

Dear customer 

Ok, you can try solution 00024639 , may be it's related with mipi ulps mode . 



Dear customer 

make "target_cont_splash_screen" function in lk return 0 . 

change cont_splash_enabled to 0 in mdp_pdata structure @ board file . 


Dear customer 

please disable continue splash display . 


Dear customer 

Change USE_OPENGL_RENDERER to false . 
And change composition to mdp : 
adb shell setprop debug.composition.type mdp 
adb shell stop 
adb shell start 

And use follow method to get mdp and gpu clk : 

adb shell mount –t debugfs none /sys/kernel/debug 
adb shell cat /sys/kernel/debug/clk/grp_3d_clk/rate ( grp_3d_p_clk ) 
adb shell cat /sys/kernel/debug/clk/mdp_clk/rate 

'rate' is the clock value as requested by the software. 'rate' should be a stable value when in suspend state. please get it, and we can compare with sample phone. 


Dear customer 
I am not meaning to get the value of kgsl-3d0 interrupts count once, but check its value regularly (ex, 1 time every second) when enter sleep. 

If its value dose not increase during sleep, then we are sure the 3d application is turely sleeping. 



Through your two log, my analysis result as: 
1.From dmesg_3.txt, it looks there is a modem task will wake up the cpu. 
2.From dmesg_4.txt, it looks GRP_3D_P_CLK is not close.I doubt there is a 3d application works and don't sleep. 
My suggestions as: 
First, you'd better submit a case to display team to check "GRP_3D_P_CLK is not close" and confirm the phone can sleep in the fight mode. 

dmesg_3.txt 是在普通模式下的log 

dmesg_4.txt 是在飞行模式下的log


Dear customer: 
Please confirm your phone works in the flight mode. 


Dear customer: 
It looks GRP_3D_P_CLK is not close.It is a 3D graphical's clock. 
Please check wether or not there is a 3d application work and it don't sleep. 

dear customer: 

echo 1 >/sys/module/pm2/parameters/debug_mask 

To enable wakeup IRQ's debug mask 
echo 1 > /sys/module/msm_show_resume_irq/parameters/debug_mask 



Dear customer: 
Through the call, I know your question is how to follow "task smdcntl0 keep the lock", but before that please do a test as: 
Please modify the code in the clock_debug_print_enabled() from $(AP)/kernel/arch/arm/mach-msm/clock-debug.c as the following way. 
change "// pr_info("\t%s\n", clk->dbg_name);" to "pr_info("\t%s\n", clk->dbg_name);" 
Then re-build boot.img by "make bootimage" and upload 

dear customer: 

<6>[ 1812.919621] [(1980-01-06 01:37:46.110281703 UTC)] [cpuid: 0] Enabled clock count: 18 
<6>[ 1812.919859] [(1980-01-06 01:37:46.110523370 UTC)] [cpuid: 0] wakeup wake lock: smdcntl0 

task smdcntl0 持锁,请检查这个任务。 


附件是我打的dmesg的log,adb shell里面不能使用grep,不好意思。您将就着看。

Please do the following test: 
在执行suspend动作之前先 echo 1> /data/debug/clk/debug_suspend,之后拔下USB,等系统睡眠后再联上usb,通过 adb shell dmesg | grep 'Enabled clock' 看看clk的情况。 

The following info is an example normal sleep log in the 7x27A platform and you can give me your log. 

