hdu 3896 Greatest TC 判断从a到b是否必须经过某点或某边

Problem Description
TC (Tian Chao) is magical place, as you all know...
The railways and the rail-stations in TC are fragile and always meet with different kinds of problems. In order to reach the destination safely on time, you are asked to develop a system which has two types of main functions as below.
1: A B C D, reporting whether we can get from station A to station B without passing the railway that connects station C and station D.
2: A B C, reporting whether we can get from station A to station B without passing station C.
Please notice that the railways are UNDIRECTED.

For each test case, the first line will contain two integers N (2<=N<=100000) and M (1<=M<=500000), namely the number of stations and railways in TC. Then each of the next M lines will have two integers, describing the two stations that a certain railway is connecting. After this, there comes a line containing a single integer Q (Q<=300000), which means the number of queries to make on the system. The next Q lines will be queries. Each query begins with a integer, indicating the type of query, followed by 4 (the first type) or 3 (the second type) integers describing the details of the query as what mentioned above.
The stations are always labeled from 1 to N.

For each test case, print "yes" or "no" in separated lines for the queries.

Sample Input
13 15 1 2 2 3 3 5 2 4 4 6 2 6 1 4 1 7 7 8 7 9 7 10 8 11 8 12 9 12 12 13 5 1 5 13 1 2 1 6 2 1 4 1 13 6 7 8 2 13 6 7 2 13 6 8

Sample Output
yes yes yes no yes




1. a在g1的子树内,b也在g1的子树内,那么a、b可以到达。
2. a不在g1的子树内,b也不在g1的子树内,那么a、b可以到达。
3. 不妨假设a在g1的子树内,b不在g1的子树内,则判断low[g1]是否≤dfn[g2]。如果是的话,那么a、b可以到达。
4. 其他情况下不能到达。


1. 如果a,b都不在g1的子树内。则可行
2. 如果a,b有一个在g1的子树内(设为a),求出在a-g1路径上的倒数第二个点k,如果low[k] < dfn[g1]则可行
3. 如果a,b都在g1的子树内。求出在a-g1路径上的倒数第二个点k1,在b-g1路径上的倒数第二个点k2,判断是否两者的low都<dfn[g1]则可行
4. 其他情况下不能到达。

Dfn[a] >= dfn[g] 且 final[a] <= final[g]

#include <cstdio>
#include <cstring>
#include <cstdlib>
#define len1 100001
#define len2 1000001
#define min(x1,x2) ((x1)<(x2)?(x1):(x2))
#define swap(x1,x2) {int _t = x1 ; x1 = x2 ; x2 = _t;}

int dfn[len1] , low[len1] , final[len1] , hash[len1] , sm = 0 , timel = 0 , deep[len1] ;
int n , m , lim = 0 ;
int fa[20][len1] , ed[20] ;
struct edge
    int tot  ;
    int now[len1] , next[len2] , g[len2] ;

    void add( int st, int ed )
        g[tot] = ed ;
        next[tot] = now[st];
        now[st] = tot ;

void dfs( int x , int ff , int dep )
    ++timel ;
    dfn[x] = low[x] = timel ;
    hash[x] = sm ;
    deep[x] = dep ;

    for ( int i = e.now[x] ; i ; i = e.next[i] )
    if ( e.g[i] != ff )
        if ( hash[ e.g[i] ] != sm )
            dfs( e.g[i] , x , dep+1 );
            low[x] = min( low[x] , low[ e.g[i] ] );
            fa[1][ e.g[i] ] = x ;
            low[x] = min( low[x] , dfn[ e.g[i] ] );
    final[x] = ++timel ;
bool ini( int a , int b )
    if ( dfn[a] >= dfn[b] && final[a] <= final[b] )
        return true ;
    return false;
bool judge( int sc , int sv , int g1 , int g2 ) //  判断 sc , sv 在去掉g1-g2 后能否相连
    int fl = 0 ;

    if ( deep[g1] < deep[g2] )
    if ( ini( sc , g1 ) && ini( sv , g1 ) )
        fl = 1 ;
    else if ( !ini( sc , g1 ) && !ini( sv , g1 ) )
        fl = 1 ;
    else if ( low[g1] <= dfn[g2] )
        fl = 1 ;
    return fl ;
int move( int x , int step )
    int t = x , p = 1;
    if ( step < 0 )
        return -1 ;
    while ( step )
        if ( step & 1 )
            t = fa[p][t];
        step >>= 1 ;
    return t ;

int main()
    FILE *in , *out;
    int sc , sv , g1 , g2 , q , t , t1 , t2 ;
    int fl = 1 ;

    //in = fopen("input.txt","r");
    //out = fopen("2.out","w");

    ed[1] = 1 ;
    for ( int i = 2 ; ; ++i )
        ed[i] = (ed[i-1]<<1);
        lim = i ;
        if ( ed[i] >= n )
    for ( int i = 1 ; i <= m ; ++i )
        e.add( sc , sv );
        e.add( sv , sc );
    ++sm  ;
    dfs( 1 , 1 , 1 );
    for ( int i = 2 ; i <= lim ; ++i )
        for ( int j = 1 ; j <= n ; ++j )
            fa[i][j] = fa[i-1][ fa[i-1][j] ];

    for ( int i = 1 ; i <= q ; ++i )
        if ( i == 27 )
            i = 27 ;
        fl = 0 ;
        if ( t == 1 )
            fl = judge( sc , sv , g1 , g2 );
            if ( !ini( sc , g1 ) && !ini( sv , g1 ) )
                fl = 1 ;
            else if ( ini( sc , g1 )^ini( sv , g1 ) )
                if ( ini( sc , g1 ) )
                    t = move( sc , deep[sc] - deep[g1] - 1 );
                    if ( low[t] < dfn[g1] )
                        fl = 1 ;
                    t = move( sv , deep[sv] - deep[g1] - 1 );
                    if ( low[t] < dfn[g1] )
                        fl = 1 ;
                t1 = move( sc , deep[sc] - deep[g1] - 1 );
                t2 = move( sv , deep[sv] - deep[g1] - 1 );
                if ( t1 == t2 )
                    fl = 1 ;
                    if ( low[t1] < dfn[g1] && low[t2] < dfn[g1] )
                        fl = 1;
        if ( fl )

    return 0;

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