一个完整的USB系统由两部分构成,即usb主机(usb host)和usb设备(usb device)。usb主机通常是指我们的pc机、具有host controller的嵌入式设备;像u盘、usb鼠标、键盘属于usb设备,具有otg controller的usb设备,它即可工作在host模式又可以工作在device模式,模式之间通过HNP协议来进行转换,如我们平时比较常用的智能手机,当它连接到电脑上时,工作在device模式,电脑可以像u盘一样对手机里的存储空间进行操作,而当把SD卡或其它外设接到手机上时,手机就可以对SD卡等外设进行操作,这个时候它就工作在host模式。
由于USB系统由两部组成,所以usb驱动也由相应两部分组成。主机侧驱动主要由应用层驱动,用于管理hub和hcd的usb core层驱动,主机控制器驱动这三部分组成,应用层驱动主要是通过usb的基本数据通信结构urb对usb设备进行操作,这类驱动是针对某一个usb接口写的,所以也叫作usb 接口驱动,通常在主机端驱动人员要写的就是这类驱动。usb core驱动里包含一个守护进程,通常进程是休眠的,当usb port上产生变化,usb root hub监控到其端口上有设备插入或拔出,它就会去唤醒守护进程,然后运行usb设备的枚举,进而运行后面操作。主机控制器驱动里包含两部分,一部分是和usb接口标准相关的驱动,一部分是和控制器本身相关的,其中和接口标准相关的驱动占主要部分。主机控制器接口标准分三类:ohci,uhci和ehci,不同的生产产家有着不同的usb标准,一个usb控制器生产出来时就已经决定了其标准类型,像inter生产的通常是uhci标准的,而像本文中要用到的s3c6410是采用ohci标准的,不同标准的usb设备之间软件和硬件上分工不同,像uhci设备它在硬件逻辑上比较简单,而软件实现上比较复杂,而ohci在硬件实现上比较复杂,软件上比较简单。要完成一个usb控制器驱动无非是运用内核里各种usb 标准的API。
在usb设备侧,驱动由三层组成:Upper Layers,gadget drivers, device controller drivers, upper layers属于应用层,通过gadget drivers来使用和控制device controllers,gadget drivers使用gadget API,实现与具体硬件无关,device controller drivers提供gadget API,实现gadget ops和endpoint ops,具体的可参考<Linux-USB Gadget API Framework>.
不管是在主机侧还是设备侧,一个usb device它主要可由配置,接口,端口三部分表示,在主机侧它们分别由usb_host_config, usb_inferface,usb_host_endpoint表示,而设备侧由 usb_configuration,usb_function表示。配置,像我们现在的智能手机它可以用来拍照也可以用来当U盘,这两种就属于不同的配置,一个usb设备它可能包含多个配置,在使用某些功能前必需选择好相应的配置;一个配置由多个接口组成 ,一个接口表示一个功能,一个接口里可以包含多个接口设置,每个接口设置里包含与实现某一功能相关的端口,配置,接口和端口结构示意如图1所示。
图1 配置,接口和端口结构示意图
当一个usb设备插入到host端时,主机端的root hub通过轮训监控或中断方式来触发usb枚举,当usb设备通过枚举后,通过usb总线找到与其配置驱动,然后usb设备才能正常工作,这个枚举过程由主机和设备共同完成,对于没有运行操作系统的usb设备,生产产家已经把设备侧枚举所需过程固化在设备里,驱动工程师可不用去关心设备枚举,他们只需要完成usb 接口驱动程序。但对于有运行操作系统的usb设备就完全不一样了,驱动工程师不仅要实现usb设备功能驱动,还得实现与主机枚举过程相对应的驱动,如主机在对usb设备进行复位操作后,主机会发usb请求去设置usb设备的地址,相应的usb设备侧必须实现设备地址机制,并返回0长度usb请求,做为收到数据ACK,当主机要获取usb设备各种描述符或设置各种配置时,usb设备侧也要实现相应操作。本文主机为pc机,设备以samsung s3c6410 的otg controller为控制器,驱动为zero_driver,通过对zero_driver分析,尽量掌握gadget 驱动系统框架及设备侧枚举过程。
二. usb枚举过程分析
usb设备主要有6种状态:attached,powered,default,address,configured,suspend.当root hub监测到有设备插入时,将其设置为attached和powered态,然后复位hub port,将其设置成default,复位成功后设置usb设备地址,获取设备、配置描述符,最后选择并设置合适的usb配置。usb请求都是由usb主机发起的,usb设备只是被动响应主机的请求,不会主动向主机发送任何usb请求,以6410为控制器的设备枚举设备侧程序流程大致如图2,图3所示。
图2 以s3c6410为设备控制器的usb枚举过程设备侧程序流程1

图3 以s3c6410为设备控制器的usb枚举过程设备侧程序流程2
在响应host端的枚举过程前,device侧要先把device controller和gadget driver注册到系统中,否则device侧不会对host请求做出任务反映,这点在<usb gadget api for linux>里的3.1 driver life cycle讲得比较清楚,所以在讲枚举过程前要先分析device controller和gadget driver注册到系统过程,下面几个数据结构是device侧经常用到,在这里简单介绍一下:
struct usb_gadget_driver:用来存放gadget驱动;
struct usb_request:用来存放usb device侧usb请求数据;
struct usb_gadget:用来表示一个usb设备侧设备;
struct usb_gadget_ops:gadget API函数接口,和设备控制器相关;
struct usb_ep_ops:用于操作usb设备endpoint函数接口,和设备控制器相关。
struct usb_composite_driver:复合型设备驱动;
struct usb_composite_dev:复合型设备;
1. usb device controller注册
s3c6410 otg controller driver通过平台注册方式注册,当平台驱动和平台设备通过platform_match时,就会调用s3c_hsotg_probe.
- static int __devinit s3c_hsotg_probe(struct platform_device *pdev)
- {
- struct s3c_hsotg_plat *plat = pdev->dev.platform_data;
- struct device *dev = &pdev->dev;
- struct s3c_hsotg *hsotg;
- struct resource *res;
- int epnum;
- int ret;
- if (!plat)
- plat = &s3c_hsotg_default_pdata;
- hsotg = kzalloc(sizeof(struct s3c_hsotg) +
- sizeof(struct s3c_hsotg_ep) * S3C_HSOTG_EPS,
- if (!hsotg) {
- dev_err(dev, "cannot get memory\n");
- return -ENOMEM;
- }
- hsotg->dev = dev;
- hsotg->plat = plat;
- hsotg->clk = clk_get(&pdev->dev, "otg");
- if (IS_ERR(hsotg->clk)) {
- dev_err(dev, "cannot get otg clock\n");
- ret = PTR_ERR(hsotg->clk);
- goto err_mem;
- }
- platform_set_drvdata(pdev, hsotg);
- res = platform_get_resource(pdev, IORESOURCE_MEM, 0);
- if (!res) {
- dev_err(dev, "cannot find register resource 0\n");
- ret = -EINVAL;
- goto err_clk;
- }
- hsotg->regs_res = request_mem_region(res->start, resource_size(res),
- dev_name(dev));
- if (!hsotg->regs_res) {
- dev_err(dev, "cannot reserve registers\n");
- ret = -ENOENT;
- goto err_clk;
- }
- hsotg->regs = ioremap(res->start, resource_size(res));
- if (!hsotg->regs) {
- dev_err(dev, "cannot map registers\n");
- ret = -ENXIO;
- goto err_regs_res;
- }
- ret = platform_get_irq(pdev, 0);
- if (ret < 0) {
- dev_err(dev, "cannot find IRQ\n");
- goto err_regs;
- }
- hsotg->irq = ret;
- ret = request_irq(ret, s3c_hsotg_irq, 0, dev_name(dev), hsotg);
- if (ret < 0) {
- dev_err(dev, "cannot claim IRQ\n");
- goto err_regs;
- }
- dev_info(dev, "regs %p, irq %d\n", hsotg->regs, hsotg->irq);
- device_initialize(&hsotg->gadget.dev);
- dev_set_name(&hsotg->gadget.dev, "gadget");
- hsotg->gadget.is_dualspeed = 1;
- hsotg->gadget.ops = &s3c_hsotg_gadget_ops;
- hsotg->gadget.name = dev_name(dev);
- hsotg->gadget.dev.parent = dev;
- hsotg->gadget.dev.dma_mask = dev->dma_mask;
- /* setup endpoint information */
- INIT_LIST_HEAD(&hsotg->gadget.ep_list);
- hsotg->gadget.ep0 = &hsotg->eps[0].ep;
- /* allocate EP0 request */
- hsotg->ctrl_req = s3c_hsotg_ep_alloc_request(&hsotg->eps[0].ep,
- if (!hsotg->ctrl_req) {
- dev_err(dev, "failed to allocate ctrl req\n");
- goto err_regs;
- }
- /* reset the system */
- clk_enable(hsotg->clk);
- s3c_hsotg_gate(pdev, true);
- s3c_hsotg_otgreset(hsotg);
- s3c_hsotg_corereset(hsotg);
- s3c_hsotg_init(hsotg);
- /* initialise the endpoints now the core has been initialised */
- for (epnum = 0; epnum < S3C_HSOTG_EPS; epnum++)
- s3c_hsotg_initep(hsotg, &hsotg->eps[epnum], epnum);
- ret = usb_add_gadget_udc(&pdev->dev, &hsotg->gadget);
- if (ret)
- goto err_add_udc;
- s3c_hsotg_create_debug(hsotg);
- s3c_hsotg_dump(hsotg);
- our_hsotg = hsotg;
- return 0;
- err_add_udc:
- s3c_hsotg_gate(pdev, false);
- clk_disable(hsotg->clk);
- clk_put(hsotg->clk);
- err_regs:
- iounmap(hsotg->regs);
- err_regs_res:
- release_resource(hsotg->regs_res);
- kfree(hsotg->regs_res);
- err_clk:
- clk_put(hsotg->clk);
- err_mem:
- kfree(hsotg);
- return ret;
- }
第二部分69-108行,主要实现用gadget结构,各endpoint初始化,并为endpoint0申请用于接收host请求的usb request数据结构.
