Use the thunderbird to send patch

Use the thunderbird to send patch

1.工具->邮件/新闻账户设置 选择“通讯录”去掉“以HTML格式编写消息”的选框
2.在C:\Documents and Settings\YourName\Application Data\Thunderbird \Profiles\hyr10g8d.default目录下生成user.js文件,文件内容如下
user_pref("mailnews.wraplength", 0);
user_pref("mailnews.send_plaintext_flowed", false);


cat /usr/lib64/thunderbird-3.1/defaults/profile/user.js
user_pref("mailnews.wraplength", 0);
user_pref("mailnews.send_plaintext_flowed", false);


--------------------------------------------------kernel doc--------------------------

Thunderbird (GUI)

Thunderbird is an Outlook clone that likes to mangle text, but there are ways

to coerce it into behaving.

- Allows use of an external editor:

  The easiest thing to do with Thunderbird and patches is to use an

  "external editor" extension and then just use your favorite $EDITOR

  for reading/merging patches into the body text.  To do this, download

  and install the extension, then add a button for it using

  View->Toolbars->Customize... and finally just click on it when in the

  Compose dialog.

To beat some sense out of the internal editor, do this:

- Edit your Thunderbird config settings so that it won't use format=flowed.

  Go to "edit->preferences->advanced->config editor" to bring up the

  thunderbird's registry editor, and set "mailnews.send_plaintext_flowed" to


- Disable HTML Format: Set "mail.identity.id1.compose_html" to "false".

- Enable "preformat" mode: Set "editor.quotesPreformatted" to "true".

- Enable UTF8: Set "prefs.converted-to-utf8" to "true".

- Install the "toggle wordwrap" extension.  Download the file from:

  Then go to "tools->add ons", select "install" at the bottom of the screen,

  and browse to where you saved the .xul file.  This adds an "Enable

  Wordwrap" entry under the Options menu of the message composer.

"external editor" extension Download address:
