packages/apps/Camera/src/com/android/camera/SoundClips.java publicSoundPoolPlayer(Context context) { mContext =context; mSoundPool= new SoundPool(NUM_SOUND_STREAMS, audioType, 0); mSoundIDs= new int[SOUND_RES.length]; mSoundIDReady = new boolean[SOUND_RES.length]; for (int i= 0; i < SOUND_RES.length; i++) { mSoundIDs[i] = mSoundPool.load(mContext, SOUND_RES[i], 1); mSoundIDReady[i] = false; } }
frameworks/base/media/java/android/media/SoundPool.java public SoundPool(int maxStreams, int streamType, int srcQuality) { if(native_setup(new WeakReference(this), maxStreams, streamType, srcQuality) !=0) { throw newRuntimeException("Native setup failed"); } frameworks/base/media/jni/soundpool/android_media_SoundPool.cpp static jint android_media_SoundPool_native_setup(JNIEnv *env, jobjectthiz, jobject weakRef, jint maxChannels, jint streamType, jint srcQuality) { ALOGV("android_media_SoundPool_native_setup"); SoundPool *ap = newSoundPool(maxChannels, (audio_stream_type_t) streamType, srcQuality);
frameworks/av/media/libmedia/SoundPool.cpp SoundPool::SoundPool(int maxChannels, audio_stream_type_tstreamType, int srcQuality) { // check limits mMaxChannels =maxChannels; if (mMaxChannels< 1) { mMaxChannels =1; } else if(mMaxChannels > 32) { mMaxChannels =32; } mChannelPool = newSoundChannel[mMaxChannels]; for (int i = 0; i< mMaxChannels; ++i) { mChannelPool[i].init(this); mChannels.push_back(&mChannelPool[i]); } // start decodethread startThreads(); }
void SoundChannel::init(SoundPool* soundPool) { mSoundPool =soundPool; }
bool SoundPool::startThreads() { createThreadEtc(beginThread, this, "SoundPool"); if (mDecodeThread== NULL) mDecodeThread= new SoundPoolThread(this); returnmDecodeThread != NULL; }
mSoundIDs= new int[SOUND_RES.length]; mSoundIDReady = new boolean[SOUND_RES.length]; for (int i= 0; i < SOUND_RES.length; i++) { mSoundIDs[i] =mSoundPool.load(mContext, SOUND_RES[i], 1); mSoundIDReady[i] = false; }
/** * Load the soundfrom the specified path. * * @param path thepath to the audio file * @param prioritythe priority of the sound. Currently has no effect. Use * a value of 1 for futurecompatibility. * @return a soundID. This value can be used to play or unload the sound. */ public intload(String path, int priority) { // passnetwork streams to player if(path.startsWith("http:")) return_load(path, priority); // try localpath int id = 0; try { File f =new File(path); ParcelFileDescriptor fd = ParcelFileDescriptor.open(f,ParcelFileDescriptor.MODE_READ_ONLY); if (fd !=null) { id =_load(fd.getFileDescriptor(), 0, f.length(), priority); fd.close(); } } catch(java.io.IOException e) { Log.e(TAG,"error loading " + path); } return id; } static int android_media_SoundPool_load_FD(JNIEnv *env, jobject thiz,jobject fileDescriptor, jlong offset,jlong length, jint priority) { ALOGV("android_media_SoundPool_load_FD"); SoundPool *ap =MusterSoundPool(env, thiz); if (ap == NULL)return 0; returnap->load(jniGetFDFromFileDescriptor(env, fileDescriptor), int64_t(offset), int64_t(length), int(priority)); }
int SoundPool::load(const char* path, int priority) { sp<Sample>sample = new Sample(++mNextSampleID, path); mSamples.add(sample->sampleID(), sample); doLoad(sample); returnsample->sampleID(); }
void SoundPool::doLoad(sp<Sample>& sample) { sample->startLoad(); mDecodeThread->loadSample(sample->sampleID()); } void startLoad() { mState = LOADING; } void SoundPoolThread::loadSample(int sampleID) { write(SoundPoolMsg(SoundPoolMsg::LOAD_SAMPLE, sampleID)); } void SoundPoolThread::write(SoundPoolMsg msg) { Mutex::Autolocklock(&mLock); while(mMsgQueue.size() >= maxMessages) { mCondition.wait(mLock); } // if thread isquitting, don't add to queue if (mRunning) { mMsgQueue.push(msg); mCondition.signal(); } } int SoundPoolThread::run() { ALOGV("run"); for (;;) { SoundPoolMsgmsg = read(); switch(msg.mMessageType) { caseSoundPoolMsg::LOAD_SAMPLE: doLoadSample(msg.mData); break; default: ALOGW("run: Unrecognized message %d\n", msg.mMessageType); break; } } }
void SoundPoolThread::doLoadSample(int sampleID) { sp <Sample>sample = mSoundPool->findSample(sampleID); status_t status =-1; if (sample != 0) { status = sample->doLoad(); } mSoundPool->notify(SoundPoolEvent(SoundPoolEvent::SAMPLE_LOADED,sampleID, status)); }
status_t Sample::doLoad() { ALOGV("Startdecode"); if (mUrl) { p =MediaPlayer::decode(mUrl, &sampleRate, &numChannels, &format); } else { p =MediaPlayer::decode(mFd, mOffset, mLength, &sampleRate, &numChannels,&format); ALOGV("close(%d)", mFd); ::close(mFd); mFd = -1; } if (p == 0) { ALOGE("Unable to load sample: %s", mUrl); return -1; } ALOGV("pointer = %p, size = %u, sampleRate = %u, numChannels =%d", p->pointer(), p->size(), sampleRate, numChannels); if (sampleRate> kMaxSampleRate) { ALOGE("Sample rate (%u) out of range", sampleRate); return - 1; } if ((numChannels< 1) || (numChannels > 2)) { ALOGE("Sample channel count (%d) out of range", numChannels); return - 1; } mData = p; mSize = p->size();
mSoundPool.play(mSoundIDs[index], 1f, 1f, 0, 0, 1f);
frameworks/base/media/java/android/media/SoundPool.java public native final int play(int soundID, float leftVolume,float rightVolume, intpriority, int loop, float rate); frameworks/base/media/jni/soundpool/android_media_SoundPool.cpp android_media_SoundPool_play(JNIEnv *env, jobject thiz, jintsampleID, jfloatleftVolume, jfloat rightVolume, jint priority, jint loop, jfloat rate) { SoundPool *ap =MusterSoundPool(env, thiz); return ap->play(sampleID,leftVolume, rightVolume, priority, loop, rate); frameworks/av/media/libmedia/SoundPool.cpp int SoundPool::play(int sampleID, float leftVolume, floatrightVolume, int priority,int loop, float rate) { // is sampleready? sample =findSample(sampleID); // allocate achannel channel =allocateChannel_l(priority); // no channelallocated - return 0 if (!channel) { ALOGV("Nochannel allocated"); return 0; } channelID =++mNextChannelID; channel->play(sample, channelID, leftVolume, rightVolume, priority,loop, rate); return channelID; }
SoundChannel* SoundPool::allocateChannel_l(int priority) { List<SoundChannel*>::iterator iter; SoundChannel* channel= NULL; // allocate achannel if(!mChannels.empty()) { iter =mChannels.begin(); if (priority>= (*iter)->priority()) { channel =*iter; mChannels.erase(iter); ALOGV("Allocated active channel"); } } // update priorityand put it back in the list if (channel) { channel->setPriority(priority); for (iter =mChannels.begin(); iter != mChannels.end(); ++iter) { if(priority < (*iter)->priority()) { break; } } mChannels.insert(iter, channel); } return channel; }
// call with sound pool lock held void SoundChannel::play(const sp<Sample>& sample,int nextChannelID, float leftVolume, floatrightVolume, int priority, int loop, float rate) { AudioTrack*oldTrack; AudioTrack*newTrack; status_t status; { // scope for thelock Mutex::Autolock lock(&mLock); // if not idle,this voice is being stolen if (mState !=IDLE) { ALOGV("channel %d stolen - event queued for channel %d",channelID(), nextChannelID); mNextEvent.set(sample, nextChannelID, leftVolume, rightVolume, priority,loop, rate); stop_l(); return; } intnumChannels = sample->numChannels(); // do notcreate a new audio track if current track is compatible with sample parameters #ifdef USE_SHARED_MEM_BUFFER newTrack = newAudioTrack(streamType, sampleRate, sample->format(), channels, sample->getIMemory(), AUDIO_OUTPUT_FLAG_NONE, callback,userData); #else newTrack = newAudioTrack(streamType, sampleRate, sample->format(), channels, frameCount,AUDIO_OUTPUT_FLAG_FAST, callback, userData, bufferFrames); #endif oldTrack =mAudioTrack; mAudioTrack->start(); } exit: ALOGV("deleteoldTrack %p", oldTrack); delete oldTrack; if (status !=NO_ERROR) { deletenewTrack; mAudioTrack =NULL; } }
// if not idle,this voice is being stolen if (mState !=IDLE) { ALOGV("channel %d stolen - event queued for channel %d",channelID(), nextChannelID); mNextEvent.set(sample, nextChannelID, leftVolume, rightVolume, priority,loop, rate); stop_l(); return; }
// call with lock held and sound pool lock held void SoundChannel::stop_l() { if (doStop_l()) { mSoundPool->done_l(this); } } // call with lock held bool SoundChannel::doStop_l() { if (mState !=IDLE) { setVolume_l(0,0); mAudioTrack->stop(); return true; } return false; }
void SoundPool::done_l(SoundChannel* channel) { ALOGV("done_l(%d)", channel->channelID()); // if"stolen", play next event if(channel->nextChannelID() != 0) { ALOGV("add to restart list"); addToRestartList(channel); }
int nextChannelID() { return mNextEvent.channelID(); }
void SoundPool::addToRestartList(SoundChannel* channel) { mRestart.push_back(channel); mCondition.signal(); }
int SoundPool::run() { while (!mQuit) { mCondition.wait(mRestartLock); while(!mRestart.empty()) { SoundChannel* channel; List<SoundChannel*>::iterator iter = mRestart.begin(); channel =*iter; mRestart.erase(iter); if (channel != 0) { Mutex::Autolock lock(&mLock); channel->nextEvent(); }
void SoundChannel::nextEvent() { nextChannelID= mNextEvent.channelID(); if(nextChannelID == 0) { ALOGV("stolen channel has noevent"); return; } sample =mNextEvent.sample(); play(sample,nextChannelID, leftVolume, rightVolume, priority, loop, rate); }