把gadget设备注册到系统中,系统中有一个udc_list,专门用于管理通过usb_add_gadget_udc注册到系统的struct usb_udc.
2.usb composite driver和gadget driver注册
根据usb协议5.3.2节定义"A device that has multiple interfaces controlled independently of each other is referred to as a composite device",如果一个usb设备由多个相互独立控制接口构成,则做复合型usb设备,具体可参考<http://www.cygnal.org/ubb/Forum9/HTML/001050.html>这里有对composite device进行比较详细说明。由于复合型设备由各个独立的接口组成,一个接口对应一个功能驱动,对于一个新的复合型设备,就没必要开发一个完整驱动,完全可以直接使用现有的接口驱动,所以复合型设备有利于usb设备驱动开发。
本文将以内核中比较简单的zero_driver来对composite框架进行分析,zero是用来测试主机控制器驱动的设备侧驱动,主机端一般用usb_test,usb_skeleton模块,zero模块包含两种配置,一个是回环传输,它有两个端口(endpoint),一个是in,一个是out,in用来接收host端数据,out用来将host收到的数据转发给host;另一个配置是source/sink传输,它也有两个端口sink和source,sink是用来接收来自 host端口数据,而source则用来发送数据给host,发数的数据要么全0或由算法得到。
- static struct usb_composite_driver zero_driver = {
- .name = "zero",
- .dev = &device_desc,
- .strings = dev_strings,
- .max_speed = USB_SPEED_SUPER,
- .unbind = zero_unbind,
- .suspend = zero_suspend,
- .resume = zero_resume,
- };
strings定义了struct usb_gadget_string结构数组,里而包含了生产产家,产品编号及序列号等信息。
- static int __init init(void)
- {
- return usb_composite_probe(&zero_driver, zero_bind);
- }
- module_init(init);
- static void __exit cleanup(void)
- {
- usb_composite_unregister(&zero_driver);
- }
- module_exit(cleanup);
usb_composite_probe接口定义如下,它有两个型参,一个是usb_composite_driver,一个是 composite驱动的回调函数,回调函数工作主要有:通过usb_add_config来添加usb配置,补全设备描述符,获取设备ID,具体后面用到时再分析,接下来先看usb_composite_probe函数。
- int usb_composite_probe(struct usb_composite_driver *driver,
- int (*bind)(struct usb_composite_dev *cdev))
- {
- if (!driver || !driver->dev || !bind || composite)
- return -EINVAL;
- if (!driver->name)
- driver->name = "composite";
- if (!driver->iProduct)
- driver->iProduct = driver->name;
- composite_driver.function = (char *) driver->name;
- composite_driver.driver.name = driver->name;
- composite_driver.speed = min((u8)composite_driver.speed,
- (u8)driver->max_speed);
- composite = driver;
- composite_gadget_bind = bind;
- return usb_gadget_probe_driver(&composite_driver, composite_bind);
- }
usb_composite_probe用来将usb_composite_driver注册到composite driver框架中,这里通过一个composite变量用来保存composite driver,composite_gadget_bind保存bind,并通过composite driver中的些变量来补全一个usb_gadget_driver composite_driver.之前简介里有提到过,gadget设备侧程序主要由gadget driver和device controller driver组成 ,这里这个composite_driver就是device controller driver上面的那与硬件无关的那一层,composite_driver定义如下:
- static struct usb_gadget_driver composite_driver = {
- .speed = USB_SPEED_SUPER,
- #else
- .speed = USB_SPEED_HIGH,
- #endif
- .unbind = composite_unbind,
- .setup = composite_setup,
- .disconnect = composite_disconnect,
- .suspend = composite_suspend,
- .resume = composite_resume,
- .driver = {
- .owner = THIS_MODULE,
- },
- };
composite_driver中的setup函数最为重要,简介中曾经说过,device controller driver用来完成和硬件相关的设备或回应,如设置usb设备地址,ACK应答之类机制。但像获取设备描述符,设置配置,设置接口等机制并没有实现,这些请求的处理机制就是在这个setup里完成的。
usb_gadget_driver由usb_gadget_probe_driver和usb_gadget_unregister_dirver完成。usb_gadget_probe_driver除了包含gadget driver外,还包括了gadget驱动中的回调函数composite_bind.
- int usb_gadget_probe_driver(struct usb_gadget_driver *driver,
- int (*bind)(struct usb_gadget *))
- {
- struct usb_udc *udc = NULL;
- int ret;
- if (!driver || !bind || !driver->setup)
- return -EINVAL;
- mutex_lock(&udc_lock);
- list_for_each_entry(udc, &udc_list, list) {
- /* For now we take the first one */
- if (!udc->driver)
- goto found;
- }
- pr_debug("couldn't find an available UDC\n");
- mutex_unlock(&udc_lock);
- return -ENODEV;
- found:
- dev_dbg(&udc->dev, "registering UDC driver [%s]\n",
- driver->function);
- udc->driver = driver;
- udc->dev.driver = &driver->driver;
- if (udc_is_newstyle(udc)) {
- ret = bind(udc->gadget);
- if (ret)
- goto err1;
- ret = usb_gadget_udc_start(udc->gadget, driver);
- if (ret) {
- driver->unbind(udc->gadget);
- goto err1;
- }
- usb_gadget_connect(udc->gadget);
- } else {
- ret = usb_gadget_start(udc->gadget, driver, bind);
- if (ret)
- goto err1;
- }
- kobject_uevent(&udc->dev.kobj, KOBJ_CHANGE);
- mutex_unlock(&udc_lock);
- return 0;
- err1:
- dev_err(&udc->dev, "failed to start %s: %d\n",
- udc->driver->function, ret);
- udc->driver = NULL;
- udc->dev.driver = NULL;
- mutex_unlock(&udc_lock);
- return ret;
- }
这前在讲device controller 注册时讲过,通过usb_add_gadget_udc注册device controller时,linux系统是通过一个struct usb_udc结构的udc_list列表中进行管理设备控制器的,struct usb_udc结构如下:
- struct usb_udc {
- struct usb_gadget_driver *driver;
- struct usb_gadget *gadget;
- struct device dev;
- struct list_head list;
- };
driver用于表示一个udc驱动,而 list就是用来加入到udc_list列表的入口变量。
usb_gadget_probe_driver中的11-15行,对udc_list 列表进行遍历,查看是否有udc控制器没有添加相对应的驱动,如果找不到说明系统中没有注册udc或每个udc都有相应的驱动。
28-44行通过判断usb device controller实现模式为选择运行程序,由于版本兼容原因,操作控制器硬件的ops里包含了新的和旧的操作接口。
- int (*udc_start)(struct usb_gadget *, struct usb_gadget_driver *);
- int (*udc_stop)(struct usb_gadget *, struct usb_gadget_driver *);
- /* Those two are deprecated */
- int (*start)(struct usb_gadget_driver *, int (*bind)(struct usb_gadget *));
- int (*stop)(struct usb_gadget_driver *);
其中,udc_start 和udc_stop为新版本操作接口 ,而start 和stop老版本操作接口。
usb_gadget_start函数将会以gadget_driver和composite_bind为参数调用usb device controller的ops中的start回调函数,在注册usb device controller时就定义了ops 的start回调函数为s3c_hsotg_start
- static int composite_bind(struct usb_gadget *gadget)
- {
- struct usb_composite_dev *cdev;
- int status = -ENOMEM;
- cdev = kzalloc(sizeof *cdev, GFP_KERNEL);
- if (!cdev)
- return status;
- spin_lock_init(&cdev->lock);
- cdev->gadget = gadget;
- set_gadget_data(gadget, cdev);
- INIT_LIST_HEAD(&cdev->configs);
- /* preallocate control response and buffer */
- cdev->req = usb_ep_alloc_request(gadget->ep0, GFP_KERNEL);
- if (!cdev->req)
- goto fail;
- cdev->req->buf = kmalloc(USB_BUFSIZ, GFP_KERNEL);
- if (!cdev->req->buf)
- goto fail;
- cdev->req->complete = composite_setup_complete;
- gadget->ep0->driver_data = cdev;
- cdev->bufsiz = USB_BUFSIZ;
- cdev->driver = composite;
- /*
- * As per USB compliance update, a device that is actively drawing
- * more than 100mA from USB must report itself as bus-powered in
- * the GetStatus(DEVICE) call.
