Maven Enforcer Plugin 定义一些必须遵守的配置

你如果想再maven中定义一些配置,这些配置需要整个团队遵守,比如定义maven版本,java版本,os配置,文件系统的配置,或者你想扩展的任何配置,那么就可以使用Maven Enforcer Plugin这个maven插件。


pom中引入Maven Enforcer Plugin插件。

    <!-- To define the plugin version in your parent POM -->
    <!-- To use the plugin goals in your POM or parent POM -->

在执行mvn clean package时会默认执行这个插件,如果只想运行这个插件可以直接mvn enforcer:display-info,mvn enforcer:enforce,mvn ,可以参考




如果为了提高执行速度,不想运行这个插件,则可以通过-Denforcer.skip=true或者简单的-Dskip=true就可以跳过这个这个插件的运行。如果mvn package过程中出现有关这个插件的异常,则可以简单通过这个参数跳过这个验证。




alwaysPass - Always passes... used to test plugin configuration.
alwaysFail - Always fail... used to test plugin configuration.
bannedDependencies - enforces that excluded dependencies aren't included.
bannedPlugins - enforces that excluded plugins aren't included.
dependencyConvergence - ensure all dependencies converge to the same version.
evaluateBeanshell - evaluates a beanshell script.
requireReleaseDeps - enforces that no snapshots are included as dependencies.
requireReleaseVersion - enforces that the artifact is not a snapshot.
requireMavenVersion - enforces the Maven version.
requireJavaVersion - enforces the JDK version.
requireOS - enforces the OS / CPU Archictecture.
requirePluginVersions - enforces that all plugins have a specified version.
requireProperty - enforces the existence and values of properties.
requireFilesDontExist - enforces that the list of files do not exist.
requireFilesExist - enforces that the list of files do exist.
requireFilesSize - enforces that the list of files exist and are within a certain size range.