<6>[ 234.097167] AHB_M_CLK 
<6>[ 528.405976] AHB_S_CLK <6>[ 234.097167] AHB_S_CLK 
<6>[ 528.405976] CSI0_CLK <6>[ 234.097167] CSI0_CLK 
<6>[ 528.405976] CSI1_CLK <6>[ 234.097167] CSI1_CLK 
<6>[ 528.405976] dsi_esc_clk <6>[ 234.097167] dsi_esc_clk 
<6>[ 528.405976] DSI_REF_CLK <6>[ 234.097167] DSI_REF_CLK 
<6>[ 528.405976] EBI1_CLK <6>[ 234.097167] EBI1_CLK 
<6>[ 528.405976] EBI2_CLK <6>[ 234.097167] EBI2_CLK 
<6>[ 528.405976] MDP_DSI_P_CLK <6>[ 234.097167] MDP_DSI_P_CLK 
<6>[ 528.405976] PBUS_CLK <6>[ 234.097167] PBUS_CLK 
<6>[ 528.405976] PCM_CLK <6>[ 234.097167] PCM_CLK 
<6>[ 528.405976] SDC2_CLK <6>[ 234.097167] ebi_acpu_clk 
<6>[ 528.405976] SDC2_P_CLK <6>[ 234.097167] Enabled clock count: 12 


Dear customer: 
MODM: 20136317 SLEEP: MOD_ENTER_TCXO: 000013b9 00000000 00000000 //睡眠的时间很短,正常睡眠的机器,这个值会大很多,是:06ddcdb5 
MODM: 20141286 SLEEP: MOD_TCXO_END: 00000000 00000001 00000000 //唤醒的原因是timetick interrupt,就是说系统因为定时器到时而产生中断唤醒机 
Do you add some new clock in the modem? 

Dear customer: 
I'm sorry, there is no process temporarily.If there is some good news, I'll connect you at once. 


Dear customer: 
init.qcom.post_boot.sh is in the $(AP)/device/qcom/common/rootdir/etc/*.It looks it is in the system.img. 
You need exec "make systemimage" to build new system.img. 

Dear customer: 
The ThermalDaemon will detect the temperature of the cpu, if the temperature is too high the frequency of the cpu will be reduced. 
I think the detect speed is too high. You can test to stop it by cancelling "start thermald" in the init.qcom.post_boot.sh. 

E/ThermalDaemon( 887): Sensor 'MSM_THERM' - 21*C (21504) 


上传dump_sym 和 dump_voters

Dear customer: 
There is the new info. 
First, please do the following work before you get the smemlog and voters_log: 
1.adb shell insmod /system/lib/modules/sleep_monitor.ok; 
2.adb shell echo 3 > /sys/class/sleep_monitor/sleepm/control. 

Then, when you collect the smem log, please do "adb shell cat /mnt/debugfs/smem_log/dump_sym_cont > sleepdebug.txt" for a 2 mins after you have got the smemlog and voters_log. 

Last, upload smemlog, voters_log and sleepdebug.txt to me. 

Dear customer: 
We can know the bp is not sleep because there are something against sleep through 
"MODM: 30498218 SLEEP: NO_SLEEP_NEW: 00000000 00000000 00000001 
MODM: 30705106 SLEEP: NO_SLEEP_NEW: 00000000 00000000 00004005 
MODM: 30705803 SLEEP: NO_SLEEP_NEW: 00000000 00000000 00000001" in the rpm log. 
Please upload the smemlog and voters_log again as: 
"adb pull /data/debug/smem_log/dump_sym;adb pull /data/debug/smem_log/dump_voters". 

按照电话讲的,我将内核和share mem的log重新打了一下。

Sorry customer: 
I can't get more info from your smem log in the attachment.There is a way to get the more accurate log as the following info. 
1 先连接TRACE,用attach让手机跑起来。 
3. 起来后立刻break位,用下面方法将smem log导出来。 
(1). do smemlog.cmm脚本抓取smem log 
(2). 打开MS-DOS 
(3). 将MS-DOS 中CD 到xxxx\modem_proc\tools\debug目录 
(4). 在已生成.lst文件目录下执行 
smem_log.pl > smem.log 

补上上传的smem log。


Dear customer: 
You can know what's the smem log refer to "80-VR692-1_C_SMEM_Log_User_Guide". 

Dear customer: 
You can get share memory as the following info. 
#mkdir /data/debug 
#mount -t debugfs debugfs /data/debug 
The /data/debug/smem_log/dump_sym is the share memory log. 

dear customer: 