- */
- usb_gadget_set_selfpowered(gadget);
- /* interface and string IDs start at zero via kzalloc.
- * we force endpoints to start unassigned; few controller
- * drivers will zero ep->driver_data.
- */
- usb_ep_autoconfig_reset(cdev->gadget);
- /* composite gadget needs to assign strings for whole device (like
- * serial number), register function drivers, potentially update
- * power state and consumption, etc
- */
- status = composite_gadget_bind(cdev);
- if (status < 0)
- goto fail;
- cdev->desc = *composite->dev;
- /* standardized runtime overrides for device ID data */
- if (idVendor)
- cdev->desc.idVendor = cpu_to_le16(idVendor);
- if (idProduct)
- cdev->desc.idProduct = cpu_to_le16(idProduct);
- if (bcdDevice)
- cdev->desc.bcdDevice = cpu_to_le16(bcdDevice);
- /* string overrides */
- if (iManufacturer || !cdev->desc.iManufacturer) {
- if (!iManufacturer && !composite->iManufacturer &&
- !*composite_manufacturer)
- snprintf(composite_manufacturer,
- sizeof composite_manufacturer,
- "%s %s with %s",
- init_utsname()->sysname,
- init_utsname()->release,
- gadget->name);
- cdev->manufacturer_override =
- override_id(cdev, &cdev->desc.iManufacturer);
- }
- if (iProduct || (!cdev->desc.iProduct && composite->iProduct))
- cdev->product_override =
- override_id(cdev, &cdev->desc.iProduct);
- if (iSerialNumber)
- cdev->serial_override =
- override_id(cdev, &cdev->desc.iSerialNumber);
- /* has userspace failed to provide a serial number? */
- if (composite->needs_serial && !cdev->desc.iSerialNumber)
- WARNING(cdev, "userspace failed to provide iSerialNumber\n");
- /* finish up */
- status = device_create_file(&gadget->dev, &dev_attr_suspended);
- if (status)
- goto fail;
- INFO(cdev, "%s ready\n", composite->name);
- return 0;
- fail:
- composite_unbind(gadget);
- return status;
- }
在将gadget driver和usb device controller联系在一起后,composite_bind将会生成一个composite dev数据结构,并对其进行初始化,然后申请用于回复endpoint0的控制端口的usb request资源,最后调用composite回调函数zero_bind用来为composite usb device 添加配置。
第6-8行为composite dev结构申请空间。
第10-13行初始化composite dev中自旋锁,对向列表头等。
第84-85行,如果设置在usb_composite_driver设置了need_serial项,则需要用户空间提供usb设备的serial id,如果没有提供则发出warn。
如果假设zero_bind运行正常,还有下面创建设备文件也正常,则 一个gadget设备准备工作都已经完成 ,gadget设备可以与host设备进行通信 。
- static int __init zero_bind(struct usb_composite_dev *cdev)
- {
- int gcnum;
- struct usb_gadget *gadget = cdev->gadget;
- int id;
- /* Allocate string descriptor numbers ... note that string
- * contents can be overridden by the composite_dev glue.
- */
- id = usb_string_id(cdev);
- if (id < 0)
- return id;
- strings_dev[STRING_MANUFACTURER_IDX].id = id;
- device_desc.iManufacturer = id;
- id = usb_string_id(cdev);
- if (id < 0)
- return id;
- strings_dev[STRING_PRODUCT_IDX].id = id;
- device_desc.iProduct = id;
- id = usb_string_id(cdev);
- if (id < 0)
- return id;
- strings_dev[STRING_SERIAL_IDX].id = id;
- device_desc.iSerialNumber = id;
- setup_timer(&autoresume_timer, zero_autoresume, (unsigned long) cdev);
- /* Register primary, then secondary configuration. Note that
- * SH3 only allows one config...
- */
- if (loopdefault) {
- loopback_add(cdev, autoresume != 0);
- sourcesink_add(cdev, autoresume != 0);
- } else {
- sourcesink_add(cdev, autoresume != 0);
- loopback_add(cdev, autoresume != 0);
- }
- gcnum = usb_gadget_controller_number(gadget);
- if (gcnum >= 0)
- device_desc.bcdDevice = cpu_to_le16(0x0200 + gcnum);
- else {
- /* gadget zero is so simple (for now, no altsettings) that
- * it SHOULD NOT have problems with bulk-capable hardware.
- * so just warn about unrcognized controllers -- don't panic.
- *
- * things like configuration and altsetting numbering
- * can need hardware-specific attention though.
- */
- pr_warning("%s: controller '%s' not recognized\n",
- longname, gadget->name);
- device_desc.bcdDevice = cpu_to_le16(0x9999);
- }
- INFO(cdev, "%s, version: " DRIVER_VERSION "\n", longname);
- snprintf(manufacturer, sizeof manufacturer, "%s %s with %s",
- init_utsname()->sysname, init_utsname()->release,
- gadget->name);
- return 0;
- }
10-14行,通过usb_string_id来为生产产家获取一个 ID,在usb_composite_dev中的next_string_id专门用来管理string ID,只要next_string_id小于254就可以合法获取string ID,获取到stringID后把它保存到usb设备描述符里的iManufacturer及复合设备结构中的strings里。
34-39行通过loopback_add和sourcesink_add添加usb配置,前面有提到过,loopback配置用来将从host 接收到的数据发送给host,而sourcesink配置则是在接收到host数据后,向host发送全0或算法生成的数据,两者只是在发送回给host的数据存在差别,这里只对其中的loopback进行分析, sourcesind_add就不深入研究了。
41-55行根据device controller类型来获取设备版本号,如果device controller没有匹配项,则将设备版本号设置成0X9999.
- int __init loopback_add(struct usb_composite_dev *cdev, bool autoresume)
- {
- int id;
- /* allocate string ID(s) */
- id = usb_string_id(cdev);
- if (id < 0)
- return id;
- strings_loopback[0].id = id;
- loopback_intf.iInterface = id;
- loopback_driver.iConfiguration = id;
- /* support autoresume for remote wakeup testing */
- if (autoresume)
- sourcesink_driver.bmAttributes |= USB_CONFIG_ATT_WAKEUP;
- /* support OTG systems */
- if (gadget_is_otg(cdev->gadget)) {
- loopback_driver.descriptors = otg_desc;
- loopback_driver.bmAttributes |= USB_CONFIG_ATT_WAKEUP;
- }
- return usb_add_config(cdev, &loopback_driver, loopback_bind_config);
- }
19-22行,如果支持otg功能,则还需要添加otg 描述符。
- static struct usb_configuration loopback_driver = {
- .label = "loopback",
- .strings = loopback_strings,
- .bConfigurationValue = 2,
- /* .iConfiguration = DYNAMIC */
- };
用usb_add_config添加配置时,需要三个参数,usb_composite_dev结构cdev, usb配置loopback_driver和配置的回调函数loopback_bind_config.
