

over(order by salary) 按照salary排序进行累计,order by是个默认的开窗函数
over(partition by deptno)按照部门分区
over(order by salary range between 50 preceding and 150 following)
over(order by salary rows between 50 preceding and 150 following)
over(order by salary rows between unbounded preceding and unbounded following)
over(order by salary range between unbounded preceding and unbounded following)


可能细心的人会看到有range between和rows between两种写法,其实一开始我也挺困惑的,做了些实验,下面看一下。


SQL> select * from t1;

        ID      VALUE
---------- ----------
         1          5
         1          6
         1         10
         2          2
         2          4
         2          7

6 rows selected.

SQL> select id,value,
  2  sum(value) over(partition by id order by value range between 1 preceding an
d 1 following) by_range,
  3  sum(value) over(partition by id order by value rows between 1 preceding and
 1 following) by_rows
  4  from t1
  5  order by id;

        ID      VALUE   BY_RANGE    BY_ROWS
---------- ---------- ---------- ----------
         1          5         11         11
         1          6         11         21  --这里5和6之间相差1 在RANGE内 因此把5和6相加得到11
         1         10         10         16 --但是6和10之间相差4 在RANGE外 因此这里就显示出的是10 并没有和6相加
         2          2          2          6
         2          4          4         13
         2          7          7         11  --2和4  4和7之间相差分别为2和3 均在RANGE范围外 因此都显示了当前行的原值

6 rows selected.

SQL> select id,value,
  2  sum(value) over(partition by id order by value range between 4 preceding an
d 4 following) by_range,
  3  sum(value) over(partition by id order by value rows between 1 preceding and
 1 following) by_rows
  4  from t1
  5  order by id;

        ID      VALUE   BY_RANGE    BY_ROWS
---------- ---------- ---------- ----------
         1          5         11         11
         1          6         21         21
         1         10         16         16
         2          2          6          6
         2          4         13         13
         2          7         11         11  --增大了RANGE范围到4 这时得到的结果就和ROWS得到的相同了 因为在VALUE列中前后两行相差最大就是4

6 rows selected.




警告:有些窗口函数强制要求对分区中的行排序。因此,对于有些窗口函数,ORDER BY子句是必需的。


当在窗口函数的OVER子句中使用ORDER BY子句时,就指定了两件事:

  1. 分区中的行如何排序
  2. 在计算中包含哪些行

SQL> select deptno,ename,hiredate,sal,
  2  sum(sal) over(partition by deptno) sum1,
  3  sum(sal) over(partition by deptno order by hiredate) sum2
  4  from emp
  5  where deptno=10;

    DEPTNO ENAME      HIREDATE               SAL       SUM1       SUM2
---------- ---------- --------------- ---------- ---------- ----------
        10 CLARK      09-JUN-81             2450       8750       2450
        10 KING       17-NOV-81             5000       8750       7450
        10 MILLER     23-JAN-82             1300       8750       8750

SUM1中没有指定ORDER BY,计算出来的是部门10中3名员工的总工资。而在SUM2中使用了ORDER BY子句,其实下面两句效果相同:

sum(sal) over(partition by deptno order by hiredate)

sum(sal) over(partition by deptno order by hiredate range between unbounded preceding and current row)


下面再通过一个较为全面的例子,来展示一下ORDER BY中范围指定对查询输出的影响

SQL> select ename,sal,
  2  min(sal) over(order by sal) min1,
  3  max(sal) over(order by sal) max1,
  4  min(sal) over(order by sal range between unbounded preceding and unbounded
following) min2,
  5  max(sal) over(order by sal range between unbounded preceding and unbounded
following) max2,
  6  min(sal) over(order by sal range between current row and current row) min3,

  7  max(sal) over(order by sal range between current row and current row) max3,

  8  max(sal) over(order by sal rows between 3 preceding and 3 following) max4
  9  from emp;

ENAME        SAL  MIN1  MAX1  MIN2  MAX2  MIN3       MAX3       MAX4
---------- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ---------- ----------
SMITH        800   800   800   800  5000   800        800       1250
JAMES        950   800   950   800  5000   950        950       1250
ADAMS       1100   800  1100   800  5000  1100       1100       1300
WARD        1250   800  1250   800  5000  1250       1250       1500
MARTIN      1250   800  1250   800  5000  1250       1250       1600
MILLER      1300   800  1300   800  5000  1300       1300       2450
TURNER      1500   800  1500   800  5000  1500       1500       2850
ALLEN       1600   800  1600   800  5000  1600       1600       2975
CLARK       2450   800  2450   800  5000  2450       2450       3000
BLAKE       2850   800  2850   800  5000  2850       2850       3000
JONES       2975   800  2975   800  5000  2975       2975       5000

ENAME        SAL  MIN1  MAX1  MIN2  MAX2  MIN3       MAX3       MAX4
---------- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ---------- ----------
SCOTT       3000   800  3000   800  5000  3000       3000       5000
FORD        3000   800  3000   800  5000  3000       3000       5000
KING        5000   800  5000   800  5000  5000       5000       5000

14 rows selected.


