gnuplot example of shell (many input files)

file name is


ls with-cpuload/*result-time > temp
sed -i "s/^/\"/g" temp
sed -i "s/$/\"\ with\ linespoints,/g" temp

FILES=`cat temp`
rm -fr temp
echo $FILES

FILE=`echo $FILES |sed 's/,$/;/g'`
echo "======================="
echo $FILE
echo "======================="

gnuplot -persist <<PLOT

#set xrange [0:115]
#set yrange [0:2.6]
#set xtics 0,10,115
#set ytics 0,0.2,2.6
#set grid xtics ytics

# In case for building the title of the figure and xy ... 
#set title "correlation of pressure differences"
set xlabel "Samples"
set ylabel "time(us)"

#In case for building the icon outside the figure...
#set key box outside

#In case for building an eps-file ...
set terminal postscript enhanced color solid eps 15
set output "gnu.eps"

#plot '$FILES' using 2:1 lt 1 pt 13 w p ti 'test'

plot $FILE 


#epstopdf gnu.eps

echo "Like it or hate it!"

你可能感兴趣的:(gnuplot example of shell (many input files))