- int usb_add_config(struct usb_composite_dev *cdev,
- struct usb_configuration *config,
- int (*bind)(struct usb_configuration *))
- {
- int status = -EINVAL;
- struct usb_configuration *c;
- DBG(cdev, "adding config #%u '%s'/%p\n",
- config->bConfigurationValue,
- config->label, config);
- if (!config->bConfigurationValue || !bind)
- goto done;
- /* Prevent duplicate configuration identifiers */
- list_for_each_entry(c, &cdev->configs, list) {
- if (c->bConfigurationValue == config->bConfigurationValue) {
- status = -EBUSY;
- goto done;
- }
- }
- config->cdev = cdev;
- list_add_tail(&config->list, &cdev->configs);
- INIT_LIST_HEAD(&config->functions);
- config->next_interface_id = 0;
- status = bind(config);
- if (status < 0) {
- list_del(&config->list);
- config->cdev = NULL;
- } else {
- unsigned i;
- DBG(cdev, "cfg %d/%p speeds:%s%s%s\n",
- config->bConfigurationValue, config,
- config->superspeed ? " super" : "",
- config->highspeed ? " high" : "",
- config->fullspeed
- ? (gadget_is_dualspeed(cdev->gadget)
- ? " full"
- : " full/low")
- : "");
- for (i = 0; i < MAX_CONFIG_INTERFACES; i++) {
- struct usb_function *f = config->interface[i];
- if (!f)
- continue;
- DBG(cdev, " interface %d = %s/%p\n",
- i, f->name, f);
- }
- }
- /* set_alt(), or next bind(), sets up
- * ep->driver_data as needed.
- */
- usb_ep_autoconfig_reset(cdev->gadget);
- done:
- if (status)
- DBG(cdev, "added config '%s'/%u --> %d\n", config->label,
- config->bConfigurationValue, status);
- return status;
- }
- static int __init loopback_bind_config(struct usb_configuration *c)
- {
- struct f_loopback *loop;
- int status;
- loop = kzalloc(sizeof *loop, GFP_KERNEL);
- if (!loop)
- return -ENOMEM;
- loop->function.name = "loopback";
- loop->function.descriptors = fs_loopback_descs;
- loop->function.bind = loopback_bind;
- loop->function.unbind = loopback_unbind;
- loop->function.set_alt = loopback_set_alt;
- loop->function.disable = loopback_disable;
- status = usb_add_function(c, &loop->function);
- if (status)
- kfree(loop);
- return status;
- }
- int usb_add_function(struct usb_configuration *config,
- struct usb_function *function)
- {
- int value = -EINVAL;
- DBG(config->cdev, "adding '%s'/%p to config '%s'/%p\n",
- function->name, function,
- config->label, config);
- if (!function->set_alt || !function->disable)
- goto done;
- function->config = config;
- list_add_tail(&function->list, &config->functions);
- /* REVISIT *require* function->bind? */
- if (function->bind) {
- value = function->bind(config, function);
- if (value < 0) {
- list_del(&function->list);
- function->config = NULL;
- }
- } else
- value = 0;
- /* We allow configurations that don't work at both speeds.
- * If we run into a lowspeed Linux system, treat it the same
- * as full speed ... it's the function drivers that will need
- * to avoid bulk and ISO transfers.
- */
- if (!config->fullspeed && function->descriptors)
- config->fullspeed = true;
- if (!config->highspeed && function->hs_descriptors)
- config->highspeed = true;
- if (!config->superspeed && function->ss_descriptors)
- config->superspeed = true;
- done:
- if (value)
- DBG(config->cdev, "adding '%s'/%p --> %d\n",
- function->name, function, value);
- return value;
- }
- static int __init
- loopback_bind(struct usb_configuration *c, struct usb_function *f)
- {
- struct usb_composite_dev *cdev = c->cdev;
- struct f_loopback *loop = func_to_loop(f);
- int id;
- /* allocate interface ID(s) */
- id = usb_interface_id(c, f);
- if (id < 0)
- return id;
- loopback_intf.bInterfaceNumber = id;
- /* allocate endpoints */
- loop->in_ep = usb_ep_autoconfig(cdev->gadget, &fs_loop_source_desc);
- if (!loop->in_ep) {
- autoconf_fail:
- ERROR(cdev, "%s: can't autoconfigure on %s\n",
- f->name, cdev->gadget->name);
- return -ENODEV;
- }
- loop->in_ep->driver_data = cdev; /* claim */
- loop->out_ep = usb_ep_autoconfig(cdev->gadget, &fs_loop_sink_desc);
- if (!loop->out_ep)
- goto autoconf_fail;
- loop->out_ep->driver_data = cdev; /* claim */
- /* support high speed hardware */
- if (gadget_is_dualspeed(c->cdev->gadget)) {
- hs_loop_source_desc.bEndpointAddress =
- fs_loop_source_desc.bEndpointAddress;
- hs_loop_sink_desc.bEndpointAddress =
- fs_loop_sink_desc.bEndpointAddress;
- f->hs_descriptors = hs_loopback_descs;
- }
- /* support super speed hardware */
- if (gadget_is_superspeed(c->cdev->gadget)) {
- ss_loop_source_desc.bEndpointAddress =
- fs_loop_source_desc.bEndpointAddress;
- ss_loop_sink_desc.bEndpointAddress =
- fs_loop_sink_desc.bEndpointAddress;
- f->ss_descriptors = ss_loopback_descs;
- }
- DBG(cdev, "%s speed %s: IN/%s, OUT/%s\n",
- (gadget_is_superspeed(c->cdev->gadget) ? "super" :
- (gadget_is_dualspeed(c->cdev->gadget) ? "dual" : "full")),
- f->name, loop->in_ep->name, loop->out_ep->name);
- return 0;
- }
第16-23和25-28行,分别 调用usb_ep_autoconfig函数,从gadget的ep_list找到in和out端口;
在usb接口数据结构中有三个指针数组descriptors,hs_descriptors, ss_descriptors,它们分别用来存放三种不同速度的接口和端口描述符指针头,descriptors用来存放全速接口和端口描述符指针头,而hs_descriptors用来保存高速指针头,ss_descriptors则用来保存超速指针头。
- struct usb_ep *usb_ep_autoconfig(
- struct usb_gadget *gadget,
- struct usb_endpoint_descriptor *desc
- )
- {
- return usb_ep_autoconfig_ss(gadget, desc, NULL);
- }
- struct usb_ep *usb_ep_autoconfig_ss(
- struct usb_gadget *gadget,
- struct usb_endpoint_descriptor *desc,
- struct usb_ss_ep_comp_descriptor *ep_comp
- )
- {
- struct usb_ep *ep;
- u8 type;
- type = desc->bmAttributes & USB_ENDPOINT_XFERTYPE_MASK;
- /* First, apply chip-specific "best usage" knowledge.
- * This might make a good usb_gadget_ops hook ...
