I-Net Clear Report Engine

I-Net Clear Report Engine is an excellent tool which also can support standard HTML/CSS well. You can define rpt template by clear designer, and can create datasource to query result from database, pass parameter by java......

import java.io.FileOutputStream;

import com.inet.report.Datasource;
import com.inet.report.Engine;

 * @Class name:	IClearTest.java
 * Short description on the purpose of the program.
 * @author:		wangxiang
 * @modified:	2011-11-30

public class IClearTest {

	private static boolean useStdout=false;
    private static String reportFile = "file:D:/Report4.rpt";
	 * @param args
    static void usage () {
    	System.err.println("Usage: ProgrammingTheEngine [--use-stdout]");

     * Checks if parameter values has been set.
     * @param args first parameter is stdout, second parameter is report file URL
    static void getOpt (String[] args) {
		for (int i = 0; i< args.length; i++) {
		    if (args[i].equals("--use-stdout")) {
		    	useStdout = true;
		    	System.err.println("writing PDF file to stdout");
		    else if (args[i].equals("--report")) {
		    	reportFile = args[++i];
		    } else {
     * Executes a report and exports it to PDF.
     * @param args first parameter is stdout, second parameter is report file URL
    public static void main(String[] args) {

        try {
        	// Create an engine -> pdf export
            Engine engine = new Engine(Engine.EXPORT_PDF);

    	    // Set the report file

		    // At this point you can change the default values from the rpt file, e.g.:
            // Change Data Source Configuration - Use another database at runtime as at design time
            Datasource ds = engine.getDatabaseTables().getDatasource(0);    
            ds.setDataSourceConfigurationName( "ORCL" );  // name of the Data Source Configuration 
            ds.setUsername("userid");                  // that should be used for creation of database connection
            ds.setPassword("password");  // If the password is not saved in Data Source Configuration
            // Set Parameter Field values
            engine.setPrompt("htmlContent", "<table><tr><td>test</td></tr></table>");

            // Start the report execution

            // Open the output file and save the data in a .pdf file or in standard out
            java.io.OutputStream pdfFile;
            if(useStdout) {
                pdfFile = System.out; 
            } else {
                pdfFile = new FileOutputStream("D:/cleartest.pdf");

            // Request all report pages from the engine
			for(int i=1;i<=engine.getPageCount();i++) {
      	    if(useStdout) {
      	    } else {
        } catch (Throwable t ) { 

