat日志缓存
* Clears the log.

public void clearLog(){

* 按照指定资源id,获取当前activity中的 String
* Returns a localized String matching the specified resource id.
* @param id the of the String
* @return the localized String

public String getString(int id)
return getter.getString(id);

* 按照指定资源id,获取当前activity的String.
* Returns a localized String matching the specified resource id.
* @param id the id of the String
* @return the localized String

public String getString(String id)
return getter.getString(id);

* 等待指定时间,单位 ms
* Robotium will sleep for the specified time.
* @param time the time in milliseconds that Robotium should sleep

public void sleep(int time)

* solo生命周期结束,释放相关资源
* Finalizes the Solo object and removes the ActivityMonitor.
* @see #finishOpenedActivities() finishOpenedActivities() to close the activities that have been active

public void finalize() throws Throwable {

* 关闭所有打开的activity
* The Activities that are alive are finished. Usually used in tearDown().

public void finishOpenedActivities(){

* 截图 需要 android.permission.WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE 权限
* Takes a screenshot and saves it in the {@link Config} objects save path (default set to: /sdcard/Robotium-Screenshots/).
* Requires write permission (android.permission.WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE) in AndroidManifest.xml of the application under test.

public void takeScreenshot(){

* 截图可指定保存名字
* Takes a screenshot and saves it with the specified name in the {@link Config} objects save path (default set to: /sdcard/Robotium-Screenshots/).
* Requires write permission (android.permission.WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE) in AndroidManifest.xml of the application under test.
* @param name the name to give the screenshot

public void takeScreenshot(String name){
takeScreenshot(name, 100);

* 截图可指定保存名字,可指定图片质量0-100
* Takes a screenshot and saves the image with the specified name in the {@link Config} objects save path (default set to: /sdcard/Robotium-Screenshots/).
* Requires write permission (android.permission.WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE) in AndroidManifest.xml of the application under test.
* @param name the name to give the screenshot
* @param quality the compression rate. From 0 (compress for lowest size) to 100 (compress for maximum quality)

public void takeScreenshot(String name, int quality){
screenshotTaker.takeScreenshot(name, quality);

* 使用指定的名字保存图片,连续截图100张,质量80,截图间隔 400ms
* 需要 android.permission.WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE 权限
* Takes a screenshot sequence and saves the images with the specified name prefix in the {@link Config} objects save path (default set to: /sdcard/Robotium-Screenshots/).
* The name prefix is appended with "_" + sequence_number for each image in the sequence,
* where numbering starts at 0.
* Requires write permission (android.permission.WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE) in AndroidManifest.xml of the application under test.
* At present multiple simultaneous screenshot sequences are not supported.
* This method will throw an exception if stopScreenshotSequence() has not been
* called to finish any prior sequences.
* Calling this method is equivalend to calling startScreenshotSequence(name, 80, 400, 100);
* @param name the name prefix to give the screenshot

public void startScreenshotSequence(String name) {
80, // quality
400, // 400 ms frame delay
100); // max frames

* 连续截图
* name 截图保存的图片名.会追加_0---maxFrames-1
* quality 截图质量0-100
* frameDelay 每次截图时间间隔
* maxFrames 截图数量
* Takes a screenshot sequence and saves the images with the specified name prefix in the {@link Config} objects save path (default set to: /sdcard/Robotium-Screenshots/).
* The name prefix is appended with "_" + sequence_number for each image in the sequence,
* where numbering starts at 0.
* Requires write permission (android.permission.WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE) in the
* AndroidManifest.xml of the application under test.
* Taking a screenshot will take on the order of 40-100 milliseconds of time on the
* main UI thread. Therefore it is possible to mess up the timing of tests if
* the frameDelay value is set too small.
* At present multiple simultaneous screenshot sequences are not supported.
* This method will throw an exception if stopScreenshotSequence() has not been
* called to finish any prior sequences.
* @param name the name prefix to give the screenshot
* @param quality the compression rate. From 0 (compress for lowest size) to 100 (compress for maximum quality)
* @param frameDelay the time in milliseconds to wait between each frame
* @param maxFrames the maximum number of frames that will comprise this sequence

public void startScreenshotSequence(String name, int quality, int frameDelay, int maxFrames) {
screenshotTaker.startScreenshotSequence(name, quality, frameDelay, maxFrames);

* 停止连续截图
* Causes a screenshot sequence to end.
* If this method is not called to end a sequence and a prior sequence is still in
* progress, startScreenshotSequence() will throw an exception.

public void stopScreenshotSequence() {

* 初始化默认最小最大超时
* Initialize timeout using 'adb shell setprop' or use setLargeTimeout() and setSmallTimeout(). Will fall back to the default values set by {@link Config}.

private void initialize(){
Timeout.setLargeTimeout(initializeTimeout("solo_large_timeout", config.timeout_large));
Timeout.setSmallTimeout(initializeTimeout("solo_small_timeout", config.timeout_small));

* 获取系统属性,如未设置,则使用默认值
* Parse a timeout value set using adb shell.
* There are two options to set the timeout. Set it using adb shell (requires root access):

* 'adb shell setprop solo_large_timeout milliseconds'

* 'adb shell setprop solo_small_timeout milliseconds'

* Example: adb shell setprop solo_small_timeout 10000

* Set the values directly using setLargeTimeout() and setSmallTimeout
* @param property name of the property to read the timeout from
* @param defaultValue default value for the timeout
* @return timeout in milliseconds

@SuppressWarnings({ "rawtypes", "unchecked" })
private static int initializeTimeout(String property, int defaultValue) {
try {
// 反射获取系统变量设置类
Class clazz = Class.forName("android.os.SystemProperties");
// 获取获取属性方法
Method method = clazz.getDeclaredMethod("get", String.class);
// 获取相关属性
String value = (String) method.invoke(null, property);
// 返回找到的值
return Integer.parseInt(value);
} catch (Exception e) {
// 找不到试用默认值
return defaultValue;

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