- */
- if (gadget_is_net2280 (gadget) && type == USB_ENDPOINT_XFER_INT) {
- /* ep-e, ep-f are PIO with only 64 byte fifos */
- ep = find_ep (gadget, "ep-e");
- if (ep && ep_matches(gadget, ep, desc, ep_comp))
- return ep;
- ep = find_ep (gadget, "ep-f");
- if (ep && ep_matches(gadget, ep, desc, ep_comp))
- return ep;
- } else if (gadget_is_goku (gadget)) {
- if (USB_ENDPOINT_XFER_INT == type) {
- /* single buffering is enough */
- ep = find_ep(gadget, "ep3-bulk");
- if (ep && ep_matches(gadget, ep, desc, ep_comp))
- return ep;
- } else if (USB_ENDPOINT_XFER_BULK == type
- && (USB_DIR_IN & desc->bEndpointAddress)) {
- /* DMA may be available */
- ep = find_ep(gadget, "ep2-bulk");
- if (ep && ep_matches(gadget, ep, desc,
- ep_comp))
- return ep;
- }
- } else if (gadget_is_musbhdrc(gadget)) {
- if ((USB_ENDPOINT_XFER_BULK == type) ||
- if (USB_DIR_IN & desc->bEndpointAddress)
- ep = find_ep (gadget, "ep5in");
- else
- ep = find_ep (gadget, "ep6out");
- } else if (USB_ENDPOINT_XFER_INT == type) {
- if (USB_DIR_IN & desc->bEndpointAddress)
- ep = find_ep(gadget, "ep1in");
- else
- ep = find_ep(gadget, "ep2out");
- } else
- ep = NULL;
- if (ep && ep_matches(gadget, ep, desc, ep_comp))
- return ep;
- #endif
- }
- /* Second, look at endpoints until an unclaimed one looks usable */
- list_for_each_entry (ep, &gadget->ep_list, ep_list) {
- if (ep_matches(gadget, ep, desc, ep_comp))
- return ep;
- }
- /* Fail */
- return NULL;
- }
usb_ep_autoconfig_ss函数有三个形参,分别是表示usb设备侧设备gadget,端口描述符desc和专门用于描述超高速端口特性(usb 3.0里才有)的ep_comp,它首先通过匹配设备控制器芯片和端口传输类型来选择端口,如没有找到则在gadget的ep_list列表中寻找ep,并通过ep_matches匹配,如果找到相匹配的endpoint就返回该端口,否则返回null。
- static int
- ep_matches (
- struct usb_gadget *gadget,
- struct usb_ep *ep,
- struct usb_endpoint_descriptor *desc,
- struct usb_ss_ep_comp_descriptor *ep_comp
- )
- {
- u8 type;
- const char *tmp;
- u16 max;
- int num_req_streams = 0;
- /* endpoint already claimed? */
- if (NULL != ep->driver_data)
- return 0;
- /* only support ep0 for portable CONTROL traffic */
- type = desc->bmAttributes & USB_ENDPOINT_XFERTYPE_MASK;
- return 0;
- /* some other naming convention */
- if ('e' != ep->name[0])
- return 0;
- /* type-restriction: "-iso", "-bulk", or "-int".
- * direction-restriction: "in", "out".
- */
- if ('-' != ep->name[2]) {
- tmp = strrchr (ep->name, '-');
- if (tmp) {
- switch (type) {
- /* bulk endpoints handle interrupt transfers,
- * except the toggle-quirky iso-synch kind
- */
- if ('s' == tmp[2]) // == "-iso"
- return 0;
- /* for now, avoid PXA "interrupt-in";
- * it's documented as never using DATA1.
- */
- if (gadget_is_pxa (gadget)
- && 'i' == tmp [1])
- return 0;
- break;
- if ('b' != tmp[1]) // != "-bulk"
- return 0;
- break;
- if ('s' != tmp[2]) // != "-iso"
- return 0;
- }
- } else {
- tmp = ep->name + strlen (ep->name);
- }
- /* direction-restriction: "..in-..", "out-.." */
- tmp--;
- if (!isdigit (*tmp)) {
- if (desc->bEndpointAddress & USB_DIR_IN) {
- if ('n' != *tmp)
- return 0;
- } else {
- if ('t' != *tmp)
- return 0;
- }
- }
- }
- /*
- * Get the number of required streams from the EP companion
- * descriptor and see if the EP matches it
- */
- if (usb_endpoint_xfer_bulk(desc)) {
- if (ep_comp) {
- num_req_streams = ep_comp->bmAttributes & 0x1f;
- if (num_req_streams > ep->max_streams)
- return 0;
- /* Update the ep_comp descriptor if needed */
- if (num_req_streams != ep->max_streams)
- ep_comp->bmAttributes = ep->max_streams;
- }
- }
- /*
- * If the protocol driver hasn't yet decided on wMaxPacketSize
- * and wants to know the maximum possible, provide the info.
- */
- if (desc->wMaxPacketSize == 0)
- desc->wMaxPacketSize = cpu_to_le16(ep->maxpacket);
- /* endpoint maxpacket size is an input parameter, except for bulk
- * where it's an output parameter representing the full speed limit.
- * the usb spec fixes high speed bulk maxpacket at 512 bytes.
- */
- max = 0x7ff & le16_to_cpu(desc->wMaxPacketSize);
- switch (type) {
- /* INT: limit 64 bytes full speed, 1024 high/super speed */
- if (!gadget->is_dualspeed && max > 64)
- return 0;
- /* ISO: limit 1023 bytes full speed, 1024 high/super speed */
- if (ep->maxpacket < max)
- return 0;
- if (!gadget->is_dualspeed && max > 1023)
- return 0;
- /* BOTH: "high bandwidth" works only at high speed */
- if ((desc->wMaxPacketSize & cpu_to_le16(3<<11))) {
- if (!gadget->is_dualspeed)
- return 0;
- /* configure your hardware with enough buffering!! */
- }
- break;
- }
- /* MATCH!! */
- /* report address */
- desc->bEndpointAddress &= USB_DIR_IN;
- if (isdigit (ep->name [2])) {
- u8 num = simple_strtoul (&ep->name [2], NULL, 10);
- desc->bEndpointAddress |= num;
- } else if (desc->bEndpointAddress & USB_DIR_IN) {
- if (++in_epnum > 15)
- return 0;
- desc->bEndpointAddress = USB_DIR_IN | in_epnum;
- #endif
- } else {
- if (++epnum > 15)
- return 0;
- desc->bEndpointAddress |= epnum;
- }
- /* report (variable) full speed bulk maxpacket */
- if ((USB_ENDPOINT_XFER_BULK == type) && !ep_comp) {
- int size = ep->maxpacket;
- /* min() doesn't work on bitfields with gcc-3.5 */
- if (size > 64)
- size = 64;
- desc->wMaxPacketSize = cpu_to_le16(size);
- }
- ep->address = desc->bEndpointAddress;
- return 1;
- }
ep_matches通过端口描述符的一些特性来和gadget ep_list进行比较,device controller在初始化endpoint时,会将endpoint的名字设置成好几种类型:
1.ep1, ep2, ... 地址确定,方向和类型不确定;
2. ep1in, ep2out, ...地址和方向确定,类型不确定;
3. ep1-bulk, ep2-bulk, ... 地址和类型确定,方向不确定;
4. ep1in-bulk, ep2out-iso, ... 地址,方向和类型都确定;
5. ep-* ... 没有任何限制;
运行到目前为止,device controller ,composite driver, gadget driver都已经成功注册到系统中,并完成了对复合设备配置,接口和端口添加和配置,表示usb设备准备完成 ,可以开始响应host 端的枚举请求。
3. 响应host枚举
a. 当hub检测到hub状态寄存器发生变化时,去唤醒hub的守护进程,去查看具体是那 一个port引起的;
b. 如果发现有设备插入,等待100ms使设备稳定后,root hub会向插入设备的port发送reset请求,reset成功后usb设备处于default状态;
c. 向新插入的设备发送设置地址请求,用来设置设备地址;
d. 获取usb设备的设备描述符;
f. 选择e获取的配置描述符,选择合适 的usb配置,对usb设备进行配置;
对于usb device 而言,它不会主动的去和host进行数据传输,它都是处于被动的位置,它只是对host请求做出响应,请求都是由host发起。
由图2可以看到usb设备侧对host的请求都是通过中断进行触发的, device controller中断是在控制器初始化过程中申请的,中断处理函数为s3c_hsotg_irq,对于host的请求都是从这个函数开始。
- static irqreturn_t s3c_hsotg_irq(int irq, void *pw)
- {
- struct s3c_hsotg *hsotg = pw;
- int retry_count = 8;
- u32 gintsts;
- u32 gintmsk;
- irq_retry:
- gintsts = readl(hsotg->regs + S3C_GINTSTS);
- gintmsk = readl(hsotg->regs + S3C_GINTMSK);
- dev_dbg(hsotg->dev, "%s: %08x %08x (%08x) retry %d\n",
- __func__, gintsts, gintsts & gintmsk, gintmsk, retry_count);
- gintsts &= gintmsk;
- if (gintsts & S3C_GINTSTS_OTGInt) {
- u32 otgint = readl(hsotg->regs + S3C_GOTGINT);
- dev_info(hsotg->dev, "OTGInt: %08x\n", otgint);
- writel(otgint, hsotg->regs + S3C_GOTGINT);
- }
- if (gintsts & S3C_GINTSTS_DisconnInt) {
- dev_dbg(hsotg->dev, "%s: DisconnInt\n", __func__);
- writel(S3C_GINTSTS_DisconnInt, hsotg->regs + S3C_GINTSTS);
- s3c_hsotg_disconnect_irq(hsotg);
- }
- if (gintsts & S3C_GINTSTS_SessReqInt) {
- dev_dbg(hsotg->dev, "%s: SessReqInt\n", __func__);
- writel(S3C_GINTSTS_SessReqInt, hsotg->regs + S3C_GINTSTS);
- }
- if (gintsts & S3C_GINTSTS_EnumDone) {
- writel(S3C_GINTSTS_EnumDone, hsotg->regs + S3C_GINTSTS);
- s3c_hsotg_irq_enumdone(hsotg);
- }
- if (gintsts & S3C_GINTSTS_ConIDStsChng) {
- dev_dbg(hsotg->dev, "ConIDStsChg (DSTS=0x%08x, GOTCTL=%08x)\n",
- readl(hsotg->regs + S3C_DSTS),
- readl(hsotg->regs + S3C_GOTGCTL));
- writel(S3C_GINTSTS_ConIDStsChng, hsotg->regs + S3C_GINTSTS);
- }
- if (gintsts & (S3C_GINTSTS_OEPInt | S3C_GINTSTS_IEPInt)) {
- u32 daint = readl(hsotg->regs + S3C_DAINT);
- u32 daint_out = daint >> S3C_DAINT_OutEP_SHIFT;
- u32 daint_in = daint & ~(daint_out << S3C_DAINT_OutEP_SHIFT);
- int ep;
- dev_dbg(hsotg->dev, "%s: daint=%08x\n", __func__, daint);
- for (ep = 0; ep < 15 && daint_out; ep++, daint_out >>= 1) {
- if (daint_out & 1)
- s3c_hsotg_epint(hsotg, ep, 0);
- }
- for (ep = 0; ep < 15 && daint_in; ep++, daint_in >>= 1) {
- if (daint_in & 1)
- s3c_hsotg_epint(hsotg, ep, 1);
- }
- }
- if (gintsts & S3C_GINTSTS_USBRst) {
- dev_info(hsotg->dev, "%s: USBRst\n", __func__);
- dev_dbg(hsotg->dev, "GNPTXSTS=%08x\n",
- readl(hsotg->regs + S3C_GNPTXSTS));
- writel(S3C_GINTSTS_USBRst, hsotg->regs + S3C_GINTSTS);
- kill_all_requests(hsotg, &hsotg->eps[0], -ECONNRESET, true);
- /* it seems after a reset we can end up with a situation
- * where the TXFIFO still has data in it... the docs
- * suggest resetting all the fifos, so use the init_fifo
- * code to relayout and flush the fifos.
- */
- s3c_hsotg_init_fifo(hsotg);
- s3c_hsotg_enqueue_setup(hsotg);
- }
- /* check both FIFOs */
- if (gintsts & S3C_GINTSTS_NPTxFEmp) {
- dev_dbg(hsotg->dev, "NPTxFEmp\n");
- /* Disable the interrupt to stop it happening again
- * unless one of these endpoint routines decides that
- * it needs re-enabling */
- s3c_hsotg_disable_gsint(hsotg, S3C_GINTSTS_NPTxFEmp);
- s3c_hsotg_irq_fifoempty(hsotg, false);
- }
- if (gintsts & S3C_GINTSTS_PTxFEmp) {
- dev_dbg(hsotg->dev, "PTxFEmp\n");
- /* See note in S3C_GINTSTS_NPTxFEmp */
- s3c_hsotg_disable_gsint(hsotg, S3C_GINTSTS_PTxFEmp);
- s3c_hsotg_irq_fifoempty(hsotg, true);
- }
- if (gintsts & S3C_GINTSTS_RxFLvl) {
- /* note, since GINTSTS_RxFLvl doubles as FIFO-not-empty,
- * we need to retry s3c_hsotg_handle_rx if this is still
- * set. */
- s3c_hsotg_handle_rx(hsotg);
- }
- if (gintsts & S3C_GINTSTS_ModeMis) {
- dev_warn(hsotg->dev, "warning, mode mismatch triggered\n");
- writel(S3C_GINTSTS_ModeMis, hsotg->regs + S3C_GINTSTS);
- }
- if (gintsts & S3C_GINTSTS_USBSusp) {
- dev_info(hsotg->dev, "S3C_GINTSTS_USBSusp\n");
- writel(S3C_GINTSTS_USBSusp, hsotg->regs + S3C_GINTSTS);
- call_gadget(hsotg, suspend);
- }
- if (gintsts & S3C_GINTSTS_WkUpInt) {
- dev_info(hsotg->dev, "S3C_GINTSTS_WkUpIn\n");
- writel(S3C_GINTSTS_WkUpInt, hsotg->regs + S3C_GINTSTS);
- call_gadget(hsotg, resume);
- }
- if (gintsts & S3C_GINTSTS_ErlySusp) {
- dev_dbg(hsotg->dev, "S3C_GINTSTS_ErlySusp\n");
- writel(S3C_GINTSTS_ErlySusp, hsotg->regs + S3C_GINTSTS);
- }
- /* these next two seem to crop-up occasionally causing the core
- * to shutdown the USB transfer, so try clearing them and logging
- * the occurrence. */
- if (gintsts & S3C_GINTSTS_GOUTNakEff) {
- dev_info(hsotg->dev, "GOUTNakEff triggered\n");
- writel(S3C_DCTL_CGOUTNak, hsotg->regs + S3C_DCTL);
- s3c_hsotg_dump(hsotg);
- }
- if (gintsts & S3C_GINTSTS_GINNakEff) {
- dev_info(hsotg->dev, "GINNakEff triggered\n");
- writel(S3C_DCTL_CGNPInNAK, hsotg->regs + S3C_DCTL);
- s3c_hsotg_dump(hsotg);
- }
- /* if we've had fifo events, we should try and go around the
- * loop again to see if there's any point in returning yet. */
- if (gintsts & IRQ_RETRY_MASK && --retry_count > 0)
- goto irq_retry;
- return IRQ_HANDLED;
- }
51-68行,产生了端口中断,先去设备端口中断寄存器里读取产生中断端口,设备端口中断寄存器是一个32位寄存器,高16位对应out的16个端口,bit16对应out endpoint0 ,bit31对应out endpoint 15,而低16位对应in的16个端口,bit0对应in endpoint 0,bit15对应in endpoint15. 在确定产生中断的端口后,调用s3c_hsotg_epint()分别对out和in中产生中断的各端口进行处理。
- static void s3c_hsotg_epint(struct s3c_hsotg *hsotg, unsigned int idx,
- int dir_in)
- {
- struct s3c_hsotg_ep *hs_ep = &hsotg->eps[idx];
- u32 epint_reg = dir_in ? DIEPINT(idx) : DOEPINT(idx);
- u32 epctl_reg = dir_in ? DIEPCTL(idx) : DOEPCTL(idx);
- u32 epsiz_reg = dir_in ? DIEPTSIZ(idx) : DOEPTSIZ(idx);
- u32 ints;
- ints = readl(hsotg->regs + epint_reg);
- /* Clear endpoint interrupts */
- writel(ints, hsotg->regs + epint_reg);
- dev_dbg(hsotg->dev, "%s: ep%d(%s) DxEPINT=0x%08x\n",
- __func__, idx, dir_in ? "in" : "out", ints);
- if (ints & DxEPINT_XferCompl) {
- dev_dbg(hsotg->dev,
- "%s: XferCompl: DxEPCTL=0x%08x, DxEPTSIZ=%08x\n",
- __func__, readl(hsotg->regs + epctl_reg),
- readl(hsotg->regs + epsiz_reg));
- /*
- * we get OutDone from the FIFO, so we only need to look
- * at completing IN requests here
- */
- if (dir_in) {
- s3c_hsotg_complete_in(hsotg, hs_ep);
- if (idx == 0 && !hs_ep->req)
- s3c_hsotg_enqueue_setup(hsotg);
- } else if (using_dma(hsotg)) {
- /*
- * We're using DMA, we need to fire an OutDone here
- * as we ignore the RXFIFO.
- */
- s3c_hsotg_handle_outdone(hsotg, idx, false);
- }
- }
- if (ints & DxEPINT_EPDisbld) {
- dev_dbg(hsotg->dev, "%s: EPDisbld\n", __func__);
- if (dir_in) {
- int epctl = readl(hsotg->regs + epctl_reg);
- s3c_hsotg_txfifo_flush(hsotg, idx);
- if ((epctl & DxEPCTL_Stall) &&
- (epctl & DxEPCTL_EPType_Bulk)) {
- int dctl = readl(hsotg->regs + DCTL);
- dctl |= DCTL_CGNPInNAK;
- writel(dctl, hsotg->regs + DCTL);
- }
- }
- }
- if (ints & DxEPINT_AHBErr)
- dev_dbg(hsotg->dev, "%s: AHBErr\n", __func__);
- if (ints & DxEPINT_Setup) { /* Setup or Timeout */
- dev_dbg(hsotg->dev, "%s: Setup/Timeout\n", __func__);
- if (using_dma(hsotg) && idx == 0) {
- /*
- * this is the notification we've received a
- * setup packet. In non-DMA mode we'd get this
- * from the RXFIFO, instead we need to process
- * the setup here.
- */
- if (dir_in)
- else
- s3c_hsotg_handle_outdone(hsotg, 0, true);
- }
- }
- if (ints & DxEPINT_Back2BackSetup)
- dev_dbg(hsotg->dev, "%s: B2BSetup/INEPNakEff\n", __func__);
- if (dir_in) {
- /* not sure if this is important, but we'll clear it anyway */
- if (ints & DIEPMSK_INTknTXFEmpMsk) {
- dev_dbg(hsotg->dev, "%s: ep%d: INTknTXFEmpMsk\n",
- __func__, idx);
- }
- /* this probably means something bad is happening */
- if (ints & DIEPMSK_INTknEPMisMsk) {
- dev_warn(hsotg->dev, "%s: ep%d: INTknEP\n",
- __func__, idx);
- }
- /* FIFO has space or is empty (see GAHBCFG) */
- if (hsotg->dedicated_fifos &&
- ints & DIEPMSK_TxFIFOEmpty) {
- dev_dbg(hsotg->dev, "%s: ep%d: TxFIFOEmpty\n",
- __func__, idx);
- if (!using_dma(hsotg))
- s3c_hsotg_trytx(hsotg, hs_ep);
- }
- }
- }
回到s3c_hsotg_irq 的112-118行,这里表示RXFIFO非空,有数据需要读取,通过s3c_hsotg_handle_rx去处理。
- static void s3c_hsotg_handle_rx(struct s3c_hsotg *hsotg)
- {
- u32 grxstsr = readl(hsotg->regs + S3C_GRXSTSP);
- u32 epnum, status, size;
- WARN_ON(using_dma(hsotg));
- epnum = grxstsr & S3C_GRXSTS_EPNum_MASK;
- status = grxstsr & S3C_GRXSTS_PktSts_MASK;
- size = grxstsr & S3C_GRXSTS_ByteCnt_MASK;
- size >>= S3C_GRXSTS_ByteCnt_SHIFT;
- if (1)
- dev_dbg(hsotg->dev, "%s: GRXSTSP=0x%08x (%d@%d)\n",
- __func__, grxstsr, size, epnum);
- #define __status(x) ((x) >> S3C_GRXSTS_PktSts_SHIFT)
- switch (status >> S3C_GRXSTS_PktSts_SHIFT) {
- case __status(S3C_GRXSTS_PktSts_GlobalOutNAK):
- dev_dbg(hsotg->dev, "GlobalOutNAK\n");
- break;
- case __status(S3C_GRXSTS_PktSts_OutDone):
- dev_dbg(hsotg->dev, "OutDone (Frame=0x%08x)\n",
- s3c_hsotg_read_frameno(hsotg));
- if (!using_dma(hsotg))
- s3c_hsotg_handle_outdone(hsotg, epnum, false);
- break;
- case __status(S3C_GRXSTS_PktSts_SetupDone):
- dev_dbg(hsotg->dev,
- "SetupDone (Frame=0x%08x, DOPEPCTL=0x%08x)\n",
- s3c_hsotg_read_frameno(hsotg),
- readl(hsotg->regs + S3C_DOEPCTL(0)));
- s3c_hsotg_handle_outdone(hsotg, epnum, true);
- break;
- case __status(S3C_GRXSTS_PktSts_OutRX):
- s3c_hsotg_rx_data(hsotg, epnum, size);
- break;
- case __status(S3C_GRXSTS_PktSts_SetupRX):
- dev_dbg(hsotg->dev,
- "SetupRX (Frame=0x%08x, DOPEPCTL=0x%08x)\n",
- s3c_hsotg_read_frameno(hsotg),
- readl(hsotg->regs + S3C_DOEPCTL(0)));
- s3c_hsotg_rx_data(hsotg, epnum, size);
- break;
- default:
- dev_warn(hsotg->dev, "%s: unknown status %08x\n",
- __func__, grxstsr);
- s3c_hsotg_dump(hsotg);
- break;
- }
- }
08-18行,用来确定产生中断的endpoint端口号和接收到数据长度及数据包状态,共有5种数据包状态:OUT NAK, 收到OUT数据包,OUT数据包传输完成(设备侧接收完成),SETUP包传输完成,收到SETUP数据包;
21-23行,out nak中断,表示接收者不能接收数据;
- static void s3c_hsotg_complete_request(struct s3c_hsotg *hsotg,
- struct s3c_hsotg_ep *hs_ep,
- struct s3c_hsotg_req *hs_req,
- int result)
- {
- bool restart;
- if (!hs_req) {
- dev_dbg(hsotg->dev, "%s: nothing to complete?\n", __func__);
- return;
- }
- dev_dbg(hsotg->dev, "complete: ep %p %s, req %p, %d => %p\n",
- hs_ep, hs_ep->ep.name, hs_req, result, hs_req->req.complete);
- /*
- * only replace the status if we've not already set an error
- * from a previous transaction
- */
- if (hs_req->req.status == -EINPROGRESS)
- hs_req->req.status = result;
- hs_ep->req = NULL;
- list_del_init(&hs_req->queue);
- if (using_dma(hsotg))
- s3c_hsotg_unmap_dma(hsotg, hs_ep, hs_req);
- /*
- * call the complete request with the locks off, just in case the
- * request tries to queue more work for this endpoint.
- */
- if (hs_req->req.complete) {
- spin_unlock(&hsotg->lock);
- hs_req->req.complete(&hs_ep->ep, &hs_req->req);
- spin_lock(&hsotg->lock);
- }
- /*
- * Look to see if there is anything else to do. Note, the completion
- * of the previous request may have caused a new request to be started
- * so be careful when doing this.
- */
- if (!hs_ep->req && result >= 0) {
- restart = !list_empty(&hs_ep->queue);
- if (restart) {
- hs_req = get_ep_head(hs_ep);
- s3c_hsotg_start_req(hsotg, hs_ep, hs_req, false);
- }
- }
- }
- static void s3c_hsotg_complete_setup(struct usb_ep *ep,
- struct usb_request *req)
- {
- struct s3c_hsotg_ep *hs_ep = our_ep(ep);
- struct s3c_hsotg *hsotg = hs_ep->parent;
- if (req->status < 0) {
- dev_dbg(hsotg->dev, "%s: failed %d\n", __func__, req->status);
- return;
- }
- if (req->actual == 0)
- s3c_hsotg_enqueue_setup(hsotg);
- else
- s3c_hsotg_process_control(hsotg, req->buf);
- }
- static void s3c_hsotg_process_control(struct s3c_hsotg *hsotg,
- struct usb_ctrlrequest *ctrl)
- {
- struct s3c_hsotg_ep *ep0 = &hsotg->eps[0];
- int ret = 0;
- u32 dcfg;
- ep0->sent_zlp = 0;
- dev_dbg(hsotg->dev, "ctrl Req=%02x, Type=%02x, V=%04x, L=%04x\n",
- ctrl->bRequest, ctrl->bRequestType,
- ctrl->wValue, ctrl->wLength);
- /*
- * record the direction of the request, for later use when enquing
- * packets onto EP0.
- */
- ep0->dir_in = (ctrl->bRequestType & USB_DIR_IN) ? 1 : 0;
- dev_dbg(hsotg->dev, "ctrl: dir_in=%d\n", ep0->dir_in);
- /*
- * if we've no data with this request, then the last part of the
- * transaction is going to implicitly be IN.
- */
- if (ctrl->wLength == 0)
- ep0->dir_in = 1;
- if ((ctrl->bRequestType & USB_TYPE_MASK) == USB_TYPE_STANDARD) {
- switch (ctrl->bRequest) {
- dcfg = readl(hsotg->regs + DCFG);
- dcfg &= ~DCFG_DevAddr_MASK;
- dcfg |= ctrl->wValue << DCFG_DevAddr_SHIFT;
- writel(dcfg, hsotg->regs + DCFG);
- dev_info(hsotg->dev, "new address %d\n", ctrl->wValue);
- ret = s3c_hsotg_send_reply(hsotg, ep0, NULL, 0);
- return;
- ret = s3c_hsotg_process_req_status(hsotg, ctrl);
- break;
- ret = s3c_hsotg_process_req_feature(hsotg, ctrl);
- break;
- }
- }
- /* as a fallback, try delivering it to the driver to deal with */
- if (ret == 0 && hsotg->driver) {
- ret = hsotg->driver->setup(&hsotg->gadget, ctrl);
- if (ret < 0)
- dev_dbg(hsotg->dev, "driver->setup() ret %d\n", ret);
- }
- /*
- * the request is either unhandlable, or is not formatted correctly
- * so respond with a STALL for the status stage to indicate failure.
- */
- if (ret < 0) {
- u32 reg;
- u32 ctrl;
- dev_dbg(hsotg->dev, "ep0 stall (dir=%d)\n", ep0->dir_in);
- reg = (ep0->dir_in) ? DIEPCTL0 : DOEPCTL0;
- /*
- * DxEPCTL_Stall will be cleared by EP once it has
- * taken effect, so no need to clear later.
- */
- ctrl = readl(hsotg->regs + reg);
- ctrl |= DxEPCTL_Stall;
- ctrl |= DxEPCTL_CNAK;
- writel(ctrl, hsotg->regs + reg);
- dev_dbg(hsotg->dev,
- "written DxEPCTL=0x%08x to %08x (DxEPCTL=0x%08x)\n",
- ctrl, reg, readl(hsotg->regs + reg));
- /*
- * don't believe we need to anything more to get the EP
- * to reply with a STALL packet
- */
- }
- }
s3c_hsotg_process_control实现了一些和低层usb device controller相关的操作,如枚举时的设置地址请求,就是从这里开始的。
55-59行,如果host发送了获取设备描述符,设置配置等和usb功能相关的请求,这些请求是和设备的功能相关,但和具体硬件无关,它一般在gadget driver里实现,这里会调用gadget driver 中的composite_setup函数,它实现了除和硬件相关之外的其它usb请求。
- static int
- composite_setup(struct usb_gadget *gadget, const struct usb_ctrlrequest *ctrl)
- {
- struct usb_composite_dev *cdev = get_gadget_data(gadget);
- struct usb_request *req = cdev->req;
- int value = -EOPNOTSUPP;
- int status = 0;
- u16 w_index = le16_to_cpu(ctrl->wIndex);
- u8 intf = w_index & 0xFF;
- u16 w_value = le16_to_cpu(ctrl->wValue);
- u16 w_length = le16_to_cpu(ctrl->wLength);
- struct usb_function *f = NULL;
- u8 endp;
- /* partial re-init of the response message; the function or the
- * gadget might need to intercept e.g. a control-OUT completion
- * when we delegate to it.
- */
- req->zero = 0;
- req->complete = composite_setup_complete;
- req->length = 0;
- gadget->ep0->driver_data = cdev;
- switch (ctrl->bRequest) {
- /* we handle all standard USB descriptors */
- if (ctrl->bRequestType != USB_DIR_IN)
- goto unknown;
- switch (w_value >> 8) {
- cdev->desc.bNumConfigurations =
- count_configs(cdev, USB_DT_DEVICE);
- cdev->desc.bMaxPacketSize0 =
- cdev->gadget->ep0->maxpacket;
- if (gadget_is_superspeed(gadget)) {
- if (gadget->speed >= USB_SPEED_SUPER) {
- cdev->desc.bcdUSB = cpu_to_le16(0x0300);
- cdev->desc.bMaxPacketSize0 = 9;
- } else {
- cdev->desc.bcdUSB = cpu_to_le16(0x0210);
- }
- }
- value = min(w_length, (u16) sizeof cdev->desc);
- memcpy(req->buf, &cdev->desc, value);
- break;
- if (!gadget_is_dualspeed(gadget) ||
- gadget->speed >= USB_SPEED_SUPER)
- break;
- device_qual(cdev);
- value = min_t(int, w_length,
- sizeof(struct usb_qualifier_descriptor));
- break;
- if (!gadget_is_dualspeed(gadget) ||
- gadget->speed >= USB_SPEED_SUPER)
- break;
- value = config_desc(cdev, w_value);
- if (value >= 0)
- value = min(w_length, (u16) value);
- break;
- value = get_string(cdev, req->buf,
- w_index, w_value & 0xff);
- if (value >= 0)
- value = min(w_length, (u16) value);
- break;
- case USB_DT_BOS:
- if (gadget_is_superspeed(gadget)) {
- value = bos_desc(cdev);
- value = min(w_length, (u16) value);
- }
- break;
- }
- break;
- /* any number of configs can work */
- if (ctrl->bRequestType != 0)
- goto unknown;
- if (gadget_is_otg(gadget)) {
- if (gadget->a_hnp_support)
- DBG(cdev, "HNP available\n");
- else if (gadget->a_alt_hnp_support)
- DBG(cdev, "HNP on another port\n");
- else
- VDBG(cdev, "HNP inactive\n");
- }
- spin_lock(&cdev->lock);
- value = set_config(cdev, ctrl, w_value);
- spin_unlock(&cdev->lock);
- break;
- if (ctrl->bRequestType != USB_DIR_IN)
- goto unknown;
- if (cdev->config)
- *(u8 *)req->buf = cdev->config->bConfigurationValue;
- else
- *(u8 *)req->buf = 0;
- value = min(w_length, (u16) 1);
- break;
- /* function drivers must handle get/set altsetting; if there's
- * no get() method, we know only altsetting zero works.
- */
- if (ctrl->bRequestType != USB_RECIP_INTERFACE)
- goto unknown;
- if (!cdev->config || intf >= MAX_CONFIG_INTERFACES)
- break;
- f = cdev->config->interface[intf];
- if (!f)
- break;
- if (w_value && !f->set_alt)
- break;
- value = f->set_alt(f, w_index, w_value);
- DBG(cdev,
- "%s: interface %d (%s) requested delayed status\n",
- __func__, intf, f->name);
- cdev->delayed_status++;
- DBG(cdev, "delayed_status count %d\n",
- cdev->delayed_status);
- }
- break;
- if (ctrl->bRequestType != (USB_DIR_IN|USB_RECIP_INTERFACE))
- goto unknown;
- if (!cdev->config || intf >= MAX_CONFIG_INTERFACES)
- break;
- f = cdev->config->interface[intf];
- if (!f)
- break;
- /* lots of interfaces only need altsetting zero... */
- value = f->get_alt ? f->get_alt(f, w_index) : 0;
- if (value < 0)
- break;
- *((u8 *)req->buf) = value;
- value = min(w_length, (u16) 1);
- break;
- /*
- * USB 3.0 additions:
- * Function driver should handle get_status request. If such cb
- * wasn't supplied we respond with default value = 0
- * Note: function driver should supply such cb only for the first
- * interface of the function
- */
- if (!gadget_is_superspeed(gadget))
- goto unknown;
- if (ctrl->bRequestType != (USB_DIR_IN | USB_RECIP_INTERFACE))
- goto unknown;
- value = 2; /* This is the length of the get_status reply */
- put_unaligned_le16(0, req->buf);
- if (!cdev->config || intf >= MAX_CONFIG_INTERFACES)
- break;
- f = cdev->config->interface[intf];
- if (!f)
- break;
- status = f->get_status ? f->get_status(f) : 0;
- if (status < 0)
- break;
- put_unaligned_le16(status & 0x0000ffff, req->buf);
- break;
- /*
- * Function drivers should handle SetFeature/ClearFeature
- * (FUNCTION_SUSPEND) request. function_suspend cb should be supplied
- * only for the first interface of the function
- */
- if (!gadget_is_superspeed(gadget))
- goto unknown;
- if (ctrl->bRequestType != (USB_DIR_OUT | USB_RECIP_INTERFACE))
- goto unknown;
- switch (w_value) {
- if (!cdev->config || intf >= MAX_CONFIG_INTERFACES)
- break;
- f = cdev->config->interface[intf];
- if (!f)
- break;
- value = 0;
- if (f->func_suspend)
- value = f-